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Table of Contents
Chairman’s Letter to Shareholders | 4 |
Portfolio Managers’ Comments | 5 |
Fund Leverage | 9 |
Common Share Information | 11 |
Risk Considerations | 13 |
Performance Overview and Holding Summaries | 14 |
Portfolios of Investments | 20 |
Statement of Assets and Liabilities | 120 |
Statement of Operations | 121 |
Statement of Changes in Net Assets | 122 |
Statement of Cash Flows | 123 |
Financial Highlights | 124 |
Notes to Financial Statements | 130 |
Additional Fund Information | 148 |
Glossary of Terms Used in this Report | 149 |
Reinvest Automatically, Easily and Conveniently | 151 |
Chairman’s Letter to Shareholders
Dear Shareholders,
Whether politics or the economy will prevail over the financial markets this year has been a much-analyzed question. After the U.S. presidential election, stocks rallied to new all-time highs, bonds tumbled, and business and consumer sentiment grew pointedly optimistic. But, to what extent the White House can translate rhetoric into stronger economic and corporate earnings growth remains to be seen. Stock prices have experienced upward momentum driven by positive economic news and earnings growth, inflation is ticking higher and interest rates are higher amid the Federal Reserve (Fed) rate hikes.
The Trump administration’s early policy decisions have caused the markets to reassess their outlooks, cooling the stock market rally and stabilizing bond prices. The White House’s pro-growth agenda of tax reform, infrastructure spending and deregulation remains on the table, but there is growing recognition that it may look different than Wall Street had initially expected. Additionally, Brexit negotiations in the U.K. face new uncertainties in light of the reshuffling of Parliament following the June snap election.
Nevertheless, there is a case for optimism. The jobs recovery, firming wages, the housing market and confidence measures are supportive of continued expansion in the economy. The Fed enacted a series of interest rate hikes in December 2016, March 2017 and June 2017, a vote of confidence that its employment and inflation targets are generally on track. Economies outside the U.S. have strengthened in recent months, possibly heralding the beginnings of a global synchronized recovery. Furthermore, the populist/nationalist undercurrent that helped deliver President Trump’s win and triggered the U.K.’s Brexit remained in the minority during both March’s Dutch general election and May’s French presidential election, easing the political uncertainty surrounding Germany’s elections later this year.
In the meantime, the markets will be focused on economic sentiment surveys along with “hard” data such as consumer and business spending to gauge the economy’s progress. With the Fed now firmly in tightening mode, rate moves that are more aggressive than expected could spook the markets and potentially stifle economic growth. On the political economic front, President Trump’s other signature platform plank, protectionism, is arguably anti-growth. We expect some churning in the markets as these issues sort themselves out.
Market volatility readings have been remarkably low of late, but conditions can change quickly. As market conditions evolve, Nuveen remains committed to rigorously assessing opportunities and risks. If you’re concerned about how resilient your investment portfolio might be, we encourage you to talk to your financial advisor. On behalf of the other members of the Nuveen Fund Board, we look forward to continuing to earn your trust in the months and years ahead.
William J. Schneider
Chairman of the Board
June 23, 2017
Portfolio Managers’ Comments
Nuveen Enhanced AMT-Free Credit Income Fund (NVG)
Nuveen Enhanced Municipal Credit Income Fund (NZF)
Nuveen Municipal High Income Opportunity Fund (NMZ)
These Funds feature portfolio management by Nuveen Asset Management, LLC, an affiliate of Nuveen, LLC. Portfolio managers John V. Miller, CFA, Paul L. Brennan, CFA, and Scott R. Romans, PhD discuss key investment strategies and the six-month performance of these three national Funds.
On March 14, 2017, the Nuveen Fund Board approved the primary benchmark for NMZ from the S&P Municipal High Yield Index to the S&P Municipal Yield Index. The primary benchmark was changed to better reflect the Fund’s mandate in conjunction with how the Fund is being managed.
What key strategies were used to manage these Funds during the six-month reporting period ended April 30, 2017?
The overall municipal bond market sold off sharply in the first two months of the reporting period following the unexpected U.S. presidential election outcome and concerns that the Trump administration’s tax, regulatory, health care and infrastructure policy might have a negative impact on the demand for, as well as the performance of, municipal bonds. However, as the new administration’s term began, the municipal bond market partially recovered the earlier losses, supported by the market pricing in more realistic expectations about reforms and a better understanding of the limited impact it would have on the municipal market. For the reporting period overall, interest rates rose and credit spreads widened, which were headwinds for municipal bond performance, offsetting a generally positive fundamental backdrop. During this time, we continued to take a bottom-up approach to discovering sectors that appeared undervalued as well as individual credits that we believed had the potential to perform well over the long term.
Our trading activity continued to focus on pursuing the Funds’ investment objectives. Generally speaking, throughout this reporting period, the Funds maintained their overall positioning strategies in terms of duration and yield curve positioning, credit quality exposures and sector allocations.
NVG and NZF slightly increased their exposures to BBB rated bonds over the reporting period, as we found attractive opportunities to add lower rated bonds across a number of sectors. Purchases in NVG included several tax-supported credits, including land-secured bonds and tax-backed bonds issued for New Jersey and the Chicago Board of Education Capital Improvement. We also bought charter school credits and tobacco securitization bonds for NVG. NZF added to positions across many of the same sectors as NVG, including credits issued for airports, hospitals, toll roads, land-secured (which are bonds secured by real estate values), charter schools, tobacco securitization, and Illinois and Illinois-related sectors. Additionally, the market conditions during the report-
Certain statements in this report are forward-looking statements. Discussions of specific investments are for illustration only and are not intended as recommendations of individual investments. The forward-looking statements and other views expressed herein are those of the portfolio managers as of the date of this report. Actual future results or occurrences may differ significantly from those anticipated in any forward-looking statements, and the views expressed herein are subject to change at any time, due to numerous market and other factors. The Funds disclaim any obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or views expressed herein. |
The ratings disclosed are the lowest rating given by one of the following national rating agencies: Standard & Poor’s (S&P), Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (Moody’s) or Fitch, Inc. (Fitch). Credit ratings are subject to change. AAA, AA, A and BBB are investment grade ratings, while BB, B, CCC, CC, C and D are below investment grade ratings. Certain bonds backed by U.S. Government or agency securities are regarded as having an implied rating equal to the rating of such securities. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by these national rating agencies.
Bond insurance guarantees only the payment of principal and interest on the bond when due, and not the value of the bonds themselves, which will fluctuate with the bond market and the financial success of the issuer and the insurer. Insurance relates specifically to the bonds in the portfolio and not to the share prices of a Fund. No representation is made as to the insurers’ ability to meet their commitments.
Refer to the Glossary of Terms Used in this Report for further definition of the terms used within this section.
Portfolio Managers’ Comments (continued) |
ing period provided attractive opportunities for tax loss swaps. This strategy involves selling lower coupon bonds that were bought when interest rates were lower and using the proceeds to buy similarly structured bonds with higher coupons, to capitalize on the tax loss (which can be used to offset future taxable gains) and boost the Funds’ income distribution capabilities. Outside of these one-for-one bond swaps, elevated call activity provided most of the proceeds for NVG’s and NZF’s buying activity.
NMZ also saw a significant amount of call activity in this reporting period, which we reinvested across many of the longstanding investment themes in the portfolio. We continued to emphasize California-based bonds and the education sector, with purchases in a California Baptist University issue and a Chicago Board of Education Capital Improvement bond (which was also bought by NVG and NZF, as mentioned earlier in this commentary). NMZ also continued to hold an overweight allocation to land-secured credits, adding positions in Boggy Creek Improvement District in Florida, Miami World Center in Florida and Temecula Community Facilities in California. While call proceeds funded nearly all of the purchases during this reporting period, we also reinvested the proceeds from selling a position in Westchester County Hospital in New York due to a deteriorating credit outlook.
As of April 30, 2017, the Funds continued to use inverse floating rate securities. We employ inverse floaters for a variety of reasons, including duration management and income and total return enhancement. As part of our duration management strategies, NVG continued to invest in forward interest rates swaps to help reduce price volatility risk due to movements in U.S. interest rates relative to the Fund’s benchmark. The interest rate swaps had a negligible impact on performance during this reporting period.
How did the Funds perform during the six-month reporting period ended April 30, 2017?
The tables in each Fund’s Performance Overview and Holding Summaries section of this report provide the Funds’ total returns for the six-month, one-year, five-year, ten-year and since inception periods ended April 30, 2017. Each Fund’s total returns at net asset value (NAV) are compared with the performance of a corresponding market index.
For the six months ended April 30, 2017, the total returns at NAV for all three of these Funds underperformed the return for the national S&P Municipal Bond Index. NVG and NZF trailed the return for the secondary benchmark (composed of 60% S&P Municipal Bond Investment Grade Index and 40% S&P Municipal Bond High Yield Index), and NMZ underperformed the return on the S&P Municipal Bond High Yield Index and the S&P Municipal Yield Index.
The main detractor from the Funds’ relative performance in this reporting period was duration and yield curve positioning. The Funds held longer durations than the benchmark indexes and heavier weightings in the longest duration segments (including meaningful exposure to zero coupon bonds in NVG and NZF), which were disadvantageous as the yield curve steepened and caused longer bonds to underperform shorter bonds.
The performance of NVG and NZF was also influenced by credit ratings allocations, sector positioning and security selection. The two Funds’ credit ratings allocations were beneficial to performance. NVG was aided by its allocations to single B rated bonds, primarily because of the outperformance of tobacco securitization bonds, although the Fund’s exposures to the single A and BBB rated categories detracted from performance. NZF had positive contributions to performance from its single B, BB and non-rated bonds. However, the two Funds’ sector positioning was unfavorable in this reporting period, with underperformance driven by some holdings in the public power sector. NVG and NZF had positions in South Carolina Public Service Authority/Santee Cooper bonds and Georgia Municipal Electric bonds, which suffered because of negative news concerning their nuclear power projects. However, the two Funds’ exposures to tobacco securitization and pre-refunded bonds, two of the best-performing sectors, added value. Tobacco securitization bonds were a standout performer in this reporting period as refunding activity reduced supply and created more favorable technical conditions for the sector, and the fundamental outlook for the sector improved after a report that cigarette
smoking rates have declined less than forecasted. The pre-refunded sector was boosted by its short maturity, high credit quality profile, as these characteristics were more resilient in the municipal bond market’s post-election sell-off. Additionally, the Funds’ selection in Puerto Rico bonds aided relative performance. Although Puerto Rico credits in general performed poorly in this reporting period, our selections, all of which were insured bonds, fared relatively well.
NMZ, which is primarily compared to the S&P Municipal Bond High Yield Index, was also hurt by its duration and yield curve positioning in this reporting period. However, positive contributions to performance came from bonds with a combination of greater credit sensitivity and less interest rate sensitivity. For example, the Chicago Board of Education Capital Improvement bonds (discussed in the strategy section of this commentary) outperformed in this reporting period due to stabilization in the school system’s financial and legal status and some movement on school funding reform at the state level. Bonds that traded more on their fundamentals than on market conditions also performed well, such as the All Aboard Florida (AAF) Project, a high speed rail system targeted to connect Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach. The credit offers a short duration and high coupon, which made it less subject to market fluctuations with an attractive source of income. Like NVG and NZF, tobacco securitization bonds were strong performers for NMZ. NMZ’s holdings in Golden State Tobacco Settlement and an Ohio Buckeye Tobacco Settlement issues contributed positively to performance. In addition, the use of regulatory leverage was an important factor affecting performance of the Funds. Leverage is discussed in more detail later in the Fund Leverage section of this report.
An Update Involving Puerto Rico
As noted in the Funds’ previous shareholder reports, we continue to monitor situations in the broader municipal market for any impact on the Funds’ holdings and performance: Puerto Rico’s ongoing debt restructuring is one such case. Puerto Rico began warning investors in 2014 the island’s debt burden might prove to be unsustainable and the Commonwealth pursued various strategies to deal with this burden.
In June 2016, President Obama signed the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA) into law. The legislation established an independent Financial Oversight and Management Board charged with restructuring Puerto Rico’s financial operations and encouraging economic development. In addition to creating an oversight board, PROMESA also provides a legal framework and court-supervised debt restructuring process that enables Puerto Rico to adjust its debt obligations. In March 2017, the oversight board certified a ten-year fiscal plan projecting revenues, expenditures and a primary fiscal surplus available for debt service over the plan horizon. The fiscal plan was considered quite detrimental to creditors, identifying available resources to pay only about 24% of debt service due over the ten year term. In May 2017 (subsequent to the close of this reporting period), the oversight board initiated a bankruptcy-like process for the general government, general obligation debt, the Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corporation (COFINA), the Highways and Transportation Authority (HTA), and the Employee Retirement System. Officials have indicated more public corporations could follow. As of June 2017 Puerto Rico has defaulted on many of its debt obligations, including General Obligation bonds.
In terms of Puerto Rico holdings, shareholders should note that, as of the end of this reporting period, NVG and NZF had limited exposure, which was either insured or investment grade, to Puerto Rico debt, 0.38% and 0.23%, respectively, and NMZ did not hold any Puerto Rico bonds. The Puerto Rico credits offered higher yields, added diversification and triple exemption (i.e., exemption from most federal, state and local taxes). Puerto Rico general obligation debt is currently in default and rated Caa3/D/D by Moody’s, S&P and Fitch, respectively, with negative outlooks.
Portfolio Managers’ Comments (continued)
A Note About Investment Valuations
The municipal securities held by the Funds are valued by the Funds’ pricing service using a range of market-based inputs and assumptions. A different municipal pricing service might incorporate different assumptions and inputs into its valuation methodology, potentially resulting in different values for the same securities. These differences could be significant, both as to such individual securities, and as to the value of a given Fund’s portfolio in its entirety. Thus, the current net asset value of a Fund’s shares may be impacted, higher or lower, if the Fund were to change its pricing service, or if its pricing service were to materially change its valuation methodology. On October 4, 2016, the Funds’ current municipal bond pricing service was acquired by the parent company of another pricing service. The two services have not yet combined their valuation organizations and process, but they announced in March 2017, that they anticipate doing so sometime in the ensuing several months. Such changes could have an impact on the net asset value of the Fund’s shares.
Fund Leverage
One important factor impacting the returns of the Funds relative to their comparative benchmarks was the Funds’ use of leverage through their issuance of preferred shares and/or investments in inverse floating rate securities, which represent leveraged investments in underlying bonds. The Funds use leverage because our research has shown that, over time, leveraging provides opportunities for additional income, particularly in the recent market environment where short-term market rates are at or near historical lows, meaning that the short-term rates the Fund has been paying on its leveraging instruments have been much lower than the interest the Fund has been earning on its portfolio of long-term bonds that it has bought with the proceeds of that leverage. However, use of leverage also can expose the Fund to additional price volatility. When a Fund uses leverage, the Fund will experience a greater increase in its net asset value if the municipal bonds acquired through the use of leverage increase in value, but it will also experience a correspondingly larger decline in its net asset value if the bonds acquired through leverage decline in value, which will make the Fund’s net asset value more volatile, and its total return performance more variable over time. In addition, income in levered funds will typically decrease in comparison to unlevered funds when short-term interest rates increase and increase when short-term interest rates decrease. Leverage had a negative impact on the performance of these Funds over this reporting period.
As of April 30, 2017, the Funds’ percentages of leverage are as shown in the accompanying table.
NVG | NZF | NMZ | ||
Effective Leverage* | 38.79% | 37.68% | 34.37% | |
Regulatory Leverage* | 34.02% | 35.47% | 10.11% |
* | Effective Leverage is a Fund’s effective economic leverage, and includes both regulatory leverage and the leverage effects of certain derivative and other investments in a Fund’s portfolio that increase the Fund’s investment exposure. Currently, the leverage effects of Tender Option Bond (TOB) inverse floater holdings are included in effective leverage values, in addition to any regulatory leverage. Regulatory leverage consists of preferred shares issued or borrowings of a Fund. Both of these are part of a Fund’s capital structure. A Fund, however, may from time to time borrow on a typically transient basis in connection with its day-to-day operations, primarily in connection with the need to settle portfolio trades. Such incidental borrowings are excluded from the calculation of a Fund’s effective leverage ratio. Regulatory leverage is subject to asset coverage limits set forth in the Investment Company Act of 1940. |
Fund Leverage (continued)
As of April 30, 2017, the Funds have issued and outstanding Institutional MuniFund Term Preferred (iMTP) Shares, Variable Rate MuniFund Term Preferred (VMTP) Shares and/or Variable Rate Demand Preferred (VRDP) Shares as shown in the accompanying table.
iMTP Shares | VMTP Shares | VRDP Shares | ||||||||||||||||||||
Fund | Series | Shares Issued at Liquidation Preference |
Series | Shares Issued at Liquidation Preference |
Series | Shares Issued at Liquidation Preference |
Total | |||||||||||||||
NVG | — | — | 2018 | $ | 240,400,000 | 1 | $ | 179,000,000 | ||||||||||||||
— | — | — | — | 2 | 385,400,000 | |||||||||||||||||
— | — | — | — | 4 | 180,000,000 | |||||||||||||||||
— | — | — | — | 5 | 340,500,000 | |||||||||||||||||
— | — | — | — | 6 | 326,700,000 | |||||||||||||||||
$ | — | $ | 240,400,000 | $ | 1,411,600,000 | $ | 1,652,000,000 | |||||||||||||||
NZF | 2017 | 150,000,000 | 2019 | 336,000,000 | 1 | 268,800,000 | ||||||||||||||||
— | — | — | — | 2 | 262,200,000 | |||||||||||||||||
— | — | — | — | 3 | 196,000,000 | |||||||||||||||||
$ | 150,000,000 | $ | 336,000,000 | $ | 727,000,000 | $ | 1,213,000,000 | |||||||||||||||
NMZ | — | $ | — | 2018 | $ | 87,000,000 | — | — | $ | 87,000,000 |
During the current reporting period, NVG refinanced all of its outstanding Series 3 VRDP Shares with the issuance of new Series 5 and Series 6 VRDP Shares.
Refer to Notes to Financial Statements, Note 4 — Fund Shares, Preferred Shares for further details on iMTP, VMTP and VRDP Shares and each Fund’s respective transactions.
Subsequent to the close of the current reporting period, NZF issued $150,000,000 Series A MuniFund Preferred (MFP) Shares at liquidation preference. The Fund used the net proceeds from the sale of MFP Shares to redeem all of its outstanding Series 2017 iMTP Shares.
Common Share Information
The following information regarding the Funds’ distributions is current as of April 30, 2017. Each Fund’s distribution levels may vary over time based on each Fund’s investment activity and portfolio investments value changes.
During the current reporting period, each Fund’s distributions to common shareholders were as shown in the accompanying table.
Per Common Share Amounts | ||||||||||
Monthly Distributions (Ex-Dividend Date) | NVG | NZF | NMZ | |||||||
November 2016 | $ | 0.0760 | $ | 0.0760 | $ | 0.0695 | ||||
December | 0.0725 | 0.0740 | 0.0675 | |||||||
January | 0.0725 | 0.0740 | 0.0675 | |||||||
February | 0.0725 | 0.0740 | 0.0675 | |||||||
March | 0.0725 | 0.0740 | 0.0675 | |||||||
April 2017 | 0.0725 | 0.0740 | 0.0675 | |||||||
Total Monthly Per Share Distributions | $ | 0.4385 | $ | 0.4460 | $ | 0.4070 | ||||
Ordinary Income Distribution* | $ | 0.0011 | $ | 0.0020 | $ | 0.0053 | ||||
Total Distributions from Net Investment Income | $ | 0.4396 | $ | 0.4480 | $ | 0.4123 | ||||
Total Distributions from Long-Term Capital Gains* | $ | 0.0292 | $ | 0.0018 | $ | — | ||||
Total Distributions | $ | 0.4688 | $ | 0.4498 | $ | 0.4123 | ||||
Yields | ||||||||||
Market Yield** | 5.87 | % | 6.04 | % | 6.13 | % | ||||
Taxable-Equivalent Yield** | 8.15 | % | 8.39 | % | 8.51 | % |
* | Distribution paid in December 2016. |
** | Market Yield is based on the Fund’s current annualized monthly dividend divided by the Fund’s current market price as of the end of the reporting period. Taxable-Equivalent Yield represents the yield that must be earned on a fully taxable investment in order to equal the yield of the Fund on an after-tax basis. It is based on a federal income tax rate of 28.0%. When comparing a Fund to investments that generate qualified dividend income, the Taxable-Equivalent Yield is lower. |
Each Fund in this report seeks to pay regular monthly dividends out of its net investment income at a rate that reflects its past and projected net income performance. To permit each Fund to maintain a more stable monthly dividend, the Fund may pay dividends at a rate that may be more or less than the amount of net income actually earned by the Fund during the period. If a Fund has cumulatively earned more than it has paid in dividends, it will hold the excess in reserve as undistributed net investment income (UNII) as part of the Fund’s net asset value. Conversely, if a Fund has cumulatively paid in dividends more than it has earned, the excess will constitute a negative UNII that will likewise be reflected in the Fund’s net asset value. Each Fund will, over time, pay all its net investment income as dividends to shareholders.
As of April 30, 2017, all the Funds had positive UNII balances, based upon our best estimate, for tax purposes and positive UNII balances for financial reporting purposes.
All monthly dividends paid by each Fund during the current reporting period were paid from net investment income. If a portion of the Fund’s monthly distributions was sourced from or comprised of elements other than net investment income, including capital gains and/or a return of capital, shareholders would have received a notice to that effect. For financial reporting purposes, the composition and per share amounts of each Fund’s dividends for the reporting period are presented in this report’s Statement of Changes in Net Assets and Financial Highlights, respectively. For income tax purposes, distribution information for each Fund as of its most recent tax year end is presented in Note 6 — Income Tax Information within the Notes to Financial Statements of this report.
Common Share Information (continued)
During the current reporting period, NMZ was authorized by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to issue additional common shares through an equity shelf program (Shelf Offering). Under this program, NMZ, subject to market conditions, may raise additional capital from time to time in varying amounts and offering methods at a net price at or above the Fund’s NAV per common share. Under the Shelf Offering, the Fund was authorized to issue additional common shares as shown in the accompanying table.
NMZ | ||
Additional authorized common shares | 13,200,000 |
During the current reporting period, NMZ sold common shares through its Shelf Offering at a weighted average premium to its NAV per common share as shown in the accompanying table.
NMZ | ||
Common shares sold through Shelf Offering | 1,473,161 | |
Weighted average premium to NAV per common share sold | 1.21 | % |
Refer to Notes to Financial Statements, Note 4 – Fund Shares, Common Shares Equity Shelf Programs and Offering Costs for further details of Shelf Offerings and the Fund’s transactions.
During August 2016, the Funds’ Board of Trustees reauthorized an open-market share repurchase program, allowing each Fund to repurchase an aggregate of up to approximately 10% of its outstanding shares.
As of April 30, 2017, and since the inception of the Funds’ repurchase programs, the Funds have cumulatively repurchased and retired their outstanding common shares as shown in the accompanying table.
NVG | NZF | NMZ | ||
Common shares cumulatively repurchased and retired | 202,500 | 47,500 | 0 | |
Common shares authorized for repurchase | 20,255,000 | 14,215,000 | 5,745,000 |
During the current reporting period, the Funds did not repurchase any of their outstanding common shares.
As of April 30, 2017, and during the current reporting period, the Funds’ common share prices were trading at a premium/(discount) to their common share NAVs as shown in the accompanying table.
