Originally Posted On: https://partywowzy.com/thanksgiving-table-games/
Thanksgiving Table Games
Thanksgiving is a time for delicious food, meaningful connections, and lasting memories. What better way to enhance the experience than with some fun and interactive table games for everyone to enjoy. Here are a few Thanksgiving table games that are sure to make your gathering one to remember, no matter the age of your guests.
The Gratitude GameThis is a super game to express appreciation and also works well in a classroom situation for teachers and students.
Materials Needed:
- A six-sided die
- The Gratitude Game visual or a list of prompts
How to Play:
- Place the game card or visual in the center of the table where everyone can see it.
- Each player takes turns rolling the die.
- Based on the number they roll, they’ll answer the corresponding gratitude prompt:
- 1 — Name a person you are thankful for.
- 2 — Name a place you are thankful for.
- 3 — Name a food you are thankful for.
- 4 — Name a thing you are thankful for.
- 5 — Name one thing about yourself you are thankful for.
- 6 — Name anything you are thankful for.
See a printable version of the Gratitude Game
Pass the PumpkinSpice Up Your Thanksgiving Table with ‘Pass the Pumpkin’ Game”.All you need is a small pumpkin (or any other small object). It’s a Thanksgiving-themed version of hot potato. Simply turn on some festive music and pass the pumpkin around the table. When the music stops, the person holding the pumpkin is either “out” or has to share a memorable Thanksgiving moment or a fun fact.
Thanksgiving TriviaTest your turkey knowledge and have some fun with family and friends by answering Thanksgiving-themed trivia questions.
- Give each player or team a copy of the Turkey Trivia sheet and a pen or pencil.
- Set a timer for 5-10 minutes (or longer if needed).
- Players will read each question and guess the date or number.
- Work individually or in teams to come up with the best answers.
- After the time is up, read out the correct answers.
- Whichever team or player gets a number closest to the answer – wins!
See Printable Thanksgiving Trivia Game
Who is the Most like a TurkeyThis Thanksgiving family game sheet, titled “Who’s Most Like the Turkey?” is a fun scoring activity with questions that award or deduct points based on family members’ actions and habits around Thanksgiving. The sheet includes questions about helping in the kitchen, eating habits, attire, and holiday preparation. It’s a lighthearted game that’s just for fun and not meant to be taken too seriously.
- For each question, players will answer honestly.
- If a player’s answer matches the question (e.g., “Did you avoid helping in the kitchen?”), they add or subtract the points indicated next to the question.
- Use a pencil or pen to keep track of your score on a separate sheet or add it up as you go.
Continue until everyone has answered all the questions on the sheet. Once all questions are answered, each player adds up their points.The player with the highest score is crowned “Most Like the Turkey” and can proudly wear the title (or maybe even get a fun turkey-themed prize)!
Example Questions- Who avoided washing up the longest?
- Who was the first to fall asleep after the meal?
- Who was caught sneaking food before dinner?
- Who belched first at the table?
- Who ate the most dessert?
- Who had the most leftovers on their plate?
- Who asked for seconds first?
- Who had the funniest family story to share?
- Who was the last one to sit down at the table?
- Who was the earliest to start planning their post-Thanksgiving nap?