NVG | NZF | NMZ | ||||||||||
Common share NAV | $ | 15.82 | $ | 15.53 | $ | 13.09 | ||||||
Common share price | $ | 14.83 | $ | 14.71 | $ | 13.22 | ||||||
Premium/(Discount) to NAV | (6.26 | )% | (5.28 | )% | 0.99 | % | ||||||
6-month average premium/(discount) to NAV | (7.31 | )% | (6.96 | )% | 0.45 | % |
Risk Considerations
Fund shares are not guaranteed or endorsed by any bank or other insured depository institution, and are not federally insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund (NVG)
Investing in closed-end funds involves risk; principal loss is possible. There is no guarantee the Fund’s investment objectives will be achieved. Closed-end fund shares may frequently trade at a discount or premium to their net asset value. Debt or fixed income securities such as those held by the Fund, are subject to market risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, derivatives risk, liquidity risk, and income risk. As interest rates rise, bond prices fall. Lower credit debt securities may be more likely to fail to make timely interest or principal payments. Leverage increases return volatility and magnifies the Fund’s potential return and its risks; there is no guarantee a fund’s leverage strategy will be successful. These and other risk considerations such as inverse floater risk and tax risk are described in more detail on the Fund’s web page at
Nuveen Municipal Credit Income Fund (NZF)
Investing in closed-end funds involves risk; principal loss is possible. There is no guarantee the Fund’s investment objectives will be achieved. Closed-end fund shares may frequently trade at a discount or premium to their net asset value. Debt or fixed income securities such as those held by the Fund, are subject to market risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, derivatives risk, liquidity risk, and income risk. As interest rates rise, bond prices fall. Lower credit debt securities may be more likely to fail to make timely interest or principal payments. Leverage increases return volatility and magnifies the Fund’s potential return and its risks; there is no guarantee a fund’s leverage strategy will be successful. These and other risk considerations such as inverse floater risk and tax risk are described in more detail on the Fund’s web page at
Nuveen Municipal High Income Opportunity Fund (NMZ)
Investing in closed-end funds involves risk; principal loss is possible. There is no guarantee the Fund’s investment objectives will be achieved. Closed-end fund shares may frequently trade at a discount or premium to their net asset value. Debt or fixed income securities such as those held by the Fund, are subject to market risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, derivatives risk, liquidity risk, and income risk. As interest rates rise, bond prices fall. Lower credit debt securities may be more likely to fail to make timely interest or principal payments. Leverage increases return volatility and magnifies the Fund’s potential return and its risks; there is no guarantee a fund’s leverage strategy will be successful. These and other risk considerations such as inverse floater risk and tax risk are described in more detail on the Fund’s web page at
NVG | |
Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund | |
Performance Overview and Holding Summaries as of April 30, 2017 |
Refer to the Glossary of Terms Used in this Report for further definition of the terms used within this section.
Average Annual Total Returns as of April 30, 2017
Cumulative | Average Annual | |||||
6-Month | 1-Year | 5-Year | 10-Year | |||
NVG at Common Share NAV | (2.02)% | (0.28)% | 5.56% | 5.90% | ||
NVG at Common Share Price | 1.77% | 1.80% | 5.58% | 5.75% | ||
S&P Municipal Bond Index | (0.41)% | 0.57% | 3.33% | 4.29% | ||
NVG Custom Blended Fund Performance Benchmark | (0.21)% | 2.42% | 3.74% | 4.50% |
Past performance is not predictive of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the data shown. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that shareholders may have to pay on Fund distributions or upon the sale of Fund shares. Returns at NAV are net of Fund expenses, and assume reinvestment of distributions. Comparative index return information is provided for the Fund’s shares at NAV only. Indexes are not available for direct investment.
This data relates to the securities held in the Fund’s portfolio of investments as of the end of the reporting period. It should not be construed as a measure of performance for the Fund itself. Holdings are subject to change.
The ratings disclosed are the lowest rating given by one of the following national rating agencies: Standard & Poor’s Group, Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. or Fitch, Inc. Credit ratings are subject to change. AAA, AA, A and BBB are investment grade ratings; BB, B, CCC, CC, C and D are below-investment grade ratings. Certain bonds backed by U.S. Government or agency securities are regarded as having an implied rating equal to the rating of such securities. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by these national rating agencies.
Fund Allocation | |
(% of net assets) | |
Long-Term Municipal Bonds | 156.2% |
Corporate Bonds | 0.0% |
Other Assets Less Liabilities | 2.0% |
Net Assets Plus Floating Rate Obligations, VMTP Shares, net of deferred offering costs & VRDP Shares, net of deferred offering costs | 158.2% |
Floating Rate Obligations | (6.8)% |
VMTP Shares, net of deferred offering costs | (7.5)% |
VRDP Shares, net of deferred offering costs | (43.9)% |
Net Assets | 100% |
Portfolio Credit Quality | |
(% of total investment exposure) | |
AAA/U.S. Guaranteed | 13.9% |
AA | 15.1% |
A | 27.5% |
BBB | 21.7% |
BB or Lower | 16.4% |
N/R (not rated) | 5.4% |
Total | 100% |
Portfolio Composition | |
(% of total investments) | |
Health Care | 19.8% |
Tax Obligation/Limited | 16.7% |
Transportation | 13.4% |
U.S. Guaranteed | 11.1% |
Education and Civic Organizations | 8.4% |
Tax Obligation/General | 8.3% |
Consumer Staples | 7.5% |
Utilities | 7.2% |
Other | 7.6% |
Total | 100% |
States and Territories | |
(% of total municipal bonds) | |
Illinois | 14.7% |
California | 12.3% |
Texas | 8.0% |
Ohio | 6.0% |
Colorado | 5.4% |
Jew Jersey | 4.9% |
Florida | 4.7% |
Pennsylvania | 4.0% |
New York | 3.6% |
Indiana | 2.7% |
Washington | 2.2% |
Arizona | 2.1% |
Iowa | 2.0% |
Georgia | 2.0% |
Michigan | 1.9% |
South Carolina | 1.8% |
Massachusetts | 1.8% |
Other | 19.9% |
Total | 100% |
NZF | |
Nuveen Municipal Credit Income Fund | |
Performance Overview and Holding Summaries as of April 30, 2017 |
Refer to the Glossary of Terms Used in this Report for further definition of the terms used within this section.
Average Annual Total Returns as of April 30, 2017
Cumulative | Average Annual | |||||
6-Month | 1-Year | 5-Year | 10-Year | |||
NZF at Common Share NAV | (2.11)% | (0.65)% | 5.47% | 6.07% | ||
NZF at Common Share Price | 2.41% | 1.92% | 4.99% | 5.62% | ||
S&P Municipal Bond Index | (0.41)% | 0.57% | 3.33% | 4.29% | ||
NZF Custom Blended Fund Performance Benchmark | (0.21)% | 2.42% | 3.74% | 4.50% |
Past performance is not predictive of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the data shown. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that shareholders may have to pay on Fund distributions or upon the sale of Fund shares. Returns at NAV are net of Fund expenses, and assume reinvestment of distributions. Comparative index return information is provided for the Fund’s shares at NAV only. Indexes are not available for direct investment.
This data relates to the securities held in the Fund’s portfolio of investments as of the end of the reporting period. It should not be construed as a measure of performance for the Fund itself. Holdings are subject to change.
The ratings disclosed are the lowest rating given by one of the following national rating agencies: Standard & Poor’s Group, Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. or Fitch, Inc. Credit ratings are subject to change. AAA, AA, A and BBB are investment grade ratings; BB, B, CCC, CC, C and D are below-investment grade ratings. Certain bonds backed by U.S. Government or agency securities are regarded as having an implied rating equal to the rating of such securities. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by these national rating agencies.
Fund Allocation | |
(% of net assets) | |
Long-Term Municipal Bonds | 154.5% |
Corporate Bonds | 0.0% |
Investment Companies | 0.2% |
Short-Term Municipal Bonds | 0.1% |
Other Assets Less Liabilities | 2.7% |
Net Assets Plus Floating Rate Obligations, iMTP Shares, net of deferred offering costs, VMTP Shares, net of deferred offering costs & VRDP Shares, net of deferred offering costs | 157.5% |
Floating Rate Obligations | (2.8)% |
iMTP Shares, net of deferred offering costs | (6.8)% |
VMTP Shares, net of deferred offering costs | (15.2)% |
VRDP Shares, net of deferred offering costs | (32.7)% |
Net Assets | 100% |
Portfolio Credit Quality | |
(% of total investment exposure) | |
AAA/U.S. Guaranteed | 11.9% |
AA | 13.1% |
A | 25.4% |
BBB | 22.9% |
BB or Lower | 18.7% |
N/R (not rated) | 7.9% |
N/A (not applicable) | 0.1% |
Total | 100% |
Portfolio Composition | |
(% of total investments) | |
Tax Obligation/Limited | 15.6% |
Transportation | 14.1% |
Health Care | 14.1% |
Tax Obligation/General | 13.5% |
U.S. Guaranteed | 10.9% |
Consumer Staples | 8.4% |
Utilities | 7.6% |
Other | 15.8% |
Total | 100% |
States and Territories | |
(% of total municipal bonds) | |
Illinois | 17.1% |
California | 13.3% |
Texas | 10.2% |
New York | 9.1% |
Ohio | 5.6% |
Colorado | 4.4% |
Florida | 3.6% |
Indiana | 3.4% |
Pennsylvania | 2.9% |
New Jersey | 2.8% |
Nevada | 2.7% |
Arizona | 2.1% |
Massachusetts | 2.0% |
Michigan | 1.9% |
Other | 18.9% |
Total | 100% |
NMZ | |
Nuveen Municipal High Income Opportunity Fund | |
Performance Overview and Holding Summaries as of April 30, 2017 |
Refer to the Glossary of Terms Used in this Report for further definition of the terms used within this section.
Average Annual Total Returns as of April 30, 2017
Cumulative | Average Annual | |||||
6-Month | 1-Year | 5-Year | 10-Year | |||
NMZ at Common Share NAV | (1.22)% | 0.41% | 7.47% | 5.82% | ||
NMZ at Common Share Price | 2.46% | (0.38)% | 7.20% | 4.47% | ||
S&P Municipal Yield Index | 0.11% | 3.95% | 5.55% | 4.68% | ||
S&P Municipal Bond High Yield Index | 0.15% | 5.89% | 6.22% | 4.79% | ||
S&P Municipal Bond Index | (0.41)% | 0.57% | 3.33% | 4.29% |
Past performance is not predictive of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the data shown. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that shareholders may have to pay on Fund distributions or upon the sale of Fund shares. Returns at NAV are net of Fund expenses, and assume reinvestment of distributions. Comparative index return information is provided for the Fund’s shares at NAV only. Indexes are not available for direct investment.
This data relates to the securities held in the Fund’s portfolio of investments as of the end of the reporting period. It should not be construed as a measure of performance for the Fund itself. Holdings are subject to change.
The ratings disclosed are the lowest rating given by one of the following national rating agencies: Standard & Poor’s Group, Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. or Fitch, Inc. Credit ratings are subject to change. AAA, AA, A and BBB are investment grade ratings; BB, B, CCC, CC, C and D are below-investment grade ratings. Certain bonds backed by U.S. Government or agency securities are regarded as having an implied rating equal to the rating of such securities. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by these national rating agencies.
Fund Allocation | |
(% of net assets) | |
Long-Term Municipal Bonds | 122.9% |
Common Stocks | 1.3% |
Corporate Bonds | 1.3% |
Short-Term Municipal Bonds | 0.4% |
Other Assets Less Liabilities | 5.3% |
Net Assets Plus Floating Rate Obligations & VMTP Shares, net of deferred offering costs | 131.2% |
Floating Rate Obligations | (20.0)% |
VMTP Shares, net of deferred offering costs | (11.2)% |
Net Assets | 100% |
Portfolio Credit Quality | |
(% of total investment exposure) | |
AAA/U.S. Guaranteed | 9.9% |
AA | 19.4% |
A | 14.2% |
BBB | 9.5% |
BB or Lower | 18.9% |
N/R (not rated) | 27.2% |
N/A (not applicable) | 0.9% |
Total | 100% |
Portfolio Composition | |
(% of total investments) | |
Tax Obligation/Limited | 25.0% |
Health Care | 13.7% |
Education and Civic Organizations | 11.9% |
U.S. Guaranteed | 7.5% |
Tax Obligation/General | 7.5% |
Consumer Staples | 7.2% |
Industrials | 5.9% |
Transportation | 5.7% |
Other | 15.6% |
Total | 100% |
States and Territories | |
(% of total municipal bonds) | |
California | 13.4% |
Florida | 12.6% |
Illinois | 11.2% |
New York | 8.9% |
Colorado | 7.4% |
Texas | 5.4% |
Ohio | 5.1% |
New Jersey | 3.2% |
Arizona | 3.2% |
Tennessee | 2.9% |
Louisiana | 2.7% |
Pennsylvania | 2.3% |
Indiana | 2.0% |
Other | 19.7% |
Total | 100% |
NVG | ||
Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund | ||
Portfolio of Investments | April 30, 2017 (Unaudited) |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS – 156.2% (100.0% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
MUNICIPAL BONDS – 156.2% (100.0% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
Alabama – 1.8% (1.2% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
$ | 3,645 | Alabama Private Colleges and University Facilities Authority, Limited Obligation Bonds, University of Mobile Project, Series 2015A, 6.000%, 9/01/45 | 9/25 at 100.00 | N/R | $ | 3,670,770 | |||
35,355 | Lower Alabama Gas District, Alabama, Gas Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2016A, 5.000%, 9/01/46 | No Opt. Call | A3 | 42,394,181 | |||||
8,100 | Mobile Spring Hill College Educational Building Authority, Alabama, Revenue Bonds, Spring Hill College Project, Series 2015, 5.875%, 4/15/45 | 4/25 at 100.00 | N/R | 8,115,066 | |||||
Opelika Utilities Board, Alabama, Utility Revenue Bonds, Series 2011B: | |||||||||
1,250 | 4.000%, 6/01/29 – AGM Insured | 6/21 at 100.00 | Aa3 | 1,297,325 | |||||
1,000 | 4.250%, 6/01/31 – AGM Insured | 6/21 at 100.00 | Aa3 | 1,042,290 | |||||
The Improvement District of the City of Mobile – McGowin Park Project, Alabama, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2016A: | |||||||||
1,000 | 5.250%, 8/01/30 | 8/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,024,170 | |||||
1,300 | 5.500%, 8/01/35 | 8/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,318,954 | |||||
51,650 | Total Alabama | 58,862,756 | |||||||
Alaska – 0.6% (0.4% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
Northern Tobacco Securitization Corporation, Alaska, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2006A: | |||||||||
7,010 | 5.000%, 6/01/32 | 7/17 at 100.00 | B3 | 6,818,557 | |||||
13,965 | 5.000%, 6/01/46 | 7/17 at 100.00 | B3 | 13,382,380 | |||||
20,975 | Total Alaska | 20,200,937 | |||||||
Arizona – 3.3% (2.1% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
4,230 | Apache County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Tucson Electric Power Company, Series 20102A, 4.500%, 3/01/30 | 3/22 at 100.00 | A– | 4,493,614 | |||||
1,485 | Arizona Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Scottsdale Lincoln Hospitals Project, Refunding Series 2014A, 4.000%, 12/01/39 | 12/24 at 100.00 | A2 | 1,519,155 | |||||
10,000 | Arizona Sports and Tourism Authority, Tax Revenue Bonds, Multipurpose Stadium Facility Project, Refunding Senior Series 2012A, 5.000%, 7/01/31 | 7/22 at 100.00 | A | 10,787,400 | |||||
3,000 | Arizona State, Certificates of Participation, Department of Administration Series 2010B, 5.000%, 10/01/29 – AGC Insured | 4/20 at 100.00 | Aa3 | 3,272,760 | |||||
Arizona State, Certificates of Participation, Series 2010A: | |||||||||
1,200 | 5.250%, 10/01/28 – AGM Insured | 10/19 at 100.00 | Aa3 | 1,309,308 | |||||
1,500 | 5.000%, 10/01/29 – AGM Insured | 10/19 at 100.00 | Aa3 | 1,625,850 | |||||
7,070 | Arizona State, State Lottery Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A, 5.000%, 7/01/29 – AGC Insured | 1/20 at 100.00 | A1 | 7,741,721 | |||||
3,390 | Cahava Springs Revitalization District, Cave Creek, Arizona, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017A, 7.000%, 7/01/41 | 7/27 at 100.00 | N/R | 3,430,104 | |||||
1,190 | Maricopa County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Health Facility Revenue Bonds, Catholic Healthcare West, Series 2007A, 5.250%, 7/01/32 (Pre-refunded 7/01/17) | 7/17 at 100.00 | A3 (4) | 1,199,080 | |||||
Mesa, Arizona, Utility System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2002: | |||||||||
630 | 5.250%, 7/01/17 – FGIC Insured (ETM) | No Opt. Call | AA– (4) | 634,920 | |||||
150 | 5.250%, 7/01/17 – FGIC Insured (ETM) | No Opt. Call | AA– (4) | 151,169 | |||||
220 | Mesa, Arizona, Utility System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2002, 5.250%, 7/01/17 – FGIC Insured | No Opt. Call | AA– | 221,701 | |||||
5,200 | Mesa, Arizona, Utility System Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 2016-XF2216, 12.529%, 7/01/31 (Pre-refunded 7/01/17) – AGM Insured (IF) | 7/17 at 100.00 | AA– (4) | 5,324,176 | |||||
2,750 | Mesa, Arizona, Utility System Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 2016-XF2217, 12.529%, 7/01/31 (Pre-refunded 7/01/17) – AGM Insured (IF) | 7/17 at 100.00 | AA– (4) | 2,815,670 |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Arizona (continued) | |||||||||
$ | 7,780 | Phoenix Civic Improvement Corporation, Arizona, Airport Revenue Bonds, Junior Lien Series 2010A, 5.000%, 7/01/40 | 7/20 at 100.00 | A+ | $ | 8,466,818 | |||
2,350 | Phoenix Civic Improvement Corporation, Arizona, Airport Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2008A, 5.000%, 7/01/33 | 7/18 at 100.00 | AA– | 2,448,771 | |||||
Phoenix Civic Improvement Corporation, Arizona, Revenue Bonds, Civic Plaza Expansion Project, Series 2005B: | |||||||||
6,000 | 5.500%, 7/01/37 – FGIC Insured | No Opt. Call | AA | 7,495,980 | |||||
8,755 | 5.500%, 7/01/39 – FGIC Insured | No Opt. Call | AA | 11,032,351 | |||||
Phoenix Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Facility Revenue Bonds, Basis Schools, Inc. Projects, Series 2016A: | |||||||||
620 | 5.000%, 7/01/35 | 7/25 at 100.00 | BB | 630,168 | |||||
1,025 | 5.000%, 7/01/46 | 7/25 at 100.00 | BB | 1,032,831 | |||||
2,065 | Phoenix Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Deer Valley Veterans Assisted Living Project, Series 2016A, 5.125%, 7/01/36 | 7/24 at 101.00 | N/R | 1,962,060 | |||||
Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Facility Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Edkey Charter Schools Project, Series 2013: | |||||||||
490 | 6.000%, 7/01/33 | 7/20 at 102.00 | BB | 443,524 | |||||
500 | 6.000%, 7/01/43 | 7/20 at 102.00 | BB | 427,830 | |||||
300 | 6.000%, 7/01/48 | 7/20 at 102.00 | BB | 252,741 | |||||
1,375 | Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Facility Revenue Bonds, Edkey Charter Schools Project, Series 2014A, 7.375%, 7/01/49 | 7/20 at 102.00 | BB | 1,357,455 | |||||
Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Facility Revenue Bonds, Edkey Charter Schools Project, Series 2016: | |||||||||
1,130 | 5.250%, 7/01/36 | 7/26 at 100.00 | BB | 994,321 | |||||
1,850 | 5.375%, 7/01/46 | 7/26 at 100.00 | BB | 1,589,872 | |||||
2,135 | 5.500%, 7/01/51 | 7/26 at 100.00 | BB | 1,830,357 | |||||
885 | Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Facility Revenue Bonds, San Tan Montessori School Project, Series 2016, 6.500%, 2/01/48 | 2/24 at 100.00 | N/R | 896,434 | |||||
105 | Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Revenue Bonds, Noah Webster Schools ? Pima Project, Series 2014A, 7.250%, 7/01/39 | 7/20 at 102.00 | BB | 103,512 | |||||
1,000 | Pima County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Revenue Bonds, Tucson Electric Power Company, Series 2010A, 5.250%, 10/01/40 | 10/20 at 100.00 | A– | 1,092,120 | |||||
Salt Verde Financial Corporation, Arizona, Senior Gas Revenue Bonds, Citigroup Energy Inc. Prepay Contract Obligations, Series 2007: | |||||||||
7,930 | 5.000%, 12/01/32 | No Opt. Call | BBB+ | 9,163,274 | |||||
5,215 | 5.000%, 12/01/37 | No Opt. Call | BBB+ | 6,111,250 | |||||
800 | The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Maricopa, Arizona, Education Revenue Bonds, Reid Traditional School Projects, Series 2016, 5.000%, 7/01/47 | 7/26 at 100.00 | Baa3 | 828,072 | |||||
2,000 | Yavapai County Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Yavapai Regional Medical Center, Series 2013A, 5.250%, 8/01/33 | 8/23 at 100.00 | Baa1 | 2,191,540 | |||||
96,325 | Total Arizona | 104,877,909 | |||||||
Arkansas – 0.2% (0.1% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
Arkansas Development Finance Authority, Tobacco Settlement Revenue Bonds, Arkansas Cancer Research Center Project, Series 2006: | |||||||||
2,500 | 0.000%, 7/01/36 – AMBAC Insured | No Opt. Call | Aa2 | 1,121,400 | |||||
20,460 | 0.000%, 7/01/46 – AMBAC Insured | No Opt. Call | Aa2 | 5,482,666 | |||||
22,960 | Total Arkansas | 6,604,066 | |||||||
California – 19.3% (12.3% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
45 | Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Subordinate Lien Series 2004A, 0.000%, 10/01/20 – AMBAC Insured | No Opt. Call | Baa2 | 42,156 | |||||
2,120 | Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Subordinate Lien Series 2004A, 0.000%, 10/01/20 – AMBAC Insured (ETM) | No Opt. Call | Aaa | 2,030,366 |
NVG | Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund | |
Portfolio of Investments (continued) | April 30, 2017 (Unaudited) |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
California (continued) | |||||||||
$ | 6,135 | Alhambra Unified School District, Los Angeles County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Capital Appreciation Series 2009B, 0.000%, 8/01/30 – AGC Insured | No Opt. Call | AA | $ | 3,938,179 | |||
12,550 | Anaheim Public Financing Authority, California, Lease Revenue Bonds, Public Improvement Project, Series 1997C, 0.000%, 9/01/35 – AGM Insured | No Opt. Call | A2 | 5,756,309 | |||||
4,100 | Antelope Valley Healthcare District, California, Revenue Bonds, Series 2016A, 5.000%, 3/01/41 | 3/26 at 100.00 | Ba3 | 3,947,726 | |||||
5,000 | Bay Area Toll Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge, Series 2013S-4, 5.000%, 4/01/38 | 4/23 at 100.00 | A1 | 5,634,450 | |||||
California County Tobacco Securitization Agency, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Los Angeles County Securitization Corporation, Series 2006A: | |||||||||
3,275 | 5.450%, 6/01/28 | 12/18 at 100.00 | B3 | 3,323,044 | |||||
2,975 | 5.650%, 6/01/41 | 12/18 at 100.00 | B2 | 3,028,223 | |||||
10,040 | California Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Stanford University, Series 2007, 5.000%, 3/15/39 (UB) (5) | No Opt. Call | AAA | 12,775,599 | |||||
25,085 | California Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Stanford University, Series 2014U-6, 5.000%, 5/01/45 (UB) (5) | No Opt. Call | AAA | 32,676,724 | |||||
13,465 | California Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Stanford University, Series 2016U-7, 5.000%, 6/01/46 (UB) (5) | No Opt. Call | AAA | 17,603,737 | |||||
20,000 | California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Kaiser Permanente System, Series 2017A-2, 4.000%, 11/01/44 (WI/DD, Settling 5/03/17) | 11/27 at 100.00 | A+ | 20,188,000 | |||||
10,000 | California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 8/15/51 | 8/22 at 100.00 | AA– | 11,003,200 | |||||
1,600 | California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Saint Joseph Health System, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 7/01/37 | 7/23 at 100.00 | AA– | 1,791,536 | |||||
6,665 | California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Stanford Hospitals and Clinics, Series 2015A, 5.000%, 8/15/54 (UB) (5) | 8/25 at 100.00 | AA– | 7,353,561 | |||||
California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Stanford Hospitals and Clinics, Tender Option Bond Trust 2016-XG0049: | |||||||||
1,650 | 8.498%, 8/15/51 (IF) (5) | 8/22 at 100.00 | AA– | 1,962,411 | |||||
4,075 | 8.498%, 8/15/51 (IF) (5) | 8/22 at 100.00 | AA– | 4,846,561 | |||||
1,555 | 8.492%, 8/15/51 (IF) (5) | 8/22 at 100.00 | AA– | 1,849,159 | |||||
5,000 | California Health Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sutter Health, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 8/15/52 | 8/23 at 100.00 | AA– | 5,417,300 | |||||
California Municipal Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Palmdale Aerospace Academy Project, Series 2016A: | |||||||||
3,065 | 5.000%, 7/01/31 | 7/26 at 100.00 | BB | 3,192,994 | |||||
1,000 | 5.000%, 7/01/36 | 7/26 at 100.00 | BB | 1,021,340 | |||||
555 | 5.000%, 7/01/41 | 7/26 at 100.00 | BB | 562,298 | |||||
195 | 5.000%, 7/01/46 | 7/26 at 100.00 | BB | 197,024 | |||||
California Municipal Finance Authority, Education Revenue Bonds, American Heritage Foundation Project, Series 2016A: | |||||||||
260 | 5.000%, 6/01/36 | 6/26 at 100.00 | BBB– | 276,034 | |||||
435 | 5.000%, 6/01/46 | 6/26 at 100.00 | BBB– | 456,454 | |||||
2,335 | California Municipal Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Eisenhower Medical Center, Series 2010A, 5.750%, 7/01/40 | 7/20 at 100.00 | Baa2 | 2,539,803 | |||||
4,500 | California Pollution Control Financing Authority, Water Furnishing Revenue Bonds, San Diego County Water Authority Desalination Project Pipeline, Series 2012, 5.000%, 11/21/45 | 7/17 at 100.00 | Baa3 | 4,516,830 | |||||
2,050 | California Public Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital, Series 2017, 5.000%, 10/15/47 | 10/26 at 100.00 | BBB– | 2,185,198 | |||||
735 | California School Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Downtown College Prep – Obligated Group, Series 2016, 5.000%, 6/01/46 | 6/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 728,517 | |||||
715 | California School Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Rocketship Education – Obligated Group, Series 2016A, 5.000%, 6/01/36 | 6/25 at 100.00 | N/R | 718,075 |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
California (continued) | |||||||||
$ | 895 | California School Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Rocketship Education ? Obligated Group, Series 2017A, 5.125%, 6/01/47 | 6/26 at 100.00 | N/R | $ | 898,643 | |||
80 | California State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2002, 5.000%, 10/01/32 – NPFG Insured | 7/17 at 100.00 | AA– | 80,258 | |||||
5 | California State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004, 5.000%, 4/01/31 – AMBAC Insured | 7/17 at 100.00 | AA– | 5,016 | |||||
California State, General Obligation Bonds, Various Purpose Series 2007: | |||||||||
9,730 | 5.000%, 6/01/37 (Pre-refunded 6/01/17) | 6/17 at 100.00 | AA+ (4) | 9,768,044 | |||||
6,270 | 5.000%, 6/01/37 (Pre-refunded 6/01/17) | 6/17 at 100.00 | AA+ (4) | 6,294,516 | |||||
California State, General Obligation Bonds, Various Purpose Series 2010: | |||||||||
3,500 | 5.250%, 3/01/30 | 3/20 at 100.00 | AA– | 3,883,215 | |||||
10,000 | 5.500%, 11/01/35 | 11/20 at 100.00 | AA– | 11,365,600 | |||||
12,710 | California Statewide Communities Development Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, Loma Linda University Medical Center, Series 2014A, 5.500%, 12/01/54 | 12/24 at 100.00 | BB | 13,748,280 | |||||
66,105 | California Statewide Communities Development Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, Loma Linda University Medical Center, Series 2016A, 5.250%, 12/01/56 | 6/26 at 100.00 | BB | 71,086,012 | |||||
4,000 | California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Huntington Memorial Hospital, Refunding Series 2014B, 4.000%, 7/01/39 | 7/24 at 100.00 | A– | 3,993,960 | |||||
7,000 | California Statewide Communities Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sutter Health, Series 2011A, 6.000%, 8/15/42 | 8/20 at 100.00 | AA– | 7,944,090 | |||||
1,000 | California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles, Series 2007, 5.000%, 8/15/47 | 8/17 at 100.00 | Baa2 | 1,008,440 | |||||
California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Daughters of Charity Health System, Series 2005A: | |||||||||
1,535 | 5.750%, 7/01/30 (6) | 7/17 at 100.00 | CCC | 1,485,327 | |||||
4,430 | 5.500%, 7/01/35 (6) | 7/17 at 100.00 | CCC | 4,190,957 | |||||
3,600 | California Statewide Community Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, St. Joseph Health System, Series 2007A, 5.750%, 7/01/47 (Pre-refunded 7/01/18) – FGIC Insured | 7/18 at 100.00 | AA– (4) | 3,805,740 | |||||
5,000 | Clovis Unified School District, Fresno County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2001A, 0.000%, 8/01/25 – FGIC Insured (ETM) | No Opt. Call | A3 (4) | 4,174,050 | |||||
3,400 | Coachella Valley Unified School District, Riverside County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Election 2005 Series 2010C, 0.000%, 8/01/33 – AGM Insured | No Opt. Call | A2 | 1,791,494 | |||||
14,345 | Corona-Norco Unified School District, Riverside County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Capital Appreciation, Election 2006 Refunding Series 2009C, 0.000%, 8/01/39 – AGM Insured | No Opt. Call | AA | 5,506,328 | |||||
El Rancho Unified School District, Los Angeles County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Election 2010 Series 2011A: | |||||||||
2,615 | 0.000%, 8/01/31 – AGM Insured (7) | 8/28 at 100.00 | A2 | 2,376,224 | |||||
3,600 | 0.000%, 8/01/34 – AGM Insured (7) | 8/28 at 100.00 | A2 | 3,224,988 | |||||
Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency, California, Toll Road Revenue Bonds, Refunding Senior Lien Series 2015A: | |||||||||
3,960 | 0.000%, 1/15/34 – AGM Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB– | 1,983,960 | |||||
5,000 | 0.000%, 1/15/35 – AGM Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB– | 2,379,950 | |||||
Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency, California, Toll Road Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013A: | |||||||||
910 | 6.850%, 1/15/42 | 1/31 at 100.00 | Ba1 | 752,452 | |||||
3,610 | 5.750%, 1/15/46 | 1/24 at 100.00 | Ba1 | 4,137,818 | |||||
6,610 | 6.000%, 1/15/49 | 1/24 at 100.00 | Ba1 | 7,593,700 | |||||
2,425 | Fullerton Public Financing Authority, California, Tax Allocation Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, 5.000%, 9/01/27 – AMBAC Insured | 9/17 at 100.00 | A | 2,456,234 | |||||
Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corporation, California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2007A-1: | |||||||||
26,455 | 5.000%, 6/01/33 | 6/17 at 100.00 | B3 | 26,600,503 | |||||
8,830 | 5.750%, 6/01/47 | 6/17 at 100.00 | B3 | 8,850,574 | |||||
8,565 | 5.125%, 6/01/47 | 6/17 at 100.00 | B– | 8,564,400 |
NVG | Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund | |
Portfolio of Investments (continued) | April 30, 2017 (Unaudited) |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
California (continued) | |||||||||
$ | 550 | Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corporation, California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2007A-1, 5.750%, 6/01/47 (Pre-refunded 6/01/17) | 6/17 at 100.00 | N/R (4) | $ | 552,469 | |||
2,850 | Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corporation, California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2007A-1, 4.500%, 6/01/27 (Pre-refunded 6/01/17) | 6/17 at 100.00 | N/R (4) | 2,859,548 | |||||
Kern Community College District, California, General Obligation Bonds, Safety, Repair & Improvement, Election 2002 Series 2006: | |||||||||
5,600 | 0.000%, 11/01/24 – AGM Insured | No Opt. Call | AA | 4,709,936 | |||||
5,795 | 0.000%, 11/01/25 – AGM Insured | No Opt. Call | AA | 4,677,608 | |||||
1,195 | Lincoln Public Financing Authority, Placer County, California, Twelve Bridges Limited Obligation Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2011A, 4.375%, 9/02/25 – AGM Insured | 9/21 at 100.00 | AA | 1,291,425 | |||||
7,575 | Mount San Antonio Community College District, Los Angeles County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Election of 2008, Series 2013A, 0.000%, 8/01/43 (7) | 8/35 at 100.00 | AA | 5,607,318 | |||||
3,300 | M-S-R Energy Authority, California, Gas Revenue Bonds, Citigroup Prepay Contracts, Series 2009B, 6.500%, 11/01/39 | No Opt. Call | BBB+ | 4,596,240 | |||||
Oceanside Unified School District, San Diego County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Capital Appreciation, 2008 Election Series 2009A: | |||||||||
5,905 | 0.000%, 8/01/26 – AGC Insured | No Opt. Call | Aa3 | 4,578,678 | |||||
2,220 | 0.000%, 8/01/28 – AGC Insured | No Opt. Call | Aa3 | 1,562,347 | |||||
2,735 | Ontario Redevelopment Financing Authority, San Bernardino County, California, Revenue Bonds, Redevelopment Project 1, Series 1993, 5.850%, 8/01/22 – NPFG Insured (ETM) | 7/17 at 100.00 | AA– (4) | 2,888,981 | |||||
4,000 | Orange County, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 2015-1 Esencia Village, Series 2015A, 4.250%, 8/15/38 | 8/25 at 100.00 | N/R | 4,098,240 | |||||
5,000 | Palomar Pomerado Health Care District, California, Certificates of Participation, Series 2010, 6.000%, 11/01/30 | 11/20 at 100.00 | Ba1 | 5,399,350 | |||||
3,700 | Palomar Pomerado Health, California, General Obligation Bonds, Capital Appreciation, Election of 2004, Series 2007A, 0.000%, 8/01/25 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | A2 | 2,884,594 | |||||
7,875 | Palomar Pomerado Health, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009A, 0.000%, 8/01/38 – AGC Insured (7) | 8/29 at 100.00 | A2 | 9,188,865 | |||||
9,145 | Pittsburg Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Los Medanos Community Development Project, Series 1999, 0.000%, 8/01/30 – AMBAC Insured | No Opt. Call | A | 5,525,409 | |||||
4,150 | Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District, Orange County, California, Certificates of Participation, Refunding Series 2011, 6.000%, 10/01/28 – AGM Insured | 10/25 at 100.00 | A2 | 4,871,146 | |||||
6,000 | Redlands Unified School District, San Bernardino County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003, 5.000%, 7/01/26 – AGM Insured | 7/17 at 100.00 | A2 | 6,019,980 | |||||
670 | Riverside County Transportation Commission, California, Toll Revenue Senior Lien Bonds, Series 2013A, 5.750%, 6/01/48 | 6/23 at 100.00 | BBB– | 750,393 | |||||
San Clemente, California, Special Tax Revenue Bonds, Community Facilities District 2006-1 Marblehead Coastal, Series 2015: | |||||||||
495 | 5.000%, 9/01/40 | 9/25 at 100.00 | N/R | 529,066 | |||||
920 | 5.000%, 9/01/46 | 9/25 at 100.00 | N/R | 977,951 | |||||
1,830 | San Diego Public Facilities Financing Authority, California, Water Utility Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 2015-XF0098, 17.423%, 8/01/39 (Pre-refunded 8/01/19) (IF) | 8/19 at 100.00 | AA– (4) | 2,561,634 | |||||
4,000 | San Francisco Airports Commission, California, Revenue Bonds, San Francisco International Airport, Governmental Purpose, Second Series 2013B, 5.000%, 5/01/43 | 5/23 at 100.00 | A+ | 4,399,880 | |||||
66,685 | San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Agency, Orange County, California, Senior Lien Toll Road Revenue Bonds, Series 1993, 0.000%, 1/01/21 (ETM) | No Opt. Call | AA+ (4) | 63,444,776 | |||||
San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Agency, Orange County, California, Toll Road Revenue Bonds, Refunding Senior Lien Series 2014A: | |||||||||
2,680 | 5.000%, 1/15/44 | 1/25 at 100.00 | BBB– | 2,926,828 | |||||
8,275 | 5.000%, 1/15/50 | 1/25 at 100.00 | BBB– | 9,010,979 | |||||
7,210 | San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Agency, Orange County, California, Toll Road Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 1997A, 0.000%, 1/15/23 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB– | 6,012,203 |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
California (continued) | |||||||||
$ | 37,040 | San Jose Redevelopment Agency, California, Tax Allocation Bonds, Merged Area Redevelopment Project, Series 2006C, 4.250%, 8/01/30 – NPFG Insured | 8/17 at 100.00 | A3 | $ | 37,260,758 | |||
4,175 | San Mateo County Community College District, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006C, 0.000%, 9/01/30 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | AAA | 2,735,836 | |||||
4,325 | San Ysidro School District, San Diego County, California, General Obligation Bonds, 1997 Election Series 2012G, 0.000%, 8/01/34 – AGM Insured | No Opt. Call | AA | 2,198,268 | |||||
5,690 | San Ysidro School District, San Diego County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2015, 0.000%, 8/01/42 | No Opt. Call | A1 | 1,679,176 | |||||
5,625 | Santa Ana Financing Authority, California, Lease Revenue Bonds, Police Administration and Housing Facility, Series 1994A, 6.250%, 7/01/24 | No Opt. Call | A3 | 6,881,456 | |||||
5,625 | Santa Ana Financing Authority, California, Lease Revenue Bonds, Police Administration and Housing Facility, Series 1994A, 6.250%, 7/01/24 (ETM) | No Opt. Call | A3 (4) | 6,862,388 | |||||
3,500 | Saugus Union School District, Los Angeles County, California, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006, 0.000%, 8/01/23 – FGIC Insured | No Opt. Call | AA– | 3,075,695 | |||||
4,495 | Stockton-East Water District, California, Certificates of Participation, Refunding Series 2002B, 0.000%, 4/01/28 – FGIC Insured | 7/17 at 100.00 | A3 | 2,328,725 | |||||
610 | Temecula Public Financing Authority, California, Special Tax Bonds, Community Facilities District 16-01, Series 2017, 6.250%, 9/01/47 | 9/27 at 100.00 | N/R | 618,186 | |||||
Tobacco Securitization Authority of Northern California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2005A-1: | |||||||||
1,220 | 4.750%, 6/01/23 | 7/17 at 100.00 | B+ | 1,223,148 | |||||
1,500 | 5.500%, 6/01/45 | 7/17 at 100.00 | B– | 1,476,090 | |||||
Tobacco Securitization Authority of Southern California, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, San Diego County Tobacco Asset Securitization Corporation, Senior Series 2006A: | |||||||||
1,240 | 4.750%, 6/01/25 | 7/17 at 100.00 | BBB | 1,251,383 | |||||
5,865 | 5.125%, 6/01/46 | 7/17 at 100.00 | B2 | 5,864,648 | |||||
628,635 | Total California | 616,895,182 | |||||||
Colorado – 8.4% (5.4% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
Arkansas River Power Authority, Colorado, Power Revenue Bonds, Series 2006: | |||||||||
750 | 5.250%, 10/01/32 – SYNCORA GTY Insured | 7/17 at 100.00 | BBB– | 751,403 | |||||
1,080 | 5.250%, 10/01/40 – SYNCORA GTY Insured | 7/17 at 100.00 | BBB– | 1,081,782 | |||||
Base Village Metropolitan District 2, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2016A: | |||||||||
890 | 5.500%, 12/01/36 | 12/21 at 103.00 | N/R | 902,469 | |||||
1,175 | 5.750%, 12/01/46 | 12/21 at 103.00 | N/R | 1,194,952 | |||||
1,100 | Belleview Station Metropolitan District 2, Denver City and County, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Limited Tax Convertible to Unlimited Tax Refunding & Improvement Series 2017, 5.000%, 12/01/36 | 12/21 at 103.00 | N/R | 1,122,033 | |||||
Centerra Metropolitan District 1, Loveland, Colorado, Special Revenue Bonds, Refunding & Improvement Series 2017: | |||||||||
1,140 | 5.000%, 12/01/37 | 12/22 at 103.00 | N/R | 1,150,591 | |||||
5,265 | 5.000%, 12/01/47 | 12/22 at 103.00 | N/R | 5,277,215 | |||||
195 | Central Platte Valley Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2014, 5.000%, 12/01/43 | 12/23 at 100.00 | BB | 199,319 | |||||
1,180 | Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Flagstaff Academy Project, Refunding Series 2016, 3.625%, 8/01/46 | 8/26 at 100.00 | A | 1,073,682 | |||||
1,165 | Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, The Classical Academy Project, Refunding Series 2015A, 5.000%, 12/01/38 | 12/24 at 100.00 | A | 1,249,264 | |||||
7,430 | Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Vanguard School Project, Refunding & Improvement Series 2016, 3.750%, 6/15/47 | 6/26 at 100.00 | A | 6,776,309 | |||||
1,750 | Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Weld County School District 6 – Frontier Academy, Refunding & Improvement Series 2016, 3.250%, 6/01/46 | 6/26 at 100.00 | A | 1,492,190 |
NVG | Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund | |
Portfolio of Investments (continued) | April 30, 2017 (Unaudited) |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Colorado (continued) | |||||||||
Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Catholic Health Initiatives, Series 2006A: | |||||||||
$ | 1,500 | 5.000%, 9/01/36 | 7/17 at 100.00 | BBB+ | $ | 1,504,215 | |||
3,480 | 4.500%, 9/01/38 | 7/17 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 3,488,074 | |||||
3,000 | Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Catholic Health Initiatives, Series 2011A, 5.000%, 2/01/41 | 2/21 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 3,070,920 | |||||
11,520 | Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Catholic Health Initiatives, Series 2013A, 5.250%, 1/01/45 | 1/23 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 12,029,875 | |||||
Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Covenant Retirement Communities Inc., Refunding Series 2012B: | |||||||||
1,640 | 5.000%, 12/01/22 | No Opt. Call | BBB+ | 1,858,317 | |||||
2,895 | 5.000%, 12/01/23 | 12/22 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 3,246,453 | |||||
4,200 | 5.000%, 12/01/24 | 12/22 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 4,663,932 | |||||
Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project, Series 2013A: | |||||||||
1,410 | 5.000%, 6/01/32 | 6/25 at 100.00 | Baa2 | 1,505,598 | |||||
2,000 | 5.000%, 6/01/33 | 6/25 at 100.00 | Baa2 | 2,127,060 | |||||
5,855 | 5.000%, 6/01/40 | 6/25 at 100.00 | Baa2 | 6,132,351 | |||||
5,145 | 5.000%, 6/01/45 | 6/25 at 100.00 | Baa2 | 5,363,714 | |||||
Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Project, Series 2013: | |||||||||
690 | 5.500%, 6/01/33 | 6/23 at 100.00 | Baa2 | 745,048 | |||||
720 | 5.625%, 6/01/43 | 6/23 at 100.00 | Baa2 | 762,314 | |||||
2,035 | Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Frasier Meadows Project, Refunding & Improvement Series 2017A, 5.250%, 5/15/47 | 5/27 at 100.00 | BB+ | 2,129,241 | |||||
1,000 | Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Poudre Valley Health System, Series 2005C, 5.250%, 3/01/40 – AGM Insured | 9/18 at 102.00 | Aa3 | 1,053,450 | |||||
11,830 | Colorado Health Facilities Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Services Corporation, Series 2010A, 5.000%, 1/01/40 | 1/20 at 100.00 | AA– | 12,640,947 | |||||
500 | Copperleaf Metropolitan District 2, Arapahoe County, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Limited Tax Convertible to Unlimited Tax Series 2015, 5.750%, 12/01/45 | 12/20 at 103.00 | N/R | 518,630 | |||||
500 | Copperleaf Metropolitan District 2, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2006, 5.250%, 12/01/30 | 12/20 at 103.00 | N/R | 519,435 | |||||
1,480 | Cornerstar Metropolitan District, Arapahoe County, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Limited Tax Convertible to Unlimited Tax, Refunding Series 2017A , 5.250%, 12/01/47 | 12/22 at 103.00 | N/R | 1,494,622 | |||||
1,275 | Cornerstar Metropolitan District, Arapahoe County, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Limited Tax Convertible to Unlimited Tax, Refunding Series 2017B , 5.250%, 12/01/47 | 12/22 at 103.00 | N/R | 1,273,011 | |||||
500 | Crystal Crossing Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Refunding Series 2016, 5.250%, 12/01/40 | 12/25 at 100.00 | N/R | 502,005 | |||||
10,640 | Denver City and County, Colorado, Airport System Revenue Bonds, Subordinate Lien Series 2013B, 5.000%, 11/15/43 | 11/23 at 100.00 | A | 11,763,052 | |||||
1,070 | Denver Convention Center Hotel Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Convention Center Hotel, Refunding Senior Lien Series 2016, 5.000%, 12/01/40 | 12/26 at 100.00 | BBB– | 1,175,074 | |||||
11,700 | E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Senior Revenue Bonds, Capital Appreciation Series 2010A, 0.000%, 9/01/41 | No Opt. Call | BBB+ | 3,892,824 | |||||
E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Senior Revenue Bonds, Series 1997B: | |||||||||
35,995 | 0.000%, 9/01/23 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB+ | 29,984,555 | |||||
6,525 | 0.000%, 9/01/26 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB+ | 4,764,294 | |||||
E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Senior Revenue Bonds, Series 2000B: | |||||||||
17,030 | 0.000%, 9/01/25 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB+ | 12,987,589 | |||||
9,915 | 0.000%, 9/01/32 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB+ | 5,461,479 | |||||
43,090 | 0.000%, 9/01/33 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB+ | 22,611,908 |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Colorado (continued) | |||||||||
E-470 Public Highway Authority, Colorado, Toll Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A: | |||||||||
$ | 20,000 | 0.000%, 9/01/27 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB+ | $ | 13,948,400 | |||
1,150 | 0.000%, 9/01/28 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB+ | 767,982 | |||||
7,000 | 0.000%, 9/01/34 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB+ | 3,483,480 | |||||
500 | Erie Highlands Metropolitan District No. 1 (In the Town of Erie), Weld County, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2015A, 5.750%, 12/01/45 | 12/20 at 103.00 | N/R | 504,445 | |||||
500 | Flatiron Meadows Metropolitan District, Boulder County, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2016, 5.125%, 12/01/46 | 12/21 at 103.00 | N/R | 485,525 | |||||
590 | Foothills Metropolitan District, Fort Collins, Colorado, Special Revenue Bonds, Series 2014, 6.000%, 12/01/38 | 12/24 at 100.00 | N/R | 603,930 | |||||
825 | Forest Trace Metropolitan District 3, Aurora City, Arapahoe County, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Limited Tax Convertible to Unlimited Tax, Series 2016A, 5.000%, 12/01/46 | 12/21 at 103.00 | N/R | 792,239 | |||||
1,355 | Great Western Park Metropolitan District 2, Broomfield City and County, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2016A, 5.000%, 12/01/46 | 12/21 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,321,816 | |||||
750 | Green Gables Metropolitan District No. 1, Jefferson County, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2016A, 5.300%, 12/01/46 | 12/21 at 103.00 | N/R | 752,760 | |||||
3,740 | Jefferson Center Metropolitan District 1, Arvada, Jefferson County, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2015, 5.500%, 12/01/45 | 12/20 at 103.00 | N/R | 3,643,620 | |||||
Johnstown Plaza Metropolitan District, Colorado, Special Revenue Bonds, Series 2016A: | |||||||||
2,325 | 5.250%, 12/01/36 | 12/21 at 103.00 | N/R | 2,093,360 | |||||
8,955 | 5.375%, 12/01/46 | 12/21 at 103.00 | N/R | 7,980,606 | |||||
Lambertson Farms Metropolitan District 1, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Refunding & Improvement Series 2015: | |||||||||
1,005 | 5.750%, 12/15/46 | 12/23 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,003,503 | |||||
5,355 | 6.000%, 12/15/50 | 12/23 at 100.00 | N/R | 5,331,492 | |||||
980 | Leyden Rock Metropolitan District No. 10, In the City of Arvada, Colorado, Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Refunding and Improvement Series 20016A, 5.000%, 12/01/45 | 12/21 at 103.00 | N/R | 963,840 | |||||
500 | Littleton Village Metropolitan District No. 2, Colorado, Limited Tax General Obligation and Special Revenue Bonds, Series 2015, 5.375%, 12/01/45 | 12/20 at 103.00 | N/R | 492,860 | |||||
860 | Mountain Shadows Metropolitan District, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Refunding Series 2016, 5.000%, 12/01/35 | 12/25 at 100.00 | N/R | 864,386 | |||||
6,345 | North Range Metropolitan District 1, Adams County, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2016B, 3.500%, 12/01/45 | 12/25 at 100.00 | Baa1 | 5,657,329 | |||||
585 | Overlook Metropolitan District in the Town of Parker, Douglas County, Colorado, General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds, Series 2016A, 5.500%, 12/01/46 | 12/21 at 103.00 | N/R | 541,201 | |||||
Park 70 Metropolitan District, City of Aurora, Colorado, General Obligation Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016: | |||||||||
660 | 5.000%, 12/01/36 | 12/26 at 100.00 | Baa3 | 700,861 | |||||
1,060 | 5.000%, 12/01/46 | 12/26 at 100.00 | Baa3 | 1,115,226 | |||||
660 | Park Creek Metropolitan District, Colorado, Senior Limited Property Tax Supported Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2015A, 5.000%, 12/01/45 | 12/25 at 100.00 | BBB | 706,820 | |||||
880 | Park Creek Metropolitan District, Colorado, Senior Limited Property Tax Supported Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2011, 6.125%, 12/01/41 (Pre-refunded 12/01/20) – AGM Insured | 12/20 at 100.00 | A2 (4) | 1,029,468 | |||||
5,435 | Poudre Tech Metro District, Colorado, Unlimited Property Tax Supported Revenue Bonds, Refunding & Improvement Series 2010A, 5.000%, 12/01/39 – AGM Insured | 12/20 at 100.00 | AA | 5,783,275 | |||||
1,180 | Regional Transportation District, Colorado, Certificates of Participation, Series 2010A, 5.375%, 6/01/31 | 6/20 at 100.00 | A | 1,300,478 | |||||
Regional Transportation District, Colorado, Denver Transit Partners Eagle P3 Project Private Activity Bonds, Series 2010: | |||||||||
6,500 | 6.500%, 1/15/30 | 7/20 at 100.00 | Baa3 | 7,305,350 | |||||
3,750 | 6.000%, 1/15/41 | 7/20 at 100.00 | Baa3 | 4,143,563 | |||||
1,280 | Sierra Ridge Metropolitan District 2, Douglas County, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Limited Tax Series 2016A, 5.500%, 12/01/46 | 12/21 at 103.00 | N/R | 1,291,955 |
NVG | Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund | |
Portfolio of Investments (continued) | April 30, 2017 (Unaudited) |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Colorado (continued) | |||||||||
$ | 930 | SouthGlenn Metropolitan District, Colorado, Special Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2016, 5.000%, 12/01/46 | 12/21 at 103.00 | N/R | $ | 930,539 | |||
Sterling Ranch Community Authority Board, Douglas County, Colorado, Limited Tax Supported Revenue Bonds, Senior Series 2015A: | |||||||||
500 | 5.500%, 12/01/35 | 12/20 at 103.00 | N/R | 494,810 | |||||
1,000 | 5.750%, 12/01/45 | 12/20 at 103.00 | N/R | 995,070 | |||||
500 | Table Mountain Metropolitan District, Jefferson County, Colorado, Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Series 2016A, 5.250%, 12/01/45 | 12/21 at 103.00 | N/R | 506,760 | |||||
8,500 | University of Colorado Hospital Authority, Colorado, Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 11/15/42 | 11/22 at 100.00 | AA– | 9,449,875 | |||||
318,415 | Total Colorado | 268,528,020 | |||||||
Connecticut – 0.5% (0.3% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Healthcare Facility Expansion Church Home of Hartford Inc. Project, Series 2016A: | |||||||||
590 | 5.000%, 9/01/46 | 9/26 at 100.00 | BB | 567,834 | |||||
740 | 5.000%, 9/01/53 | 9/26 at 100.00 | BB | 700,906 | |||||
10,000 | Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Quinnipiac University, Refunding Series 2015L, 4.125%, 7/01/41 | 7/25 at 100.00 | A– | 10,260,400 | |||||
3,250 | Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Wesleyan University, Series 2010G, 5.000%, 7/01/39 (Pre-refunded 7/01/20) | 7/20 at 100.00 | Aa3 (4) | 3,634,638 | |||||
14,580 | Total Connecticut | 15,163,778 | |||||||
Delaware – 0.1% (0.1% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
2,615 | Delaware Economic Development Authority, Exempt Facility Revenue Bonds, Indian River Power LLC Project, Series 2010, 5.375%, 10/01/45 | 10/20 at 100.00 | Baa3 | 2,718,319 | |||||
225 | Delaware Economic Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Newark Charter School, Refunding Series 2016A, 5.000%, 9/01/36 | 9/26 at 100.00 | BBB | 234,572 | |||||
2,840 | Total Delaware | 2,952,891 | |||||||
District of Columbia – 1.2% (0.7% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
3,780 | District of Columbia Student Dormitory Revenue Bonds, Provident Group – Howard Properties LLC Issue, Series 2013, 5.000%, 10/01/45 | 10/22 at 100.00 | BB+ | 3,370,702 | |||||
7,310 | District of Columbia Tobacco Settlement Corporation, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2001, 6.500%, 5/15/33 | No Opt. Call | BBB | 8,247,361 | |||||
181,000 | District of Columbia Tobacco Settlement Corporation, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2006A, 0.000%, 6/15/46 | 7/17 at 16.847 | N/R | 25,372,580 | |||||
192,090 | Total District of Columbia | 36,990,643 | |||||||
Florida – 7.3% (4.7% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
990 | Bexley Community Development District, Pasco County, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2016, 4.700%, 5/01/36 | 5/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 936,055 | |||||
19,000 | Cape Coral, Florida, Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2011, 5.000%, 10/01/41 – AGM Insured | 10/21 at 100.00 | A | 21,258,910 | |||||
Capital Trust Agency, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Odyssey Charter School Project, Series 2017A: | |||||||||
1,065 | 5.375%, 7/01/37 | 7/27 at 100.00 | BB | 1,059,728 | |||||
1,470 | 5.500%, 7/01/47 | 7/27 at 100.00 | BB | 1,466,325 | |||||
4,670 | City of Miami Beach, Florida, Stormwater Revenue Bonds, Series 2015, 5.000%, 9/01/41 | 9/25 at 100.00 | AA– | 5,165,627 | |||||
1,025 | Cityplace Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment and Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 5.000%, 5/01/26 | No Opt. Call | A | 1,147,416 | |||||
5,110 | Clay County, Florida, Utility System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2007, 5.000%, 11/01/27 (Pre-refunded 11/01/17) – AGM Insured | 11/17 at 100.00 | AA (4) | 5,218,281 | |||||
12,585 | Clay County, Florida, Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, 5.000%, 11/01/32 (Pre-refunded 11/01/17) – AGM Insured (UB) | 11/17 at 100.00 | AA (4) | 12,851,676 |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Florida (continued) | |||||||||
$ | 1,480 | Collier County Educational Facilities Authority, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Hodges University, Refunding Series 2013, 6.125%, 11/01/43 | 11/23 at 100.00 | BBB– | $ | 1,655,987 | |||
Creekside at Twin Creeks Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Area 1 Project, Series 2016A-1: | |||||||||
245 | 5.250%, 11/01/37 | 11/28 at 100.00 | N/R | 255,322 | |||||
320 | 5.600%, 11/01/46 | 11/28 at 100.00 | N/R | 331,062 | |||||
515 | Creekside at Twin Creeks Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Area 1 Project, Series 2016A-2, 5.625%, 11/01/35 | No Opt. Call | N/R | 539,308 | |||||
Davie, Florida, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Nova Southeastern University Project, Refunding Series 2013A: | |||||||||
3,445 | 6.000%, 4/01/42 | 4/23 at 100.00 | Baa1 | 3,912,004 | |||||
1,720 | 5.625%, 4/01/43 | 4/23 at 100.00 | Baa1 | 1,912,055 | |||||
4,000 | Davie, Florida, Water and Sewerage Revenue Bonds, Series 2011, 5.000%, 10/01/41 – AGM Insured | 10/21 at 100.00 | Aa3 | 4,323,960 | |||||
Downtown Doral Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2015: | |||||||||
280 | 5.250%, 5/01/35 | 5/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 282,862 | |||||
315 | 5.300%, 5/01/36 | 5/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 317,759 | |||||
475 | 5.500%, 5/01/45 | 5/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 479,123 | |||||
655 | 5.500%, 5/01/46 | 5/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 658,832 | |||||
Florida Development Finance Corporation, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Classical Preparatory Incorporated Project, Series 2017A: | |||||||||
255 | 6.000%, 6/15/37 | 6/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 256,627 | |||||
415 | 6.125%, 6/15/46 | 6/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 417,776 | |||||
Florida Development Finance Corporation, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Florida Charter Foundation Inc. Projects, Series 2016A: | |||||||||
1,485 | 6.250%, 6/15/36 | 6/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,512,517 | |||||
2,075 | 4.750%, 7/15/36 | 7/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,884,764 | |||||
3,770 | 6.375%, 6/15/46 | 6/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 3,839,481 | |||||
1,335 | 5.000%, 7/15/46 | 7/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,197,922 | |||||
Florida Development Finance Corporation, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Renaissance Charter School Income Projects, Series 2015A: | |||||||||
3,090 | 6.000%, 6/15/35 | 6/25 at 100.00 | N/R | 3,147,381 | |||||
550 | Florida Development Finance Corporation, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Renaissance Charter School, Inc. Projects, Series 2014A, 6.125%, 6/15/44 | 6/24 at 100.00 | N/R | 554,483 | |||||
Florida Development Finance Corporation, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Renaissance Charter School Income Projects, Series 2015A: | |||||||||
1,890 | 6.125%, 6/15/46 | 6/25 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,917,103 | |||||
1,750 | Florida Development Finance Corporation, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Southwest Charter Foundation Inc. Projects, Series 2017A, 6.125%, 6/15/47 (WI/DD, Settling 5/04/17) | 6/27 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,749,860 | |||||
Florida Municipal Loan Council, Revenue Bonds, Series 2003B: | |||||||||
165 | 5.250%, 12/01/17 | 7/17 at 16.847 | A3 | 165,579 | |||||
100 | 5.250%, 12/01/18 | 7/17 at 16.847 | A3 | 100,348 | |||||
2,550 | Florida State Board of Education, Public Education Capital Outlay Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 2016-XF2347, 15.623%, 6/01/38 – AGC Insured (IF) (5) | 6/18 at 101.00 | Aa1 | 3,076,524 | |||||
1,710 | Grand Bay at Doral Community Development District, Miami-Dade County, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, South Parcel Assessment Area Project, Series 2016, 4.750%, 5/01/36 | 5/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,697,312 | |||||
1,915 | Halifax Hospital Medical Center, Daytona Beach, Florida, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, 5.500%, 6/01/38 (Pre-refunded 6/01/18) – AGM Insured | 6/18 at 100.00 | AA (4) | 2,009,927 | |||||
1,590 | Hillsborough County Industrial Development Authority, Florida, Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, University Community Hospital, Series 1994, 6.500%, 8/15/19 – NPFG Insured (ETM) | No Opt. Call | AA– (4) | 1,699,933 |
NVG | Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund | |
Portfolio of Investments (continued) | April 30, 2017 (Unaudited) |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Florida (continued) | |||||||||
Indian Trace Development District, Florida, Water Management Special Benefit Assessment Bonds, Series 2005: | |||||||||
$ | 1,645 | 5.000%, 5/01/25 – NPFG Insured | 5/17 at 100.00 | A3 | $ | 1,650,790 | |||
1,830 | 5.000%, 5/01/27 – NPFG Insured | 5/17 at 100.00 | A3 | 1,836,387 | |||||
600 | Jacksonville, Florida, Better Jacksonville Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012, 5.000%, 10/01/30 | 10/22 at 100.00 | A+ | 677,592 | |||||
1,000 | Lakeland, Florida, Hospital System Revenue Bonds, Lakeland Regional Health, Refunding Series 2011, 5.000%, 11/15/25 | 11/21 at 100.00 | A2 | 1,110,110 | |||||
625 | Lakewood Ranch Stewardship District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Del Webb Project, Series 2017, 5.000%, 5/01/37 (WI/DD, Settling 5/08/17) | 5/27 at 100.00 | N/R | 622,644 | |||||
3,000 | Leesburg, Florida, Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 10/01/37 (Pre-refunded 10/01/17) – NPFG Insured | 10/17 at 100.00 | AA– (4) | 3,053,250 | |||||
4,125 | Martin County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Martin Memorial Medical Center, Series 2015, 5.000%, 11/15/45 | 11/24 at 100.00 | Baa1 | 4,383,060 | |||||
5,965 | Miami Dade County, Florida, Rickenbacker Causeway Revenue Bonds, Series 2014, 5.000%, 10/01/43 | 10/24 at 100.00 | BBB | 6,464,271 | |||||
2,130 | Miami Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Miami Jewish Health System Inc. Project, Series 2017, 5.125%, 7/01/46 | 7/27 at 100.00 | BBB | 2,246,490 | |||||
1,545 | Miami, Florida, Special Obligation Non-Ad Valorem Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2011A, 6.000%, 2/01/31 – AGM Insured | 2/21 at 100.00 | A1 | 1,768,361 | |||||
5,000 | Miami-Dade County Expressway Authority, Florida, Toll System Revenue Bonds, Series 2014A, 5.000%, 7/01/44 | 7/24 at 100.00 | A | 5,569,300 | |||||
10,085 | Miami-Dade County, Florida, Aviation Revenue Bonds, Miami International Airport, Series 2008B, 5.000%, 10/01/41 (Pre-refunded 10/01/18) – AGM Insured | 10/18 at 100.00 | A2 (4) | 10,665,392 | |||||
2,500 | Miami-Dade County, Florida, Aviation Revenue Bonds, Miami International Airport, Series 2010A-1, 5.375%, 10/01/41 | 10/20 at 100.00 | A | 2,757,400 | |||||
2,500 | Miami-Dade County, Florida, Aviation Revenue Bonds, Miami International Airport, Series 2010B, 5.000%, 10/01/30 | 10/20 at 100.00 | A | 2,759,700 | |||||
2,400 | Miami-Dade County, Florida, Special Obligation Bonds, Refunding Subordinate Series 2012B, 5.000%, 10/01/37 | 10/22 at 100.00 | A2 | 2,643,672 | |||||
3,015 | Miami-Dade County, Florida, Transit System Sales Surtax Revenue Bonds, Series 2008, 5.000%, 7/01/35 (Pre-refunded 7/01/18) – AGM Insured | 7/18 at 100.00 | A1 (4) | 3,159,479 | |||||
6,305 | Miami-Dade County, Florida, Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 10/01/42 | 10/22 at 100.00 | A+ | 6,991,804 | |||||
4,785 | Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District, Florida, Water Control and Improvement Bonds, Development Unit 53, Series 2015, 5.350%, 8/01/35 | 8/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 4,969,414 | |||||
4,250 | Orange County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Orlando Health, Inc., Series 2012A, 5.000%, 10/01/42 | 4/22 at 100.00 | A | 4,557,870 | |||||
1,000 | Orange County School Board, Florida, Certificates of Participation, Series 2007A, 5.000%, 8/01/27 (Pre-refunded 8/01/17) – FGIC Insured | 8/17 at 100.00 | AA (4) | 1,010,860 | |||||
230 | Palm Beach County Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Sinai Residences of Boca Raton Project, Series 2014A, 7.250%, 6/01/34 | 6/22 at 102.00 | N/R | 270,206 | |||||
3,000 | Palm Beach County School Board, Florida, Certificates of Participation, Series 2007E, 5.000%, 8/01/27 (Pre-refunded 8/01/17) – NPFG Insured | 8/17 at 100.00 | AA– (4) | 3,032,670 | |||||
60 | Pasco County, Florida, Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2006, 5.000%, 10/01/36 – AGM Insured | 7/17 at 16.847 | Aa2 | 60,194 | |||||
3,590 | Port Saint Lucie. Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Southwest Annexation District 1, Series 2007B, 5.000%, 7/01/33 (Pre-refunded 7/01/17) – NPFG Insured | 7/17 at 100.00 | A3 (4) | 3,616,279 | |||||
Port St. Lucie, Florida, Utility System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009: | |||||||||
4,935 | 5.250%, 9/01/35 (Pre-refunded 9/01/18) – AGC Insured | 9/18 at 100.00 | A1 (4) | 5,218,713 | |||||
7,730 | 5.000%, 9/01/35 (Pre-refunded 9/01/18) – AGC Insured | 9/18 at 100.00 | A1 (4) | 8,148,734 |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Florida (continued) | |||||||||
Port St. Lucie, Florida, Utility System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009: | |||||||||
$ | 515 | 5.250%, 9/01/35 – AGC Insured | 9/18 at 100.00 | A1 | $ | 542,032 | |||
800 | 5.000%, 9/01/35 – AGC Insured | 9/18 at 100.00 | A1 | 838,896 | |||||
840 | Reunion West Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Bonds, Area 3 Project, Series 2016, 5.000%, 11/01/46 | 11/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 806,232 | |||||
4,005 | Seminole County, Florida, Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Refunding & Improvement Series 1992, 6.000%, 10/01/19 – NPFG Insured (ETM) | No Opt. Call | AA– (4) | 4,273,255 | |||||
Six Mile Creek Community Development District, Florida, Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Assessment Area 2, Series 2016: | |||||||||
265 | 4.750%, 11/01/28 | 11/27 at 100.00 | N/R | 269,632 | |||||
440 | 5.375%, 11/01/36 | 11/27 at 100.00 | N/R | 446,173 | |||||
1,000 | South Fork III Community Development District, Florida, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2016, 5.375%, 5/01/37 | 5/27 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,008,850 | |||||
1,000 | South Miami Health Facilities Authority, Florida, Hospital Revenue, Baptist Health System Obligation Group, Series 2007, 5.000%, 8/15/42 (UB) (5) | 8/17 at 100.00 | AA– | 1,006,670 | |||||
1,200 | St. Lucie County, Florida, Utility System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1993, 5.500%, 10/01/21 – FGIC Insured (ETM) | No Opt. Call | N/R (4) | 1,403,892 | |||||
8,060 | Tallahassee, Florida, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare Inc. Project, Series 2016A, 5.000%, 12/01/55 | 12/25 at 100.00 | Baa1 | 8,538,522 | |||||
400 | Tamarac, Florida, Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 2009, 5.000%, 10/01/39 (Pre-refunded 10/01/19) – AGC Insured | 10/19 at 100.00 | AA (4) | 437,272 | |||||
4,100 | Tampa, Florida, Health System Revenue Bonds, Baycare Health System, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 11/15/33 | 5/22 at 100.00 | Aa2 | 4,562,562 | |||||
1,295 | Tampa, Florida, Healthcare System Revenue Bonds, Allegany Health System – St. Joseph’s Hospital, Series 1993, 5.125%, 12/01/23 – NPFG Insured (ETM) | 7/17 at 100.00 | AA– (4) | 1,324,746 | |||||
10,095 | Tampa-Hillsborough County Expressway Authority, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2012B, 5.000%, 7/01/42 | 7/22 at 100.00 | A | 11,193,538 | |||||
2,000 | Volusia County Educational Facilities Authority, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Inc. Project, Refunding Series 2011, 5.000%, 10/15/29 – AGM Insured | 10/21 at 100.00 | A– | 2,236,640 | |||||
5,000 | Volusia County Educational Facilities Authority, Florida, Revenue Bonds, Stetson University Inc. Project, Series 2015, 5.000%, 6/01/40 | 6/25 at 100.00 | A– | 5,528,100 | |||||
12,000 | Volusia County School Board, Florida, Certificates of Participation, Master Lease Program Series 2007, 5.000%, 8/01/32 (Pre-refunded 8/01/17) – AGM Insured | 8/17 at 100.00 | A+ (4) | 12,129,960 | |||||
220,875 | Total Florida | 234,791,443 | |||||||
Georgia – 3.1% (2.0% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
17,000 | Atlanta, Georgia, Water and Wastewater Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2009B, 5.375%, 11/01/39 – AGM Insured | 11/19 at 100.00 | A+ | 18,706,290 | |||||
2,825 | Cherokee County Water and Sewerage Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2007, 4.000%, 8/01/26 | 8/20 at 100.00 | AA | 2,993,822 | |||||
2,000 | City of Fairburn, Georgia, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011, 5.750%, 12/01/31 – AGM Insured | 12/21 at 100.00 | A2 | 2,311,960 | |||||
4,000 | Cobb County Kennestone Hospital Authority, Georgia, Revenue Anticipation Certificates, Refunding Series 2012, 5.000%, 4/01/28 | 4/23 at 100.00 | A | 4,497,040 | |||||
1,250 | DeKalb County Hospital Authority, Georgia, Anticipation Certificates Revenue Bonds, DeKalb Medical Center, Inc. Project, Series 2010, 6.000%, 9/01/30 | 9/20 at 100.00 | BBB– | 1,373,213 | |||||
Gainesville and Hall County Hospital Authority, Georgia, Revenue Anticipation Certificates, Northeast Georgia Health Services Inc., Series 2010B: | |||||||||
1,180 | 5.250%, 2/15/37 | 2/20 at 100.00 | AA– | 1,263,792 | |||||
960 | 5.125%, 2/15/40 | 2/20 at 100.00 | AA– | 1,021,210 |
NVG | Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund | |
Portfolio of Investments (continued) | April 30, 2017 (Unaudited) |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Georgia (continued) | |||||||||
Gainesville and Hall County Hospital Authority, Georgia, Revenue Anticipation Certificates, Northeast Georgia Health Services Inc., Series 2010B: | |||||||||
$ | 3,820 | 5.250%, 2/15/37 (Pre-refunded 2/15/20) | 2/20 at 100.00 | N/R (4) | $ | 4,222,246 | |||
3,090 | 5.125%, 2/15/40 (Pre-refunded 2/15/20) | 2/20 at 100.00 | N/R (4) | 3,404,840 | |||||
15,305 | Gainesville and Hall County Hospital Authority, Georgia, Revenue Anticipation Certificates, Northeast Georgia Health Services Inc., Series 2014A, 5.500%, 8/15/54 | 2/25 at 100.00 | AA– | 17,841,804 | |||||
10,825 | Georgia Municipal Electric Authority, Plant Vogtle Units 3 & 4 Project J Bonds, Series 2015A, 5.000%, 7/01/60 | 7/25 at 100.00 | A2 | 11,712,434 | |||||
2,250 | Gwinnett County Hospital Authority, Georgia, Revenue Anticipation Certificates, Gwinnett Hospital System Inc. Project, Series 2007C, 5.500%, 7/01/39 – AGM Insured | 7/19 at 100.00 | A2 | 2,400,818 | |||||
7,030 | Gwinnett County School District, Georgia, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008, 5.000%, 2/01/36 (Pre-refunded 2/01/18) | 2/18 at 100.00 | AAA | 7,249,688 | |||||
1,300 | Macon-Bibb County Urban Development Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Academy for Classical Education, Series 2017, 5.750%, 6/15/37 (WI/DD, Settling 5/10/17) | 6/27 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,292,252 | |||||
5,000 | Medical Center Hospital Authority, Georgia, Revenue Anticipation Certificates, Columbus Regional Healthcare System, Inc. Project, Series 2008, 6.500%, 8/01/38 (Pre-refunded 8/01/18) – AGC Insured | 8/18 at 100.00 | AA (4) | 5,351,300 | |||||
1,000 | Private Colleges and Universities Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Mercer University, Refunding Series 2012C, 5.250%, 10/01/27 | 10/22 at 100.00 | Baa2 | 1,102,770 | |||||
10,090 | Private Colleges and Universities Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Mercer University, Series 2015, 5.000%, 10/01/40 | 10/25 at 100.00 | Baa2 | 10,708,921 | |||||
1,710 | Valdosta and Lowndes County Hospital Authority, Georgia, Revenue Certificates, South Georgia Medical Center Project, Series 2011B, 5.000%, 10/01/41 | 10/21 at 100.00 | AA– | 1,851,434 | |||||
90,635 | Total Georgia | 99,305,834 | |||||||
Guam – 0.0% (0.0% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
650 | Guam Government Waterworks Authority, Water and Wastewater System Revenue Bonds, Series 2013, 5.500%, 7/01/43 | 7/23 at 100.00 | BBB– | 713,648 | |||||
Hawaii – 0.4% (0.2% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
1,500 | Hawaii Department of Budget and Finance, Special Purpose Revenue Bonds, Chaminade University of Honolulu, Series 2015A, 5.000%, 1/01/45 | 1/25 at 100.00 | Ba2 | 1,453,995 | |||||
5,000 | Hawaii Department of Budget and Finance, Special Purpose Revenue Bonds, Hawaii Pacific Health Obligated Group, Series 2013A, 5.500%, 7/01/43 | 7/23 at 100.00 | A+ | 5,624,600 | |||||
170 | Hawaii Department of Budget and Finance, Special Purpose Revenue Bonds, Hawaii Pacific University, Series 2013A, 6.875%, 7/01/43 | 7/23 at 100.00 | BB | 184,462 | |||||
5,075 | Hawaii Department of Budget and Finance, Special Purpose Revenue Bonds, Queens Health Systems, Series 2015A, 4.000%, 7/01/40 | 7/25 at 100.00 | A1 | 5,149,095 | |||||
11,745 | Total Hawaii | 12,412,152 | |||||||
Idaho – 0.3% (0.2% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
250 | Idaho Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Madison Memorial Hospital Project, Refunding Series 2016, 5.000%, 9/01/37 | 9/26 at 100.00 | BB+ | 268,005 | |||||
8,980 | Idaho Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Saint Luke’s Health System Project, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 3/01/47 – AGM Insured | 3/22 at 100.00 | A– | 9,583,007 | |||||
1,000 | Idaho Health Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Saint Luke’s Health System Project, Series 2014A, 4.125%, 3/01/37 | 3/24 at 100.00 | A– | 1,017,870 | |||||
10,230 | Total Idaho | 10,868,882 | |||||||
Illinois – 23.0% (14.7% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
675 | Bolingbrook, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2013A, 5.000%, 1/01/25 | 7/23 at 100.00 | A2 | 765,605 | |||||
67,135 | Chicago Board of Education, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Dedicated Capital Improvement Revenues, Series 2016, 6.000%, 4/01/46 | 4/27 at 100.00 | A | 69,465,256 |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Illinois (continued) | |||||||||
Chicago Board of Education, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Dedicated Revenues Series 2011A: | |||||||||
$ | 6,190 | 5.500%, 12/01/39 | 12/21 at 100.00 | B3 | $ | 5,148,285 | |||
1,865 | 5.000%, 12/01/41 | 12/21 at 100.00 | B3 | 1,509,158 | |||||
4,905 | Chicago Board of Education, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Dedicated Revenues Series 2012A, 5.000%, 12/01/42 | 12/22 at 100.00 | B3 | 3,969,077 | |||||
2,720 | Chicago Board of Education, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Dedicated Revenues, Series 2008C, 5.000%, 12/01/29 | 12/18 at 100.00 | B3 | 2,244,544 | |||||
40,905 | Chicago Board of Education, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Dedicated Revenues, Series 2016A, 7.000%, 12/01/44 | 12/25 at 100.00 | B | 39,593,586 | |||||
14,805 | Chicago Board of Education, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Dedicated Revenues, Series 2016B, 6.500%, 12/01/46 | 12/26 at 100.00 | B | 13,754,289 | |||||
1,315 | Chicago Board of Education, Illinois, Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Dedicated Tax Revenues, Series 1998B-1, 0.000%, 12/01/30 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | B+ | 695,122 | |||||
2,235 | Chicago Transit Authority, Illinois, Capital Grant Receipts Revenue Bonds, Federal Transit Administration Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Funds, Refunding Series 2011, 5.250%, 6/01/26 – AGM Insured | 6/21 at 100.00 | A2 | 2,424,819 | |||||
1,100 | Chicago Transit Authority, Illinois, Sales Tax Receipts Revenue Bonds, Series 2011, 5.250%, 12/01/40 | 12/21 at 100.00 | A1 | 1,174,712 | |||||
12,215 | Chicago Transit Authority, Illinois, Sales Tax Receipts Revenue Bonds, Series 2014, 5.250%, 12/01/49 | 12/24 at 100.00 | AA | 13,373,837 | |||||
7,700 | Chicago, Illinois, General Airport Revenue Bonds, O’Hare International Airport, Third Lien Refunding Series 2010C, 5.250%, 1/01/35 – AGC Insured | 1/20 at 100.00 | A2 | 8,327,473 | |||||
Chicago, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, City Colleges, Series 1999: | |||||||||
1,500 | 0.000%, 1/01/31 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB– | 803,220 | |||||
32,670 | 0.000%, 1/01/32 – FGIC Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB– | 16,546,048 | |||||
12,360 | 0.000%, 1/01/37 – FGIC Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB– | 4,750,072 | |||||
1,000 | Chicago, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Project & Refunding Series 2007A, 5.000%, 1/01/27 – AMBAC Insured | 7/17 at 16.847 | Ba1 | 1,002,150 | |||||
2,500 | Chicago, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Project & Refunding Series 2014A, 5.250%, 1/01/33 | 1/24 at 100.00 | Ba1 | 2,468,275 | |||||
17,605 | Chicago, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Project & Refunding Series 2017A, 6.000%, 1/01/38 | 1/27 at 100.00 | BBB– | 18,445,463 | |||||
4,220 | Chicago, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Project and Refunding Series 2009C, 5.000%, 1/01/34 | 1/19 at 100.00 | Ba1 | 4,062,594 | |||||
1,000 | Chicago, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Project Series 2011A, 5.250%, 1/01/35 | 1/21 at 100.00 | Ba1 | 982,970 | |||||
10,200 | Chicago, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Project Series 2012A, 5.000%, 1/01/33 | 1/22 at 100.00 | Ba1 | 9,855,138 | |||||
2,605 | Chicago, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2016C, 5.000%, 1/01/38 | 1/26 at 100.00 | BBB– | 2,472,848 | |||||
7,750 | Chicago, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004A, 5.000%, 1/01/34 – AGM Insured | 7/17 at 16.847 | BBB– | 7,770,228 | |||||
3,000 | Chicago, Illinois, Wastewater Transmission Revenue Bonds, Second Lien Series 2008C, 5.000%, 1/01/39 | 1/25 at 100.00 | A | 3,204,600 | |||||
10,000 | Cook County Community College District 508, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Chicago City Colleges, Series 2013, 5.250%, 12/01/43 | 12/23 at 100.00 | BBB | 10,452,300 | |||||
6,160 | De Witt, Ford, Livingston, Logan, Mc Lean and Tazewell Community College District 540, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, 3.000%, 12/01/26 – AGM Insured | 12/17 at 100.00 | Aa2 | 6,010,620 | |||||
DeKalb, Kane, LaSalle, Lee, Ogle, Winnebago and Boone Counties Community College District 523, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Kishwaukee Community College, Series 2011B: | |||||||||
2,500 | 0.000%, 2/01/33 | 2/21 at 100.00 | AA– | 1,016,850 | |||||
2,000 | 0.000%, 2/01/34 | 2/21 at 100.00 | AA– | 752,940 | |||||
Illinois Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Field Museum of Natural History, Series 2002: | |||||||||
3,400 | 5.500%, 11/01/36 | 11/23 at 100.00 | A | 3,722,286 | |||||
2,500 | 4.450%, 11/01/36 | 11/25 at 102.00 | A | 2,597,925 |
NVG | Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund | |
Portfolio of Investments (continued) | April 30, 2017 (Unaudited) |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Illinois (continued) | |||||||||
$ | 3,295 | Illinois Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Robert Morris College, Series 2000, 5.800%, 6/01/30 – NPFG Insured | 6/17 at 100.00 | A3 | $ | 3,331,113 | |||
595 | Illinois Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Chicago Charter School Foundation, Series 2007, 5.000%, 12/01/36 | 7/17 at 16.847 | BBB | 595,238 | |||||
Illinois Finance Authority, Charter School Revenue Bonds, Intrinsic Charter Schools Belmont School Project, Series 2015A: | |||||||||
1,700 | 5.750%, 12/01/35 | 12/25 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,692,214 | |||||
115 | 6.000%, 12/01/45 | 12/25 at 100.00 | N/R | 115,407 | |||||
6,500 | Illinois Finance Authority, Recovery Zone Facility Revenue Bonds, Navistar International Corporation Project, Series 2010, 6.500%, 10/15/40 | 10/20 at 100.00 | CCC+ | 6,643,780 | |||||
5,750 | Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Centegra Health System, Series 2012, 5.000%, 9/01/38 | 9/22 at 100.00 | BBB | 5,990,063 | |||||
Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Centegra Health System, Series 2014A: | |||||||||
1,485 | 5.000%, 9/01/34 | 9/24 at 100.00 | BBB | 1,573,744 | |||||
19,025 | 5.000%, 9/01/42 | 9/24 at 100.00 | BBB | 19,733,491 | |||||
2,000 | Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Children’s Memorial Hospital, Series 2008A, 5.250%, 8/15/47 – AGC Insured (UB) | 8/18 at 100.00 | AA– | 2,078,940 | |||||
1,340 | Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Edward Health Services Corporation, Series 2008A, 5.500%, 2/01/40 (Pre-refunded 2/01/18) – AMBAC Insured | 2/18 at 100.00 | A (4) | 1,386,391 | |||||
2,500 | Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Elmhurst Memorial Healthcare, Series 2008A, 5.625%, 1/01/37 (Pre-refunded 1/01/18) | 1/18 at 100.00 | A (4) | 2,579,275 | |||||
1,725 | Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ingalls Health System, Series 2013, 4.250%, 5/15/43 | 5/22 at 100.00 | Baa1 | 1,633,851 | |||||
4,300 | Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Memorial Health System, Series 2009, 5.500%, 4/01/34 | 4/19 at 100.00 | A1 | 4,550,905 | |||||
15,805 | Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Mercy Health Corporation, Series 2016, 5.000%, 12/01/46 | 6/26 at 100.00 | A3 | 16,813,201 | |||||
1,630 | Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Northwestern Memorial HealthCare, Series 2013, 5.000%, 8/15/37 | 8/22 at 100.00 | Aa2 | 1,772,674 | |||||
39,675 | Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Presence Health Network, Series 2016C, 4.000%, 2/15/41 | 2/27 at 100.00 | BBB– | 34,993,350 | |||||
Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Provena Health, Series 2009A: | |||||||||
25 | 7.750%, 8/15/34 (Pre-refunded 8/15/19) | 8/19 at 100.00 | N/R (4) | 28,725 | |||||
2,475 | 7.750%, 8/15/34 (Pre-refunded 8/15/19) | 8/19 at 100.00 | BBB– (4) | 2,843,775 | |||||
1,435 | Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Series 2013A, 6.000%, 7/01/43 | 7/23 at 100.00 | A– | 1,642,874 | |||||
Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Resurrection Health Care System, Series 1999B: | |||||||||
320 | 5.000%, 5/15/24 (Pre-refunded 5/15/18) – AGM Insured | 5/18 at 100.00 | A2 (4) | 333,782 | |||||
4,680 | 5.000%, 5/15/24 (Pre-refunded 5/15/18) – AGM Insured | 5/18 at 100.00 | A2 (4) | 4,881,568 | |||||
2,000 | Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Rush University Medical Center Obligated Group, Series 2015A, 4.000%, 11/15/39 | 5/25 at 100.00 | A+ | 2,016,420 | |||||
Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Silver Cross Hospital and Medical Centers, Refunding Series 2015C: | |||||||||
560 | 5.000%, 8/15/35 | 8/25 at 100.00 | Baa1 | 605,752 | |||||
6,140 | 5.000%, 8/15/44 | 8/25 at 100.00 | Baa1 | 6,485,191 | |||||
5,725 | Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Silver Cross Hospital and Medical Centers, Series 2009, 7.000%, 8/15/44 (Pre-refunded 8/15/19) | 8/19 at 100.00 | N/R (4) | 6,485,223 | |||||
8,960 | Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, The Carle Foundation, Series 2011A, 6.000%, 8/15/41 – AGM Insured | 8/21 at 100.00 | A2 | 10,186,714 | |||||
Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, The University of Chicago Medical Center, Series 2011C: | |||||||||
1,150 | 5.500%, 8/15/41 (Pre-refunded 2/15/21) | 2/21 at 100.00 | AA– (4) | 1,329,872 | |||||
4,500 | 5.500%, 8/15/41 (Pre-refunded 2/15/21) (UB) (5) | 2/21 at 100.00 | AA– (4) | 5,203,845 | |||||
19,975 | Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, University of Chicago, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 10/01/51 | 10/21 at 100.00 | AA– | 21,517,669 |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Illinois (continued) | |||||||||
$ | 20,000 | Illinois Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, University of Chicago, Series 2015A, 5.000%, 10/01/46 (UB) (5) | 10/25 at 100.00 | AA– | $ | 22,305,400 | |||
4,055 | Illinois Finance Authority, Student Housing Revenue Bonds, Educational Advancement Fund Inc., Refunding Series 2007A, 5.250%, 5/01/34 | 5/17 at 100.00 | Baa3 | 4,059,379 | |||||
3,665 | Illinois Sports Facility Authority, State Tax Supported Bonds, Refunding Series 2014, 5.250%, 6/15/31 – AGM Insured | 6/24 at 100.00 | BBB– | 4,022,851 | |||||
Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, February Series 2014: | |||||||||
3,200 | 5.250%, 2/01/32 | 2/24 at 100.00 | BBB | 3,276,480 | |||||
2,000 | 5.250%, 2/01/33 | 2/24 at 100.00 | BBB | 2,039,700 | |||||
1,575 | 5.250%, 2/01/34 | 2/24 at 100.00 | BBB | 1,602,641 | |||||
7,000 | 5.000%, 2/01/39 | 2/24 at 100.00 | BBB | 7,007,420 | |||||
5,000 | Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, June Series 2016, 4.000%, 6/01/35 | 6/26 at 100.00 | BBB | 4,430,900 | |||||
Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, May Series 2014: | |||||||||
510 | 5.000%, 5/01/36 | 5/24 at 100.00 | BBB | 510,893 | |||||
2,245 | 5.000%, 5/01/39 | 5/24 at 100.00 | BBB | 2,247,627 | |||||
Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, November Series 2016: | |||||||||
11,800 | 5.000%, 11/01/40 | 11/26 at 100.00 | BBB | 11,817,700 | |||||
13,200 | 5.000%, 11/01/41 | 11/26 at 100.00 | BBB | 13,209,768 | |||||
Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2012: | |||||||||
3,795 | 5.000%, 8/01/21 | No Opt. Call | BBB | 4,015,831 | |||||
1,725 | 5.000%, 8/01/22 | No Opt. Call | BBB | 1,830,053 | |||||
3,425 | 5.000%, 8/01/23 | No Opt. Call | BBB | 3,636,973 | |||||
1,095 | 5.000%, 8/01/25 | 8/22 at 100.00 | BBB | 1,134,924 | |||||
2,335 | Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2013, 5.500%, 7/01/38 | 7/23 at 100.00 | BBB | 2,423,823 | |||||
5,000 | Illinois Toll Highway Authority, Toll Highway Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2013A, 5.000%, 1/01/35 | 1/23 at 100.00 | AA– | 5,545,600 | |||||
18,920 | Illinois Toll Highway Authority, Toll Highway Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2015A, 5.000%, 1/01/40 | 7/25 at 100.00 | AA– | 21,021,066 | |||||
1,395 | Illinois Toll Highway Authority, Toll Highway Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 2015-XF0051, 15.366%, 1/01/38 (IF) | 1/23 at 100.00 | AA– | 1,982,755 | |||||
7,400 | Macon County School District 61 Decatur, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011A, 5.250%, 1/01/37 – AGM Insured | 1/21 at 100.00 | A2 | 7,988,374 | |||||
17,500 | Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Refunding Series 2012B, 5.000%, 6/15/52 | 6/22 at 100.00 | BBB– | 17,413,725 | |||||
540 | Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Refunding Series 2015B, 5.000%, 6/15/52 | 12/25 at 100.00 | BBB– | 537,338 | |||||
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, Series 2015A: | |||||||||
2,890 | 0.000%, 12/15/52 | No Opt. Call | BBB– | 392,635 | |||||
5,185 | 5.000%, 6/15/53 | 12/25 at 100.00 | BBB– | 5,159,386 | |||||
15,000 | Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, McCormick Place Expansion Project Refunding Bonds, Series 2010A, 5.500%, 6/15/50 | 6/20 at 100.00 | BBB– | 15,335,850 | |||||
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, Revenue Bonds, McCormick Place Expansion Project, Capital Appreciation Refunding Series 2010B-1: | |||||||||
25,000 | 0.000%, 6/15/44 – AGM Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB– | 6,767,500 | |||||
43,200 | 0.000%, 6/15/45 – AGM Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB– | 11,083,392 | |||||
10,000 | 0.000%, 6/15/46 – AGM Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB– | 2,430,600 | |||||
41,150 | Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, Revenue Bonds, McCormick Place Expansion Project, Refunding Series 2010B-2, 5.000%, 6/15/50 | 6/20 at 100.00 | BBB– | 41,206,376 | |||||
8,750 | Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, Revenue Bonds, McCormick Place Expansion Project, Series 1994B, 0.000%, 6/15/28 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | A3 | 5,556,075 |
NVG | Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund | |
Portfolio of Investments (continued) | April 30, 2017 (Unaudited) |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Illinois (continued) | |||||||||
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Illinois, Revenue Bonds, McCormick Place Expansion Project, Series 2002A: | |||||||||
$ | 18,000 | 0.000%, 12/15/24 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB– | $ | 13,917,780 | |||
20,045 | 0.000%, 12/15/35 – AGM Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB– | 8,505,094 | |||||
695 | Montgomery, Illinois, Lakewood Creek Project Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2007, 4.700%, 3/01/30 – RAAI Insured | 7/17 at 16.847 | AA | 695,716 | |||||
1,846 | Plano, Illinois, Special Tax Bonds, Special Service Area 1 & 2 Lakewood Springs Project, Refunding Series 2014, 5.000%, 3/01/34 – AGM Insured | 3/24 at 100.00 | AA | 1,992,111 | |||||
2,600 | Regional Transportation Authority, Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will Counties, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2000A, 6.500%, 7/01/30 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | Aa3 | 3,448,900 | |||||
3,900 | Rosemont Village, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Corporate Purpose Series 2011A, 5.600%, 12/01/35 – AGM Insured | 12/20 at 100.00 | A2 | 4,191,213 | |||||
7,025 | Southwestern Illinois Development Authority, Health Facility Revenue Bonds, Memorial Group, Inc., Series 2013, 7.625%, 11/01/48 | 11/23 at 100.00 | AA | 9,200,502 | |||||
4,000 | Southwestern Illinois Development Authority, School Revenue Bonds, Triad School District 2, Madison County, Illinois, Series 2006, 0.000%, 10/01/25 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | A3 | 3,056,200 | |||||
12,125 | Springfield, Illinois, Electric Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2015, 5.000%, 3/01/40 – AGM Insured | 3/25 at 100.00 | A2 | 13,362,235 | |||||
2,550 | Will County Community Unit School District 201U, Crete-Monee, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Capital Appreciation Series 2004, 0.000%, 11/01/22 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | A3 | 2,209,550 | |||||
780 | Will County Community Unit School District 201U, Crete-Monee, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Capital Appreciation Series 2004, 0.000%, 11/01/22 – NPFG Insured (ETM) | No Opt. Call | A3 (4) | 708,864 | |||||
6,390 | Will County School District 122, New Lenox, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Capital Appreciation School Series 2004D, 0.000%, 11/01/24 – AGM Insured | No Opt. Call | Aa3 | 5,140,691 | |||||
Williamson & Johnson Counties Community Unit School District 2, Marion, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011: | |||||||||
930 | 7.000%, 12/01/21 – AGM Insured | 12/20 at 100.00 | A2 | 1,087,003 | |||||
1,035 | 7.000%, 12/01/22 – AGM Insured | 12/20 at 100.00 | A2 | 1,200,962 | |||||
1,155 | 7.000%, 12/01/23 – AGM Insured | 12/20 at 100.00 | A2 | 1,340,204 | |||||
1,065 | 7.000%, 12/01/26 – AGM Insured | 12/20 at 100.00 | A2 | 1,227,817 | |||||
Williamson & Johnson Counties Community Unit School District 2, Marion, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2011: | |||||||||
2,085 | 7.250%, 12/01/29 (Pre-refunded 12/01/20) – AGM Insured | 12/20 at 100.00 | A2 (4) | 2,522,871 | |||||
2,295 | 7.250%, 12/01/30 (Pre-refunded 12/01/20) – AGM Insured | 12/20 at 100.00 | A2 (4) | 2,776,973 | |||||
829,196 | Total Illinois | 736,985,058 | |||||||
Indiana – 4.2% (2.7% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
Allen County, Indiana, Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Fort Wayne Project, Senior Series 2017A-1: | |||||||||
425 | 6.625%, 1/15/34 | 1/24 at 104.00 | N/R | 435,459 | |||||
675 | 6.750%, 1/15/43 | 1/24 at 104.00 | N/R | 691,565 | |||||
1,605 | Chesterton, Indiana, Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Storypoint Chesterton Project, Series 2016, 6.250%, 1/15/43 | 1/24 at 104.00 | N/R | 1,604,920 | |||||
2,640 | Crown Point Multi-School Building Corporation, Indiana, First Mortgage Bonds, Crown Point Community School Corporation, Series 2000, 0.000%, 1/15/24 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | A3 | 2,259,919 | |||||
12,040 | Indiana Finance Authority, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Valparaiso University Project, Series 2014, 5.000%, 10/01/44 | 10/24 at 100.00 | A2 | 13,096,630 | |||||
365 | Indiana Finance Authority, Environmental Improvement Revenue Bonds, United States Steel Corporation Project, Refunding Series 2010, 6.000%, 12/01/26 | 6/20 at 100.00 | Caa1 | 370,256 | |||||
125 | Indiana Finance Authority, Environmental Improvement Revenue Bonds, United States Steel Corporation Project, Refunding Series 2011, 6.000%, 12/01/19 | No Opt. Call | Caa1 | 131,835 | |||||
12,750 | Indiana Finance Authority, Health System Revenue Bonds, Franciscan Alliance, Inc. Obligated Group, Series 2016A, 4.000%, 11/01/51 | 11/25 at 100.00 | Aa3 | 12,603,758 |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Indiana (continued) | |||||||||
$ | 10,190 | Indiana Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Community Health Network Project, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 5/01/42 | 5/23 at 100.00 | A | $ | 10,983,088 | |||
4,500 | Indiana Finance Authority, Midwestern Disaster Relief Revenue Bonds, Ohio Valley Electric Corporation Project, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 6/01/39 – AGM Insured | 6/22 at 100.00 | Ba1 | 4,514,445 | |||||
5,000 | Indiana Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Trinity Health Care Group, Refunding Series 2010B., 5.000%, 12/01/37 | 12/20 at 100.00 | AA– | 5,491,750 | |||||
13,880 | Indiana Finance Authority, Wastewater Utility Revenue Bonds, CWA Authority Project, Series 2011B, 5.000%, 10/01/41 | 10/21 at 100.00 | A3 | 15,443,304 | |||||
17,970 | Indiana Finance Authority, Wastewater Utility Revenue Bonds, CWA Authority Project, Series 2014A, 5.000%, 10/01/44 | 10/24 at 100.00 | A | 20,155,332 | |||||
2,250 | Indiana Health and Educational Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sisters of Saint Francis Health Services Inc., Series 2006E, 5.250%, 5/15/41 (Pre-refunded 5/01/18) – AGM Insured | 5/18 at 100.00 | Aa3 (4) | 2,348,415 | |||||
5,000 | Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank Bonds, Indiana, PILOT Infrastructure Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2010F, 5.000%, 1/01/35 – AGM Insured | 1/20 at 100.00 | AA | 5,417,250 | |||||
Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank, Indiana, Series 1999E: | |||||||||
10,000 | 0.000%, 2/01/26 – AMBAC Insured | No Opt. Call | A | 7,790,100 | |||||
20,000 | 0.000%, 2/01/28 – AMBAC Insured | No Opt. Call | A | 14,380,000 | |||||
2,855 | Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank, Indiana, Waterworks Project Series 2009A, 5.500%, 1/01/38 (Pre-refunded 1/01/19) – AGC Insured | 1/19 at 100.00 | A2 (4) | 3,069,810 | |||||
11,760 | Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank, Indiana, Waterworks Project Series 2009A, 5.500%, 1/01/38 – AGC Insured | 1/19 at 100.00 | A2 | 12,518,755 | |||||
1,500 | Vigo County Hospital Authority, Indiana, Revenue Bonds, Union Hospital, Series 2007, 5.800%, 9/01/47 (Pre-refunded 9/01/17) | 9/17 at 100.00 | N/R (4) | 1,525,065 | |||||
135,530 | Total Indiana | 134,831,656 | |||||||
Iowa – 3.2% (2.1% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
10,000 | Iowa Finance Authority, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, UnityPoint Health Project, Series 2013A, 5.250%, 2/15/44 | 2/23 at 100.00 | Aa3 | 10,954,400 | |||||
Iowa Finance Authority, Iowa, Midwestern Disaster Area Revenue Bonds, Iowa Fertilizer Company Project, Series 2013: | |||||||||
21,280 | 5.000%, 12/01/19 | No Opt. Call | B– | 21,800,296 | |||||
10,685 | 5.250%, 12/01/25 | 12/23 at 100.00 | B– | 10,836,513 | |||||
18,290 | Iowa Finance Authority, Iowa, Midwestern Disaster Area Revenue Bonds, Iowa Fertilizer Company Project, Series 2016, 5.875%, 12/01/27 | 6/19 at 105.00 | B– | 18,830,835 | |||||
Iowa Tobacco Settlement Authority, Asset Backed Settlement Revenue Bonds, Series 2005C: | |||||||||
8,285 | 5.375%, 6/01/38 | 7/17 at 16.847 | B2 | 8,285,000 | |||||
2,200 | 5.500%, 6/01/42 | 7/17 at 16.847 | B2 | 2,199,978 | |||||
21,325 | 5.625%, 6/01/46 | 7/17 at 16.847 | B2 | 21,325,427 | |||||
8,400 | Iowa Tobacco Settlement Authority, Tobacco Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Series 2005B, 5.600%, 6/01/34 | 6/17 at 100.00 | B2 | 8,400,000 | |||||
100,465 | Total Iowa | 102,632,449 | |||||||
Kansas – 0.8% (0.5% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
1,240 | Kansas Development Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Services Corporation, Series 2010A, 5.000%, 1/01/40 | 1/20 at 100.00 | AA– | 1,318,033 | |||||
8,140 | Kansas Development Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Services Corporation, Series 2010A, 5.000%, 1/01/40 (Pre-refunded 1/01/20) | 1/20 at 100.00 | N/R (4) | 8,951,721 | |||||
1,000 | Lenexa, Kansas, Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, Lakeview Village Inc., Series 2017A, 5.000%, 5/15/43 (WI/DD, Settling 5/10/17) | 5/27 at 100.00 | BB+ | 1,009,410 |
NVG | Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund | |
Portfolio of Investments (continued) | April 30, 2017 (Unaudited) |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Kansas (continued) | |||||||||
Wyandotte County-Kansas City Unified Government, Kansas, Sales Tax Special Obligation Bonds, Vacation Village Project Area 1 and 2A, Series 2015: | |||||||||
$ | 5,385 | 5.000%, 9/01/27 | 9/25 at 100.00 | N/R | $ | 5,380,315 | |||
5,435 | 5.750%, 9/01/32 | 9/25 at 100.00 | N/R | 5,390,813 | |||||
2,595 | 6.000%, 9/01/35 | 9/25 at 100.00 | N/R | 2,552,286 | |||||
23,795 | Total Kansas | 24,602,578 | |||||||
Kentucky – 2.5% (1.6% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
4,565 | Christian County, Kentucky, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Jennie Stuart Medical Center, Series 2016, 5.500%, 2/01/44 | 2/26 at 100.00 | BB+ | 4,715,097 | |||||
6,675 | Kentucky Bond Development Corporation, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Summit Lexington Project, Series 2016A, 4.400%, 10/01/24 | No Opt. Call | N/R | 6,419,548 | |||||
5,240 | Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Owensboro Medical Health System, Series 2010A, 6.000%, 6/01/30 | 6/20 at 100.00 | Baa3 | 5,794,078 | |||||
6,015 | Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Owensboro Medical Health System, Series 2010B, 6.375%, 3/01/40 | 6/20 at 100.00 | Baa3 | 6,688,981 | |||||
1,000 | Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Louisville Arena Project Revenue Bonds, Louisville Arena Authority, Inc., Series 2008-A1, 6.000%, 12/01/33 – AGC Insured | 6/18 at 100.00 | A3 | 1,041,100 | |||||
Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Next Generation Kentucky Information Highway Project, Senior Series 2015A: | |||||||||
4,345 | 5.000%, 7/01/37 | 7/25 at 100.00 | Baa2 | 4,621,646 | |||||
7,370 | 5.000%, 7/01/40 | 7/25 at 100.00 | Baa2 | 7,812,863 | |||||
10,245 | 5.000%, 1/01/45 | 7/25 at 100.00 | Baa2 | 10,824,047 | |||||
Kentucky Public Transportation Infrastructure Authority, First Tier Toll Revenue Bonds, Downtown Crossing Project, Convertible Capital Appreciation Series 2013C: | |||||||||
4,360 | 0.000%, 7/01/43 (7) | 7/31 at 100.00 | Baa3 | 3,618,408 | |||||
7,510 | 0.000%, 7/01/46 (7) | 7/31 at 100.00 | Baa3 | 6,258,909 | |||||
Kentucky Public Transportation Infrastructure Authority, First Tier Toll Revenue Bonds, Downtown Crossing Project, Series 2013A: | |||||||||
2,390 | 5.750%, 7/01/49 | 7/23 at 100.00 | Baa3 | 2,628,020 | |||||
480 | 6.000%, 7/01/53 | 7/23 at 100.00 | Baa3 | 537,029 | |||||
Kentucky State Property and Buildings Commission, Revenue Bonds, Project 93, Refunding Series 2009: | |||||||||
715 | 5.250%, 2/01/20 – AGC Insured | 2/19 at 100.00 | AA | 767,188 | |||||
1,135 | 5.250%, 2/01/24 – AGC Insured | 2/19 at 100.00 | AA | 1,214,745 | |||||
Kentucky State Property and Buildings Commission, Revenue Bonds, Project 93, Refunding Series 2009: | |||||||||
5,560 | 5.250%, 2/01/20 (Pre-refunded 2/01/19) – AGC Insured | 2/19 at 100.00 | AA (4) | 5,968,326 | |||||
8,865 | 5.250%, 2/01/24 (Pre-refunded 2/01/19) – AGC Insured | 2/19 at 100.00 | AA (4) | 9,516,046 | |||||
76,470 | Total Kentucky | 78,426,031 | |||||||
Louisiana – 1.7% (1.1% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
3,175 | Ascension Parish Industrial development Board, Louisiana, Revenue Bonds, Impala Warehousing (US) LLC Project, Series 2013, 6.000%, 7/01/36 | 7/23 at 100.00 | N/R | 3,402,203 | |||||
4,330 | Jefferson Parish Hospital District1, Louisiana, Hospital Revenue Bonds, West Jefferson Medical Center, Refunding Series 2011A, 6.000%, 1/01/39 (Pre-refunded 1/01/21) – AGM Insured | 1/21 at 100.00 | A2 (4) | 5,054,496 | |||||
5,000 | Lafayette Public Trust Financing Authority, Louisiana, Revenue Bonds, Ragin’ Cajun Facilities Inc. Housing & Parking Project, Series 2010, 5.500%, 10/01/41 – AGM Insured | 10/20 at 100.00 | AA | 5,709,300 | |||||
1,455 | Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System, Refunding Series 2015A, 5.000%, 7/01/39 | 7/25 at 100.00 | A2 | 1,600,238 | |||||
10,000 | Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System, Series 1998A, 5.750%, 7/01/25 – AGM Insured (UB) | No Opt. Call | A | 11,531,700 | |||||
10,000 | Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Loyola University Project, Refunding Series 2017, 0.000%, 10/01/46 (7) | 10/33 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 7,454,900 |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Louisiana (continued) | |||||||||
Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Ochsner Clinic Foundation Project, Series 2015: | |||||||||
$ | 1,000 | 4.250%, 5/15/40 | 5/25 at 100.00 | A3 | $ | 1,016,350 | |||
6,970 | 5.000%, 5/15/47 | 5/25 at 100.00 | A3 | 7,504,460 | |||||
1,000 | New Orleans, Louisiana, Sewerage Service Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2014, 4.250%, 6/01/34 | 6/24 at 100.00 | A– | 1,037,800 | |||||
10,185 | St John Baptist Parish, Louisiana, Revenue Bonds, Marathon Oil Corporation, Series 2007A, 5.125%, 6/01/37 | 6/17 at 100.00 | Ba1 | 10,210,564 | |||||
53,115 | Total Louisiana | 54,522,011 | |||||||
Maine – 0.9% (0.6% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
7,530 | Maine Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Eastern Maine Medical Center Obligated Group Issue, Series 2013, 5.000%, 7/01/43 | 7/23 at 100.00 | Baa3 | 7,597,168 | |||||
Maine Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds, Eastern Maine Medical Center Obligated Group Issue, Series 2016A: | |||||||||
5,280 | 4.000%, 7/01/41 | 7/26 at 100.00 | Baa3 | 4,550,357 | |||||
5,565 | 4.000%, 7/01/46 | 7/26 at 100.00 | Baa3 | 4,677,661 | |||||
1,050 | Maine Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Maine General Medical Center, Series 2011, 6.750%, 7/01/41 | 7/21 at 100.00 | Ba2 | 1,139,387 | |||||
Maine Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Mainehealth Issue, Series 2015: | |||||||||
10,000 | 5.000%, 7/01/39 | 7/24 at 100.00 | A+ | 10,944,000 | |||||
1,195 | 4.000%, 7/01/44 | 7/24 at 100.00 | A+ | 1,208,336 | |||||
30,620 | Total Maine | 30,116,909 | |||||||
Maryland – 1.4% (0.9% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
5,345 | Baltimore, Maryland, Senior Lien Convention Center Hotel Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A, 5.250%, 9/01/28 (Pre-refunded 6/23/17)- SYNCORA GTY Insured | 6/17 at 100.00 | BB (4) | 5,357,080 | |||||
2,500 | Maryland Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Adventist Healthcare, Series 2011A, 6.000%, 1/01/26 | 1/22 at 100.00 | Baa3 | 2,838,775 | |||||
13,315 | Maryland Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Adventist Healthcare, Series 2016A, 5.500%, 1/01/46 | 1/27 at 100.00 | Baa3 | 14,914,930 | |||||
10,000 | Maryland Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, LifeBridge Health System, Series 2015, 5.000%, 7/01/47 | 7/25 at 100.00 | A+ | 11,118,100 | |||||
2,500 | Maryland Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Peninsula Regional Medical Center Issue, Refunding Series 2015, 5.000%, 7/01/45 | 7/24 at 100.00 | A3 | 2,706,300 | |||||
3,000 | Maryland Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, University of Maryland Medical System Issue, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 7/01/43 | 7/22 at 100.00 | A– | 3,271,980 | |||||
Prince George’s County Revenue Authority, Maryland, Special Obligation Bonds, Suitland-Naylor Road Project, Series 2016: | |||||||||
2,000 | 4.750%, 7/01/36 | 1/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,938,660 | |||||
2,300 | 5.000%, 7/01/46 | 1/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 2,235,186 | |||||
40,960 | Total Maryland | 44,381,011 | |||||||
Massachusetts – 2.7% (1.8% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
9,500 | Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Metropolitan Highway System Revenue Bonds, Commonwealth Contract Assistance Secured, Refunding Series 2010B, 5.000%, 1/01/35 | 1/20 at 100.00 | Aa2 | 10,378,940 | |||||
3,125 | Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Metropolitan Highway System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Senior Lien Series 2010B, 5.000%, 1/01/37 | 1/20 at 100.00 | A3 | 3,380,688 | |||||
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency Revenue Bonds, Lawrence General Hospital Issue, Series 2014A: | |||||||||
2,245 | 5.250%, 7/01/34 | 7/24 at 100.00 | BB+ | 2,388,164 | |||||
6,195 | 5.500%, 7/01/44 | 7/24 at 100.00 | BB+ | 6,606,038 | |||||
14,555 | Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Resource Recovery Revenue Refunding Bonds, Covanta Energy Project, Series 2012B, 4.875%, 11/01/42 | 11/17 at 100.00 | BB– | 14,580,762 |
NVG | Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund | |
Portfolio of Investments (continued) | April 30, 2017 (Unaudited) |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Massachusetts (continued) | |||||||||
$ | 1,270 | Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Revenue Bonds, Boston Medical Center Issue, Green Bonds, Series 2015D, 5.000%, 7/01/44 | 7/25 at 100.00 | BBB | $ | 1,345,921 | |||
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Revenue Bonds, Emerson College, Series 2015: | |||||||||
2,950 | 5.000%, 1/01/45 | 1/25 at 100.00 | Baa2 | 3,171,398 | |||||
4,020 | 4.500%, 1/01/45 | 1/25 at 100.00 | Baa2 | 4,058,753 | |||||
6,200 | Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Revenue Bonds, Emmanuel College, Series 2016A, 4.000%, 10/01/46 | 10/26 at 100.00 | Baa2 | 6,001,662 | |||||
6,000 | Massachusetts Development Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, WGBH Educational Foundation, Series 2002A, 5.750%, 1/01/42 – AMBAC Insured | No Opt. Call | A+ | 7,939,080 | |||||
500 | Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, CareGroup Inc., Series 2008E-1 &2, 5.125%, 7/01/38 (Pre-refunded 7/01/18) | 7/18 at 100.00 | A– (4) | 524,630 | |||||
5,330 | Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Harvard University, Tender Option Bond Trust 2016-XL0017, 11.886%, 12/15/34 (Pre-refunded 12/15/19) (IF) (5) | 12/19 at 100.00 | AAA | 6,945,363 | |||||
1,000 | Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Series 2010C, 5.375%, 7/01/35 | 7/20 at 100.00 | BBB– | 1,068,240 | |||||
7,405 | Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Series 2002K, 5.500%, 7/01/32 (UB) (5) | No Opt. Call | AAA | 9,786,966 | |||||
835 | Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Suffolk University, Refunding Series 2009A, 5.750%, 7/01/39 | 7/19 at 100.00 | BBB | 900,648 | |||||
1,465 | Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Suffolk University, Refunding Series 2009A, 5.750%, 7/01/39 (Pre-refunded 7/01/19) | 7/19 at 100.00 | N/R (4) | 1,611,324 | |||||
4,560 | Massachusetts School Building Authority, Dedicated Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Senior Series 2013A, 5.000%, 5/15/43 | 5/23 at 100.00 | Aa2 | 5,133,374 | |||||
425 | Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust, Revenue Bonds, MWRA Loan Program, Subordinate Series 1999A, 5.750%, 8/01/29 | 7/17 at 100.00 | AAA | 426,624 | |||||
1,245 | Springfield Water and Sewer Commission, Massachusetts, General Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2010B, 5.000%, 11/15/30 (Pre-refunded 11/15/20) – AGC Insured | 11/20 at 100.00 | A3 (4) | 1,406,613 | |||||
78,825 | Total Massachusetts | 87,655,188 | |||||||
Michigan – 3.0% (1.9% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
5,490 | Detroit City School District, Wayne County, Michigan, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2001A, 6.000%, 5/01/29 – AGM Insured (UB) | No Opt. Call | AA– | 6,688,302 | |||||
2,985 | Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, Michigan, Sewage Disposal System Revenue Bonds, Refunding Senior Lien Series 2012A, 5.250%, 7/01/39 | 7/22 at 100.00 | A– | 3,224,278 | |||||
895 | Kalamazoo Hospital Finance Authority, Michigan, Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds, Bronson Methodist Hospital, Series 2010, 5.250%, 5/15/36 – AGM Insured | 5/20 at 100.00 | A2 | 961,588 | |||||
1,105 | Kalamazoo Hospital Finance Authority, Michigan, Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds, Bronson Methodist Hospital, Series 2010, 5.250%, 5/15/36 (Pre-refunded 5/15/20) – AGM Insured | 5/20 at 100.00 | A2 (4) | 1,235,954 | |||||
Michigan Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Sparrow Obligated Group, Refunding Series 2015: | |||||||||
4,495 | 4.000%, 11/15/35 | 5/25 at 100.00 | A+ | 4,603,779 | |||||
2,550 | 4.000%, 11/15/36 | 5/25 at 100.00 | A+ | 2,604,570 | |||||
3,240 | Michigan Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Trinity Health Credit Group, Refunding Series 2011, 5.000%, 12/01/39 | 12/21 at 100.00 | AA– | 3,632,591 | |||||
10 | Michigan Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Trinity Health Credit Group, Refunding Series 2011, 5.000%, 12/01/39 (Pre-refunded 12/01/21) | 12/21 at 100.00 | N/R (4) | 11,593 | |||||
10,000 | Michigan Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Trinity Health Credit Group, Series 2016MI, 5.000%, 12/01/45 (UB) (5) | 6/26 at 100.00 | AA– | 11,036,200 | |||||
500 | Michigan Finance Authority, Unemployment Obligation Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B, 5.000%, 7/01/22 (Pre-refunded 7/01/17) | 7/17 at 100.00 | AAA | 509,105 | |||||
4,000 | Michigan Public Power Agency, AFEC Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 1/01/43 | 1/22 at 100.00 | BBB | 4,203,600 |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Michigan (continued) | |||||||||
Michigan State Building Authority, Revenue Bonds, Facilities Program, Refunding Series 2011-II-A: | |||||||||
$ | 2,750 | 5.375%, 10/15/36 | 10/21 at 100.00 | A+ | $ | 3,097,930 | |||
8,260 | 5.375%, 10/15/41 | 10/21 at 100.00 | A+ | 9,264,168 | |||||
Michigan State Hospital Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Henry Ford Health System, Refunding Series 2009: | |||||||||
5,500 | 5.625%, 11/15/29 (Pre-refunded 11/15/19) | 11/19 at 100.00 | A3 (4) | 6,115,725 | |||||
10,585 | 5.750%, 11/15/39 (Pre-refunded 11/15/19) | 11/19 at 100.00 | A3 (4) | 11,803,122 | |||||
13,855 | Michigan State Hospital Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Trinity Health Care Group, Series 2009C, 5.000%, 12/01/48 | 6/22 at 100.00 | AA– | 14,782,315 | |||||
3,050 | Michigan Tobacco Settlement Finance Authority, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Series 2008A, 6.875%, 6/01/42 | 6/18 at 100.00 | B2 | 3,184,048 | |||||
1,150 | Royal Oak Hospital Finance Authority, Michigan, Hospital Revenue Bonds, William Beaumont Hospital, Refunding Series 2009V, 8.250%, 9/01/39 (Pre-refunded 9/01/18) | 9/18 at 100.00 | Aaa | 1,261,355 | |||||
Wayne County Airport Authority, Michigan, Revenue Bonds, Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport, Series 2015D: | |||||||||
3,550 | 5.000%, 12/01/40 | 12/25 at 100.00 | A– | 3,886,895 | |||||
3,600 | 5.000%, 12/01/45 | 12/25 at 100.00 | A– | 3,927,816 | |||||
87,570 | Total Michigan | 96,034,934 | |||||||
Minnesota – 0.7% (0.5% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
Baytown Township, Minnesota Charter School Lease Revenue Bonds, Saint Croix Preparatory Academy, Refunding Series 2016A: | |||||||||
155 | 4.000%, 8/01/36 | 8/26 at 100.00 | BB+ | 138,263 | |||||
440 | 4.000%, 8/01/41 | 8/26 at 100.00 | BB+ | 382,439 | |||||
2,000 | Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, Charter School Lease Revenue Bonds, Prairie Seeds Academy Project, Refunding Series 2015A, 5.000%, 3/01/34 | 3/25 at 100.00 | BB+ | 2,027,060 | |||||
1,720 | Deephaven, Minnesota, Charter School Lease Revenue Bonds, Eagle Ridge Academy Project, Series 2015A, 5.500%, 7/01/50 | 7/25 at 100.00 | BB+ | 1,801,683 | |||||
1,410 | Minneapolis, Minnesota, Charter School Lease Revenue Bonds, Hiawatha Academies Project, Series 2016A, 5.000%, 7/01/47 | 7/24 at 102.00 | N/R | 1,352,176 | |||||
4,625 | Minneapolis, Minnesota, Health Care System Revenue Bonds, Fairview Health Services, Series 2008B, 6.500%, 11/15/38 – AGC Insured | 11/18 at 100.00 | A2 | 4,966,325 | |||||
840 | Minneapolis, Minnesota, Health Care System Revenue Bonds, Fairview Health Services, Series 2008B, 6.500%, 11/15/38 (Pre-refunded 11/15/18) – AGC Insured | 11/18 at 100.00 | A2 (4) | 911,156 | |||||
1,000 | Minneapolis-Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Health Care Revenue Bonds, Children’s Health Care, Series 2004A-1 Remarketed, 4.625%, 8/15/29 – AGM Insured | 8/20 at 100.00 | A2 | 1,064,750 | |||||
Saint Cloud, Minnesota, Charter School Lease Revenue Bonds, Stride Academy Project, Series 2016A: | |||||||||
405 | 5.000%, 4/01/36 | 4/26 at 100.00 | CCC– | 263,246 | |||||
605 | 5.000%, 4/01/46 | 4/26 at 100.00 | CCC– | 393,244 | |||||
2,500 | Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Health Care Facility Revenue Bonds, HealthPartners Obligated Group, Refunding Series 2015A, 4.000%, 7/01/35 | 7/25 at 100.00 | A | 2,564,825 | |||||
235 | Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, 2700 University at Westgate Station, Series 2015B, 4.250%, 4/01/25 | 4/23 at 100.00 | N/R | 237,818 | |||||
St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota, Hospital Revenue Bonds, HealthEast Inc., Series 2015A: | |||||||||
900 | 5.250%, 11/15/35 | 11/20 at 100.00 | BB+ | 958,905 | |||||
2,785 | 5.000%, 11/15/40 | 11/25 at 100.00 | BB+ | 2,949,705 | |||||
3,190 | 5.000%, 11/15/44 | 11/25 at 100.00 | BB+ | 3,376,328 | |||||
22,810 | Total Minnesota | 23,387,923 |
NVG | Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund | |
Portfolio of Investments (continued) | April 30, 2017 (Unaudited) |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Mississippi – 0.2% (0.1% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
$ | 5,445 | Mississippi Development Bank, Special Obligation Bonds, Gulfport Water and Sewer System Project, Series 2005, 5.250%, 7/01/24 – AGM Insured | No Opt. Call | A2 | $ | 6,309,394 | |||
Missouri – 2.0% (1.3% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
890 | Bi-State Development Agency of the Missouri-Illinois Metropolitan District, Mass Transit Sales Tax Appropriation Bonds, Refunding Combined Lien Series 2013A, 5.000%, 10/01/28 | 10/18 at 100.00 | Aa3 | 938,087 | |||||
2,820 | Chesterfield Valley Transportation Development District, Missouri, Transportation Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2015, 3.625%, 5/15/31 | 5/23 at 100.00 | A– | 2,806,746 | |||||
Kansas City Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Ward Parkway Center Community Improvement District, Senior Refunding & Improvement Series 2016: | |||||||||
400 | 5.000%, 4/01/36 | 4/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 375,388 | |||||
1,520 | 5.000%, 4/01/46 | 4/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,357,010 | |||||
15,000 | Kansas City Municipal Assistance Corporation, Missouri, Leasehold Revenue Bonds, Series 2004B-1, 0.000%, 4/15/28 – AMBAC Insured | No Opt. Call | A1 | 10,429,500 | |||||
3,345 | Kirkwood Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Retirement Community Revenue Bonds, Aberdeen Heights Project, Refunding Series 2017A, 5.250%, 5/15/50 | 5/27 at 100.00 | BB | 3,469,200 | |||||
Liberty, Missouri, Special Obligation Tax Increment and Special Districts Bonds, Liberty Commons Project, Series 2015A: | |||||||||
1,575 | 5.750%, 6/01/35 | 6/25 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,541,311 | |||||
1,055 | 6.000%, 6/01/46 | 6/25 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,034,311 | |||||
2,460 | Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Saint Louis College of Pharmacy, Series 2013, 5.500%, 5/01/43 | 5/23 at 100.00 | BBB | 2,666,271 | |||||
Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Saint Louis College of Pharmacy, Series 2015B: | |||||||||
1,410 | 5.000%, 5/01/40 | 11/23 at 100.00 | BBB | 1,475,283 | |||||
2,000 | 5.000%, 5/01/45 | 11/23 at 100.00 | BBB | 2,086,820 | |||||
6,665 | Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, BJC Health System, Series 2015A, 4.000%, 1/01/45 | 1/25 at 100.00 | AA | 6,774,973 | |||||
8,315 | Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, CoxHealth, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 11/15/48 | 11/23 at 100.00 | A2 | 9,011,464 | |||||
2,250 | Missouri Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Heartland Regional Medical Center, Series 2012, 5.000%, 2/15/43 | 2/22 at 100.00 | A1 | 2,435,963 | |||||
1,010 | Plaza at Noah’s Ark Community Improvement District, Saint Charles, Missouri, Tax Increment and Improvement District Revenue Bonds, Series 2015, 5.000%, 5/01/30 | 5/21 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,026,362 | |||||
4,125 | Saint Louis, Missouri, Airport Revenue Bonds, Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, Series 2005, 5.500%, 7/01/29 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB+ | 5,047,309 | |||||
15,350 | Springfield Public Building Corporation, Missouri, Lease Revenue Bonds, Jordan Valley Park Projects, Series 2000A, 0.000%, 6/01/30 – AMBAC Insured | No Opt. Call | N/R | 8,847,433 | |||||
405 | St. Louis County Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Revenue Bonds, Friendship Village of Sunset Hills, Series 2013A, 5.875%, 9/01/43 | 9/23 at 100.00 | A– | 452,907 | |||||
St. Louis County Industrial Development Authority, Missouri, Revenue Bonds, Saint Andrew’s Resources for Seniors, Series 2015A: | |||||||||
1,550 | 5.000%, 12/01/35 | 12/25 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,548,063 | |||||
455 | 5.125%, 12/01/45 | 12/25 at 100.00 | N/R | 453,621 | |||||
72,600 | Total Missouri | 63,778,022 | |||||||
Montana – 0.2% (0.1% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
Kalispell, Montana, Housing and Healthcare Facilities Revenue Bonds, Immanuel Lutheran Corporation, Series 2017A: | |||||||||
1,175 | 5.250%, 5/15/37 (WI/DD, Settling 5/18/17) | 5/25 at 102.00 | N/R | 1,212,800 | |||||
375 | 5.250%, 5/15/47 (WI/DD, Settling 5/18/17) | 5/25 at 102.00 | N/R | 384,375 | |||||
125 | Montana Facility Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Benefis Health System Obligated Group, Refunding Series 2016, 3.500%, 2/15/37 | 2/27 at 100.00 | A– | 118,640 |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Montana (continued) | |||||||||
$ | 3,000 | Montana Facility Finance Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Benefis Health System Obligated Group, Series 2011A, 5.750%, 1/01/31 (Pre-refunded 1/01/21) – AGM Insured | 1/21 at 100.00 | A2 (4) | $ | 3,481,020 | |||
4,675 | Total Montana | 5,196,835 | |||||||
Nebraska – 0.8% (0.5% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
4,435 | Central Plains Energy Project, Nebraska, Gas Project 3 Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 5.000%, 9/01/32 | 9/22 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 4,810,334 | |||||
580 | Douglas County Hospital Authority 2, Nebraska, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Nebraska Methodist Health System, Refunding Series 2015, 5.000%, 11/01/45 | 11/25 at 100.00 | A– | 625,820 | |||||
Douglas County Hospital Authority 3, Nebraska, Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Nebraska Methodist Health System, Refunding Series 2015: | |||||||||
2,090 | 4.125%, 11/01/36 | 11/25 at 100.00 | A– | 2,135,165 | |||||
2,325 | 5.000%, 11/01/48 | 11/25 at 100.00 | A– | 2,533,250 | |||||
4,010 | Lincoln County Hospital Authority 1, Nebraska, Hospital Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Great Plains Regional Medical Center Project, Series 2012, 5.000%, 11/01/42 | 11/21 at 100.00 | A– | 4,277,788 | |||||
5,000 | Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska, Power Supply System Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Series 2009A, 5.375%, 4/01/39 (Pre-refunded 4/01/19) – BHAC Insured | 4/19 at 100.00 | A (4) | 5,413,000 | |||||
6,000 | Scotts Bluff County Hospital Authority 1, Nebraska, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Regional West Medical Center Project, Refunding & Improvement Series 2016A, 5.250%, 2/20/37 | 2/27 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 6,366,420 | |||||
24,440 | Total Nebraska | 26,161,777 | |||||||
Nevada – 1.9% (1.2% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
5,350 | Clark County, Nevada, Airport Revenue Bonds, Subordinate Lien Series 2009C, 5.000%, 7/01/26 – AGM Insured | 7/19 at 100.00 | Aa3 | 5,803,787 | |||||
Clark County, Nevada, Passenger Facility Charge Revenue Bonds, Las Vegas-McCarran International Airport, Series 2010A: | |||||||||
24,020 | 5.250%, 7/01/39 – AGM Insured | 1/20 at 100.00 | Aa3 | 26,016,542 | |||||
14,515 | 5.250%, 7/01/42 | 1/20 at 100.00 | A+ | 15,713,649 | |||||
1,000 | Las Vegas, Nevada, Sales Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Symphony Park Tourism Improvement District, Series 2016, 4.375%, 6/15/35 | 6/21 at 100.00 | N/R | 914,840 | |||||
2,280 | North Las Vegas, Nevada, General Obligation Bonds, Wastewater Reclamation System Series 2006, 5.000%, 10/01/25 – NPFG Insured | 7/17 at 100.00 | B+ | 2,280,570 | |||||
10,000 | Reno, Nevada, Health Facility Revenue Bonds, Catholic Healthcare West, Series 2007A, 5.250%, 7/01/31 (Pre-refunded 7/01/17) – BHAC Insured (UB) (5) | 7/17 at 100.00 | A (4) | 10,077,900 | |||||
1,100 | Washoe County, Nevada, Highway Revenue, Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Bonds, Series 2013, 5.000%, 2/01/38 | 2/19 at 100.00 | A+ | 1,163,327 | |||||
58,265 | Total Nevada | 61,970,615 | |||||||
New Hampshire – 0.2% (0.1% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
5,000 | New Hampshire Business Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Elliot Hospital Obligated Group Issue, Series 2009A, 6.125%, 10/01/39 (Pre-refunded 10/01/19) | 10/19 at 100.00 | BBB (4) | 5,596,300 | |||||
500 | New Hampshire Health and Education Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Kendal at Hanover, Series 2016, 5.000%, 10/01/40 | 10/26 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 534,065 | |||||
5,500 | Total New Hampshire | 6,130,365 | |||||||
New Jersey – 7.6% (4.9% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Revenue Bonds, Motor Vehicle Surcharge, Series 2004A: | |||||||||
5,550 | 5.000%, 7/01/22 – NPFG Insured | 7/17 at 100.00 | A3 | 5,680,647 | |||||
5,550 | 5.000%, 7/01/23 – NPFG Insured | 7/17 at 100.00 | A3 | 5,680,647 | |||||
7,800 | 5.000%, 7/01/29 – NPFG Insured | 7/17 at 100.00 | A3 | 7,983,612 | |||||
New Jersey Economic Development Authority, School Facilities Construction Bonds, Series 2005N-1: | |||||||||
6,835 | 5.500%, 9/01/24 – AMBAC Insured | No Opt. Call | BBB+ | 7,681,515 | |||||
5,000 | 5.500%, 9/01/28 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | A3 | 5,891,500 |
NVG | Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund | |
Portfolio of Investments (continued) | April 30, 2017 (Unaudited) |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
New Jersey (continued) | |||||||||
$ | 11,975 | New Jersey Economic Development Authority, School Facilities Construction Financing Program Bonds, Refunding Series 2015WW, 5.250%, 6/15/40 | 6/25 at 100.00 | BBB+ | $ | 12,228,391 | |||
New Jersey Economic Development Authority, School Facilities Construction Financing Program Bonds, Refunding Series 2016BBB: | |||||||||
34,310 | 5.500%, 6/15/29 | 12/26 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 36,958,046 | |||||
2,110 | 5.500%, 6/15/30 | 12/26 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 2,264,937 | |||||
2,335 | New Jersey Economic Development Authority, School Facilities Construction Financing Program Bonds, Series 2012K-K, 5.000%, 3/01/23 | 9/22 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 2,478,346 | |||||
600 | New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, New Jersey, Revenue Bonds, Saint Peters University Hospital, Refunding Series 2011, 6.000%, 7/01/26 | 7/21 at 100.00 | BB+ | 640,452 | |||||
1,500 | New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, New Jersey, Revenue Bonds, Saint Peters University Hospital, Series 2007, 5.750%, 7/01/37 | 7/18 at 100.00 | BB+ | 1,538,520 | |||||
2,325 | New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, Barnabas Health, Refunding Series 2014A, 5.000%, 7/01/44 | 7/24 at 100.00 | A+ | 2,535,227 | |||||
610 | New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds, University Hospital Issue, Refunding Series 2015A, 5.000%, 7/01/46 – AGM Insured | 7/25 at 100.00 | BBB | 660,099 | |||||
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Federal Highway Reimbursement Revenue Notes, Series 2016A-1: | |||||||||
5,945 | 5.000%, 6/15/27 | 6/26 at 100.00 | Baa1 | 6,430,112 | |||||
4,000 | 5.000%, 6/15/28 | 6/26 at 100.00 | Baa1 | 4,294,920 | |||||
2,015 | New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Capital Appreciation Series 2010A, 0.000%, 12/15/26 | No Opt. Call | BBB+ | 1,301,388 | |||||
2,150 | New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Refunding Series 2006A, 5.250%, 12/15/20 | No Opt. Call | BBB+ | 2,329,289 | |||||
20,000 | New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Refunding Series 2006C, 0.000%, 12/15/33 – AGM Insured | No Opt. Call | A– | 9,349,600 | |||||
3,000 | New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Series 2011B, 5.000%, 6/15/42 | 6/21 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 3,004,260 | |||||
20,040 | New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Series 2014AA, 5.000%, 6/15/44 | 6/24 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 20,086,493 | |||||
New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation System Bonds, Series 2015AA: | |||||||||
13,680 | 4.750%, 6/15/38 | 6/25 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 13,481,914 | |||||
5,245 | 5.250%, 6/15/41 | 6/25 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 5,398,154 | |||||
8,230 | 5.000%, 6/15/45 | 6/25 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 8,251,316 | |||||
33,200 | New Jersey Turnpike Authority, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2005D-1, 5.250%, 1/01/26 – AGM Insured | No Opt. Call | A2 | 40,685,936 | |||||
200 | New Jersey Turnpike Authority, Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 2016-XF1057, 14.537%, 1/01/43 (IF) (5) | 7/22 at 100.00 | A | 280,388 | |||||
1,135 | Rutgers State University, New Jersey, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2013L, 5.000%, 5/01/43 | 5/23 at 100.00 | A+ | 1,255,662 | |||||
Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, New Jersey, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2007-1A: | |||||||||
1,460 | 4.500%, 6/01/23 | 6/17 at 100.00 | Baa2 | 1,469,125 | |||||
1,580 | 4.625%, 6/01/26 | 6/17 at 100.00 | Ba3 | 1,583,255 | |||||
19,150 | 5.000%, 6/01/29 | 6/17 at 100.00 | B2 | 19,189,449 | |||||
11,495 | 4.750%, 6/01/34 | 6/17 at 100.00 | B3 | 11,253,490 | |||||
1,330 | Washington Township Board of Education, Mercer County, New Jersey, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2005, 5.250%, 1/01/26 – AGM Insured | No Opt. Call | A2 | 1,607,837 | |||||
240,355 | Total New Jersey | 243,474,527 | |||||||
New Mexico – 0.4% (0.3% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
13,600 | University of New Mexico, Revenue Bonds, System Improvement Subordinated Lien Series 2007A, 5.000%, 6/01/36 (Pre-refunded 6/01/17) – AGM Insured | 6/17 at 100.00 | AA (4) | 13,653,176 |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
New York – 5.7% (3.6% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
$ | 705 | Buffalo and Erie County Industrial Land Development Corporation, New York, Revenue Bonds, Catholic Health System, Inc. Project, Series 2015, 4.000%, 7/01/45 | 7/25 at 100.00 | BBB+ | $ | 681,806 | |||
5,810 | Build NYC Resource Corporation, New York, Revenue Bonds, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Inc., Series 2015, 5.500%, 9/01/45 | 9/25 at 100.00 | N/R | 6,294,438 | |||||
2,250 | Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Insured Revenue Bonds, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Series 1994A, 5.150%, 7/01/24 – NPFG Insured | No Opt. Call | A3 | 2,655,315 | |||||
9,700 | Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Revenue Bonds, Columbia University, Series 2017A, 5.000%, 10/01/47 (UB) (5) | No Opt. Call | AAA | 12,805,746 | |||||
4,070 | Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Revenue Bonds, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Refunding Series 2015A, 5.000%, 7/01/45 | 7/25 at 100.00 | A– | 4,464,180 | |||||
7,225 | Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Revenue Bonds, Non State Supported Debt, Cornell University, Series 2010A, 5.000%, 7/01/35 | 7/20 at 100.00 | AA | 8,010,863 | |||||
5,005 | Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Revenue Bonds, Non State Supported Debt, Vassar College, Series 2007, 5.000%, 7/01/46 (Pre-refunded 7/01/17) | 7/17 at 100.00 | AA– (4) | 5,041,336 | |||||
Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Revenue Bonds, Orange Regional Medical Center Obligated Group, Series 2015: | |||||||||
2,700 | 5.000%, 12/01/40 | 6/25 at 100.00 | BB+ | 2,888,838 | |||||
5,600 | 5.000%, 12/01/45 | 6/25 at 100.00 | BB+ | 5,971,672 | |||||
5 | Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, State Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds, General Purpose, Series 2009A, 5.000%, 2/15/39 (Pre-refunded 2/15/19) | 2/19 at 100.00 | Aa1 (4) | 5,354 | |||||
Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, State Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 2016-XF0525: | |||||||||
1,998 | 12.091%, 2/15/39 (IF) | 2/19 at 100.00 | AA+ | 2,398,159 | |||||
1,335 | 12.081%, 2/15/39 (IF) | 2/19 at 100.00 | AA+ | 1,602,427 | |||||
Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corporation, New York, Revenue Bonds, Senior Fiscal 2012 Series 2011A: | |||||||||
850 | 5.750%, 2/15/47 | 2/21 at 100.00 | A | 966,935 | |||||
2,400 | 5.250%, 2/15/47 | 2/21 at 100.00 | A | 2,666,016 | |||||
Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corporation, New York, Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A: | |||||||||
2,185 | 5.000%, 2/15/47 (Pre-refunded 6/30/17) – FGIC Insured | 6/17 at 100.00 | A2 (4) | 2,200,579 | |||||
10,955 | 4.500%, 2/15/47 (Pre-refunded 6/30/17) – FGIC Insured | 6/17 at 100.00 | A2 (4) | 10,976,800 | |||||
Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System General Revenue Bonds, Series 2014A: | |||||||||
245 | 4.000%, 9/01/39 – AGM Insured | 9/24 at 100.00 | A– | 252,061 | |||||
390 | 5.000%, 9/01/44 | 9/24 at 100.00 | A– | 431,828 | |||||
6,075 | Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A, 5.000%, 5/01/36 – AGM Insured | 5/21 at 100.00 | A– | 6,736,628 | |||||
10,000 | Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 9/01/42 | 9/22 at 100.00 | A– | 10,990,300 | |||||
4,315 | Monroe County Industrial Development Corporation, New York, FHA Insured Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Unity Hospital of Rochester Project, Series 2010, 5.500%, 8/15/40 | 2/21 at 100.00 | AA | 4,915,173 | |||||
1,000 | Nassau County Local Economic Assistance Corporation, New York, Revenue Bonds, Catholic Health Services of Long Island Obligated Group Project, Series 2014, 5.000%, 7/01/31 | 7/24 at 100.00 | Baa1 | 1,098,390 | |||||
1,665 | Nassau County Tobacco Settlement Corporation, New York, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2006A-3, 5.000%, 6/01/35 | 7/17 at 100.00 | B– | 1,638,826 | |||||
4,050 | New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, Revenue Bonds, Yankee Stadium Project PILOT, Series 2009A, 7.000%, 3/01/49 – AGC Insured | 3/19 at 100.00 | A3 | 4,472,253 | |||||
11,570 | New York City Municipal Water Authority, Water and Sewer System Second General Resolution Revenue Bonds, Fiscal 2016, Series 2015BB-1, 5.000%, 6/15/46 (UB) | 6/25 at 100.00 | AA+ | 13,085,554 | |||||
New York City, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Fiscal Series 2002G: | |||||||||
10 | 5.000%, 8/01/17 | 7/17 at 100.00 | AA | 10,034 | |||||
75 | 5.750%, 8/01/18 | 7/17 at 100.00 | AA | 75,299 | |||||
5 | New York City, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Fiscal Series 2005M, 5.000%, 4/01/26 – FGIC Insured | 7/17 at 100.00 | AA | 5,017 |
NVG | Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund | |
Portfolio of Investments (continued) | April 30, 2017 (Unaudited) |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
New York (continued) | |||||||||
$ | 31,615 | New York Liberty Development Corporation, New York, Liberty Revenue Bonds, 3 World Trade Center Project, Class 1 Series 2014, 5.000%, 11/15/44 | 11/24 at 100.00 | N/R | $ | 33,656,381 | |||
40 | New York State Housing Finance Agency, Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds, Housing Project, Series 1996A, 6.125%, 11/01/20 – AGM Insured | 5/17 at 100.00 | A2 | 40,120 | |||||
5,655 | Onondaga Civic Development Corporation, New York, Revenue Bonds, Saint Joseph’s Hospital Health Center Project, Series 2012, 5.000%, 7/01/42 (Pre-refunded 7/01/22) | 7/22 at 100.00 | N/R (4) | 6,633,881 | |||||
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Special Project Bonds, JFK International Air Terminal LLC Project, Eighth Series 2010: | |||||||||
8,550 | 5.500%, 12/01/31 | 12/20 at 100.00 | BBB | 9,458,267 | |||||
3,155 | 6.000%, 12/01/36 | 12/20 at 100.00 | BBB | 3,556,064 | |||||
2,500 | Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority, New York, General Purpose Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2015A, 5.000%, 11/15/50 | 5/25 at 100.00 | AA– | 2,818,875 | |||||
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority, New York, General Purpose Revenue Bonds, Refunding Subordinate Lien Series 2013A: | |||||||||
2,430 | 0.000%, 11/15/31 | No Opt. Call | A+ | 1,491,048 | |||||
1,435 | 0.000%, 11/15/32 | No Opt. Call | A+ | 842,732 | |||||
10,360 | TSASC Inc., New York, Tobacco Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2006, 5.000%, 6/01/48 | 6/27 at 100.00 | N/R | 10,644,796 | |||||
167,933 | Total New York | 182,483,991 | |||||||
North Carolina – 0.9% (0.6% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
3,000 | Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hospital Authority, North Carolina, Health Care Revenue Bonds, DBA Carolinas HealthCare System, Series 2008A, 5.000%, 1/15/47 (Pre-refunded 1/15/18) | 1/18 at 100.00 | AA– (4) | 3,088,740 | |||||
1,255 | North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, Duke University Health System, Series 2009A, 5.000%, 6/01/39 (Pre-refunded 6/01/19) | 6/19 at 100.00 | Aa2 (4) | 1,358,136 | |||||
10,000 | North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, Duke University Health System, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 6/01/42 | 6/22 at 100.00 | AA | 11,077,000 | |||||
4,715 | North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, Vidant Health, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 6/01/36 | 6/22 at 100.00 | A+ | 5,145,432 | |||||
2,150 | North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, WakeMed, Refunding Series 2012A, 5.000%, 10/01/38 | 10/22 at 100.00 | A2 | 2,366,011 | |||||
North Carolina Medical Care Commission, Health System Revenue Bonds, Mission St. Joseph’s Health System, Series 2007: | |||||||||
1,495 | 4.500%, 10/01/31 (Pre-refunded 10/01/17) (UB) | 10/17 at 100.00 | N/R (4) | 1,518,382 | |||||
2,505 | 4.500%, 10/01/31 (UB) | 10/17 at 100.00 | AA– | 2,531,854 | |||||
1,690 | North Carolina Turnpike Authority, Monroe Expressway Toll Revenue Bonds, Series 2017A, 5.000%, 7/01/54 | 7/26 at 100.00 | BBB– | 1,821,212 | |||||
540 | Oak Island, North Carolina, Enterprise System Revenue Bonds, Series 2009, 6.000%, 6/01/34 (Pre-refunded 6/01/19) – AGC Insured | 6/19 at 100.00 | A2 (4) | 595,409 | |||||
830 | University of North Carolina, Greensboro, General Revenue Bonds, Series 2014, 5.000%, 4/01/39 | 4/24 at 100.00 | A+ | 923,757 | |||||
28,180 | Total North Carolina | 30,425,933 | |||||||
North Dakota – 0.6% (0.4% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
Grand Forks, North Dakota, Health Care System Revenue Bonds, Altru Health System Obligated Group, Series 2012: | |||||||||
7,000 | 5.000%, 12/01/29 | 12/21 at 100.00 | Baa1 | 7,619,920 | |||||
3,000 | 5.000%, 12/01/32 | 12/21 at 100.00 | Baa1 | 3,226,140 | |||||
2,245 | 5.000%, 12/01/35 | 12/21 at 100.00 | Baa1 | 2,397,436 | |||||
1,000 | Grand Forks, North Dakota, Senior Housing & Nursing Facilities Revenue Bonds, Valley Homes and Services Obligated Group, Series 2017, 5.000%, 12/01/36 (WI/DD, Settling 5/04/17) | 12/26 at 100.00 | N/R | 999,840 | |||||
Williston Parks and Recreation District, North Dakota, Sales Tax & Gross Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A: | |||||||||
600 | 3.000%, 3/01/18 | No Opt. Call | BBB– | 600,342 | |||||
970 | 4.000%, 3/01/19 | No Opt. Call | BBB– | 988,886 | |||||
1,085 | 5.000%, 3/01/21 | No Opt. Call | BBB– | 1,155,525 |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
North Dakota (continued) | |||||||||
$ | 2,535 | Williston, North Dakota, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Eagle Crest Apartments LLC Project, Series 2013, 7.750%, 9/01/38 (8) | 9/23 at 100.00 | N/R | $ | 1,267,500 | |||
18,435 | Total North Dakota | 18,255,589 | |||||||
Ohio – 9.4% (6.0% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
4,185 | Akron, Bath and Copley Joint Township Hospital District, Ohio, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Improvement & Refunding Series 2012, 5.000%, 11/15/42 | 5/22 at 100.00 | A1 | 4,457,109 | |||||
Allen County, Ohio, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Catholic Health Partners, Refunding and Improvement Series 2012A: | |||||||||
1,930 | 5.000%, 5/01/33 | 5/22 at 100.00 | A2 | 2,104,511 | |||||
2,540 | 4.000%, 5/01/33 | 5/22 at 100.00 | A2 | 2,592,019 | |||||
3,405 | 5.000%, 5/01/42 | 5/22 at 100.00 | A2 | 3,668,581 | |||||
9,405 | American Municipal Power Ohio Inc., Prairie State Energy Campus Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2008A, 5.250%, 2/15/43 (Pre-refunded 2/15/18) | 2/18 at 100.00 | N/R (4) | 9,733,893 | |||||
595 | American Municipal Power Ohio Inc., Prairie State Energy Campus Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2008A, 5.250%, 2/15/43 | 2/18 at 100.00 | A | 612,499 | |||||
Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Ohio, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien, Series 2007A-2: | |||||||||
17,305 | 5.375%, 6/01/24 | 6/17 at 100.00 | Caa1 | 16,661,600 | |||||
45,260 | 5.125%, 6/01/24 | 6/17 at 100.00 | Caa1 | 43,578,138 | |||||
20,820 | 5.875%, 6/01/30 | 6/17 at 100.00 | Caa1 | 19,919,743 | |||||
28,135 | 5.750%, 6/01/34 | 6/17 at 100.00 | Caa1 | 26,984,560 | |||||
2,715 | 6.000%, 6/01/42 | 6/17 at 100.00 | B– | 2,669,198 | |||||
19,115 | 5.875%, 6/01/47 | 6/17 at 100.00 | B– | 18,501,217 | |||||
10,000 | Buckeye Tobacco Settlement Financing Authority, Ohio, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien, Series 2007A-3, 6.250%, 6/01/37 | 6/22 at 100.00 | Caa1 | 10,017,400 | |||||
8,310 | Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District, Ohio, General Obligation Bonds, School Improvement Series 2014, 5.000%, 12/01/51 | 6/23 at 100.00 | Aa3 | 9,190,611 | |||||
7,870 | Franklin County, Ohio, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Nationwide Children’s Hospital Project, Improvement Series 2012A, 5.000%, 11/01/42 | 5/22 at 100.00 | Aa2 | 8,498,026 | |||||
6,425 | JobsOhio Beverage System, Ohio, Statewide Senior Lien Liquor Profits Revenue Bonds, Series 2013A, 5.000%, 1/01/38 (UB) | 1/23 at 100.00 | AA | 7,111,897 | |||||
JobsOhio Beverage System, Ohio, Statewide Senior Lien Liquor Profits Revenue Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 2016-XG0052: | |||||||||
1,250 | 15.402%, 1/01/38 (IF) (5) | 1/23 at 100.00 | AA | 1,784,550 | |||||
2,000 | 15.402%, 1/01/38 (IF) (5) | 1/23 at 100.00 | AA | 2,855,280 | |||||
625 | 15.402%, 1/01/38 (IF) (5) | 1/23 at 100.00 | AA | 892,275 | |||||
1,725 | 15.402%, 1/01/38 (IF) (5) | 1/23 at 100.00 | AA | 2,462,679 | |||||
1,750 | 15.394%, 1/01/38 (IF) (5) | 1/23 at 100.00 | AA | 2,497,950 | |||||
390 | 15.296%, 1/01/38 (IF) (5) | 1/23 at 100.00 | AA | 555,504 | |||||
2,885 | Lucas County, Ohio, Hospital Revenue Bonds, ProMedica Healthcare Obligated Group, Series 2011A, 6.000%, 11/15/41 | 11/21 at 100.00 | A1 | 3,327,155 | |||||
Middletown City School District, Butler County, Ohio, General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series 2007: | |||||||||
4,380 | 5.250%, 12/01/27 – AGM Insured | No Opt. Call | A2 | 5,386,874 | |||||
6,000 | 5.250%, 12/01/31 – AGM Insured | No Opt. Call | A2 | 7,299,360 | |||||
12,000 | Muskingum County, Ohio, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Genesis HealthCare System Obligated Group Project, Series 2013, 5.000%, 2/15/48 | 2/23 at 100.00 | Ba2 | 12,457,440 | |||||
19,920 | Ohio Air Quality Development Authority, Ohio, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, FirstEnergy Nuclear Generation Project, Refunding Series 2009A, 4.375%, 6/01/33 (Mandatory put 6/01/22) | No Opt. Call | CCC+ | 18,567,233 | |||||
4,975 | Ohio Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Revenue Bonds, Infrastructure Project, Junior Lien Series 2013A-1, 5.000%, 2/15/48 | 2/23 at 100.00 | A+ | 5,446,829 | |||||
1,240 | Ohio Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Revenue Bonds, Infrastructure Projects, Junior Lien Convertible Series 2013A-3, 0.000%, 2/15/36 (7) | 2/31 at 100.00 | A+ | 1,154,056 |
NVG | Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund | |
Portfolio of Investments (continued) | April 30, 2017 (Unaudited) |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Ohio (continued) | |||||||||
$ | 19,405 | Ohio Water Development Authority, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, FirstEnergy Nuclear Generating Corporation Project, Series 2009A, 4.375%, 6/01/33 (Mandatory put 6/01/22) | No Opt. Call | CCC+ | $ | 18,087,206 | |||
20,010 | Ohio Water Development Authority, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, FirstEnergy Nuclear Generating Corporation Project, Series 2010B, 4.375%, 6/01/33 (Mandatory put 6/01/22) | No Opt. Call | CCC+ | 18,651,121 | |||||
7,985 | Scioto County, Ohio, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Southern Ohio Medical Center, Refunding Series 2016, 3.500%, 2/15/38 | 2/26 at 100.00 | A2 | 7,598,207 | |||||
Southeastern Ohio Port Authority, Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Memorial Health System Obligated Group Project, Refunding and Improvement Series 2012: | |||||||||
1,095 | 5.750%, 12/01/32 | 12/22 at 100.00 | BB | 1,197,919 | |||||
870 | 6.000%, 12/01/42 | 12/22 at 100.00 | BB | 955,460 | |||||
1,365 | Toledo Lucas County Port Authority, Ohio, Revenue Bonds, Storypoint Waterville Project, Series 2016A-1, 6.125%, 1/15/34 | 1/24 at 104.00 | N/R | 1,377,271 | |||||
1,330 | Tuscarawas County Economic Development and Finance Alliance, Ohio, Higher Education Facilities Revenue Bonds, Ashland University, Refunding & Improvement Series 2015, 6.000%, 3/01/45 | 3/25 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,365,817 | |||||
2,000 | University of Akron, Ohio, General Receipts Bonds, Federally Taxable Build America Bonds, Series 2010B, 5.000%, 1/01/29 – AGM Insured | 1/20 at 100.00 | A1 | 2,183,380 | |||||
301,215 | Total Ohio | 302,404,568 | |||||||
Oklahoma – 0.6% (0.4% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
1,400 | Fort Sill Apache Tribe of Oklahoma Economic Development Authority, Gaming Enterprise Revenue Bonds, Fort Sill Apache Casino, Series 2011A, 8.500%, 8/25/26 | 8/21 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,601,880 | |||||
3,500 | Grand River Dam Authority, Oklahoma, Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A, 5.250%, 6/01/40 | 6/20 at 100.00 | A1 | 3,853,150 | |||||
Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust, Oklahoma, Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2011: | |||||||||
1,000 | 5.375%, 7/01/40 | 7/21 at 100.00 | AAA | 1,132,590 | |||||
1,500 | 5.000%, 7/01/40 | 7/21 at 100.00 | AAA | 1,670,115 | |||||
1,675 | Oklahoma Development Finance Authority, Health System Revenue Bonds, Integris Baptist Medical Center, Series 2008B, 5.250%, 8/15/38 (Pre-refunded 8/15/18) | 8/18 at 100.00 | AA– (4) | 1,768,298 | |||||
Oklahoma Development Finance Authority, Revenue Bonds, Saint John Health System, Series 2007: | |||||||||
2,300 | 5.000%, 2/15/37 (Pre-refunded 6/01/17) | 6/17 at 100.00 | A2 (4) | 2,302,070 | |||||
5,840 | 5.000%, 2/15/42 (Pre-refunded 6/01/17) | 6/17 at 100.00 | A2 (4) | 5,844,847 | |||||
2,340 | Tulsa County Industrial Authority, Oklahoma, Senior Living Community Revenue Bonds, Montereau, Inc. Project, Refunding Series 2017, 5.250%, 11/15/45 | 11/25 at 102.00 | BBB– | 2,496,172 | |||||
19,555 | Total Oklahoma | 20,669,122 | |||||||
Oregon – 0.3% (0.2% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
Multnomah County Hospital Facilities Authority, Oregon, Revenue Bonds, Mirabella South Waterfront, Refunding Series 2014A: | |||||||||
1,000 | 5.400%, 10/01/44 | 10/24 at 100.00 | N/R | 1,066,050 | |||||
800 | 5.500%, 10/01/49 | 10/24 at 100.00 | N/R | 846,728 | |||||
555 | Oregon Department of Administrative Services, State Lottery Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A, 5.250%, 4/01/31 | 4/21 at 100.00 | Aa2 | 627,189 | |||||
3,445 | Oregon Department of Administrative Services, State Lottery Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A, 5.250%, 4/01/31 (Pre-refunded 4/01/21) | 4/21 at 100.00 | N/R (4) | 3,967,641 | |||||
3,000 | Oregon State Department of Transportation, Highway User Tax Revenue Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2009A, 5.000%, 11/15/33 (Pre-refunded 5/15/19) | 5/19 at 100.00 | Aa1 (4) | 3,241,620 | |||||
8,800 | Total Oregon | 9,749,228 | |||||||
Pennsylvania – 6.3% (4.0% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
Allegheny Country Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Environmental Improvement Revenue Bonds, United States Steel Corporation Project, Refunding Series 2009: | |||||||||
170 | 6.750%, 11/01/24 | 11/19 at 100.00 | Caa1 | 178,061 | |||||
195 | 6.875%, 5/01/30 | 11/19 at 100.00 | Caa1 | 198,999 | |||||
2,000 | Allegheny County Hospital Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Series 2009A, 5.625%, 8/15/39 | 8/19 at 100.00 | A+ | 2,160,040 |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Pennsylvania (continued) | |||||||||
$ | 3,330 | Allegheny County Sanitary Authority, Pennsylvania, Sewer Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2010, 5.000%, 6/01/40 – AGM Insured | 12/20 at 100.00 | A1 | $ | 3,686,077 | |||
7,300 | Beaver County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, FirstEnergy Generation Project, Series 2008B, 4.250%, 10/01/47 (Mandatory put 4/01/21) | No Opt. Call | CCC+ | 6,799,877 | |||||
13,235 | Beaver County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds, FirstEnergy Nuclear Generation Project, Series 2006A, 4.375%, 1/01/35 (Mandatory put 7/01/22) | No Opt. Call | CCC+ | 12,336,741 | |||||
Bucks County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, School Lane Charter School Project, Series 2016: | |||||||||
2,410 | 5.125%, 3/15/36 | 3/27 at 100.00 | BBB– | 2,506,521 | |||||
6,420 | 5.125%, 3/15/46 | 3/27 at 100.00 | BBB– | 6,575,171 | |||||
6,015 | Chester County Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Pennsylvania, Health System Revenue Bonds, Jefferson Health System, Series 2010A, 5.000%, 5/15/40 | 5/20 at 100.00 | Aa3 | 6,448,020 | |||||
1,000 | Cumberland County Municipal Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries Project, Series 2015, 5.000%, 1/01/29 | 1/25 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 1,097,320 | |||||
7,630 | Dauphin County General Authority, Pennsylvania, Health System Revenue Bonds, Pinnacle Health System Project, Series 2012A, 5.000%, 6/01/42 | 6/22 at 100.00 | A2 | 8,236,890 | |||||
8,750 | Delaware River Port Authority, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Series 2010E, 5.000%, 1/01/40 – AGM Insured | 1/20 at 100.00 | A2 | 9,508,975 | |||||
3,255 | Huntingdon County General Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Juniata College, Series 2016OO2, 5.000%, 5/01/46 | 5/26 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 3,494,080 | |||||
1,250 | Lancaster County Hospital Authority, Pennsylvania, Revenue Bonds, Landis Homes Retirement Community Project, Refunding Series 2015A, 5.000%, 7/01/45 | 7/25 at 100.00 | BBB– | 1,312,338 | |||||
1,500 | Lehigh County Authority, Pennsylvania, Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Allentown Concession, Series 2013A, 5.125%, 12/01/47 | 12/23 at 100.00 | A | 1,653,465 | |||||
Montgomery County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, FHA Insured Mortgage Revenue Bonds, New Regional Medical Center Project, Series 2010: | |||||||||
7,970 | 5.250%, 8/01/33 (Pre-refunded 8/01/20) | 8/20 at 100.00 | N/R (4) | 8,998,688 | |||||
5,295 | 5.375%, 8/01/38 (Pre-refunded 8/01/20) | 8/20 at 100.00 | N/R (4) | 5,999,500 | |||||
Montgomery County Industrial Development Authority, Pennsylvania, Health System Revenue Bonds, Albert Einstein Healthcare Network Issue, Series 2015A: | |||||||||
10,450 | 5.250%, 1/15/45 | 1/25 at 100.00 | Baa2 | 11,074,074 | |||||
1,150 | 5.250%, 1/15/46 | 1/25 at 100.00 | Baa2 | 1,218,678 | |||||
11,810 | Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority, Exempt Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, PPL Energy Supply, LLC Project, Series 2009A, 6.400%, 12/01/38 | 9/25 at 100.00 | B1 | 12,038,524 | |||||
4,675 | Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2016-120, 3.200%, 4/01/40 | 10/25 at 100.00 | Aa2 | 4,343,169 | |||||
3,705 | Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Revenue Bonds, Series 2015A-1, 5.000%, 12/01/45 | 6/25 at 100.00 | A | 4,060,754 | |||||
11,000 | Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Revenue Bonds, Subordinate Series 2009C, 6.250%, 6/01/33 – AGM Insured | 6/26 at 100.00 | A2 | 13,736,470 | |||||
15,000 | Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Revenue Bonds, Subordinate Series 2015B-1, 5.000%, 12/01/45 | 12/25 at 100.00 | A– | 16,285,500 | |||||
10,080 | Philadelphia Hospitals and Higher Education Facilities Authority, Pennsylvania, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Temple University Health System Obligated Group, Series 2012A, 5.625%, 7/01/42 | 7/22 at 100.00 | Ba1 | 10,797,394 | |||||
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Airport Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A: | |||||||||
5,000 | 5.000%, 6/15/35 – AGM Insured | 6/20 at 100.00 | A2 | 5,438,300 | |||||
17,850 | 5.000%, 6/15/40 – AGM Insured | 6/20 at 100.00 | A2 | 19,414,731 | |||||
7,055 | Pittsburgh and Allegheny County Sports and Exhibition Authority, Pennsylvania, Hotel Room | 8/20 at 100.00 | A2 | 7,692,349 | |||||
Excise Tax Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2010, 5.000%, 2/01/35 – AGC Insured | |||||||||
5,180 | Pittsburgh and Allegheny County Sports and Exhibition Authority, Pennsylvania, Sales Tax | 8/20 at 100.00 | A1 | 5,677,125 | |||||
Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2010, 5.000%, 2/01/31 – AGM Insured |
NVG | Nuveen AMT-Free Municipal Credit Income Fund | |
Portfolio of Investments (continued) | April 30, 2017 (Unaudited) |
Principal | Optional Call | ||||||||
Amount (000) | Description (1) | Provisions (2) | Ratings (3) | Value | |||||
Pennsylvania (continued) | |||||||||
Scranton, Pennsylvania, Sewer Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A: | |||||||||
$ | 1,125 | 5.250%, 12/01/31 (Pre-refunded 12/01/21) – AGM Insured | 12/21 at 100.00 | AA (4) | $ | 1,316,115 | |||
1,000 | 5.500%, 12/01/35 (Pre-refunded 12/01/21) – AGM Insured | 12/21 at 100.00 | AA (4) | 1,180,960 | |||||
5,790 | Susquehanna Area Regional Airport Authority, Pennsylvania, Airport System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B, 4.000%, 1/01/33 | 1/23 at 100.00 | BB+ | 5,606,631 | |||||
188,595 | Total Pennsylvania | 201,071,537 | |||||||
Puerto Rico – 0.6% (0.4% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
590 | Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority, Highway Revenue Bonds, Series 2004J, 5.000%, 7/01/29 – NPFG Insured | 7/17 at 100.00 | A3 | 590,378 | |||||
Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corporation, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2007A: | |||||||||
50,000 | 0.000%, 8/01/47 – AMBAC Insured | No Opt. Call | C | 8,678,500 | |||||
86,250 | 0.000%, 8/01/54 – AMBAC Insured | No Opt. Call | C | 10,667,400 | |||||
136,840 | Total Puerto Rico | 19,936,278 | |||||||
Rhode Island – 1.1% (0.7% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
1,810 | Providence Housing Development Corporation, Rhode Island, FHA-Insured Section 8 Assisted Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds, Barbara Jordan Apartments, Series 1994A, 6.750%, 7/01/25 – NPFG Insured | 7/17 at 100.00 | A3 | 1,815,919 | |||||
1,000 | Rhode Island Health and Educational Building Corporation, Revenue Bonds, Care New England Health System, Series 2013A, 6.000%, 9/01/33 (Pre-refunded 9/01/23) | 9/23 at 100.00 | BB (4) | 1,243,380 | |||||
329,050 | Rhode Island Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds, Series 2007A, 0.000%, 6/01/52 | 6/17 at 12.63 | CCC+ | 33,079,397 | |||||
331,860 | Total Rhode Island | 36,138,696 | |||||||
South Carolina – 2.8% (1.8% of Total Investments) | |||||||||
7,600 | Piedmont Municipal Power Agency, South Carolina, Electric Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A-2, 0.000%, 1/01/31 – AMBAC Insured | No Opt. Call | A– | 4,606,512 | |||||
3,600 | Saint Peters Parish/Jasper County Public Facilities Corporation, South Carolina, Installment Purchase Revenue Bonds, County Office Building Projects, Series 2011A, 5.250%, 4/01/44 (Pre-refunded 4/01/21) – AGC Insured | 4/21 at 100.00 | A2 (4) | 4,141,656 | |||||
1,250 | South Carolina Jobs-Economic Development Authority, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Palmetto Health, Refunding Series 2011A, 6.500%, 8/01/39 – AGM Insured | 8/21 at 100.00 | BBB+ | 1,456,225 | |||||
34,790 | South Carolina Public Service Authority, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Santee Cooper, Federally Taxable Build America Series 2014C, 5.000%, 12/01/46 (UB) | 12/24 at 100.00 | A1 | 37,023,866 | |||||
20 | South Carolina Public Service Authority, Revenue Obligation Bonds, Santee Cooper Electric System, Series 2008A, 5.500%, 1/01/38 (Pre-refunded 1/01/19) | 1/19 at 100.00 | A1 (4) | 21,501 | |||||
South Carolina Public Service Authority, Santee Cooper Revenue Obligations, Refunding & Improvement Series 2015A: | |||||||||