A Massive 10,820 Carats Star Ruby unveiled.
New York City, New York Nov 7, 2022 (Issuewire.com) - The Maharlika Star Ruby a 2.1 kilogram Ruby is the largest, rarest star ruby in existence. It is bigger than the Neelanjali Ruby 274 grams only.
The name Maharlikha is an ancient Sanskrit and Indo-Malay suffix word meaning "Great Creation"
Giving the name of the stone "The Great Creation Star Ruby" or Maharlika Star Ruby.
The Ruby also known as the king of gems or the king of all precious gemstones, Weighing 10,820 carats this massive ruby is one-of-a-kind chatoyancy and star ruby in one. Showing different types of phenomena when interacting with light, The Asterism of star rubies generally has six points but a rarer case like the Maharlika Star Ruby presents exceptionalities and more unique characteristics.
Star rubies are amongst the rarest and most coveted gems in the world.
The Maharlika Ruby is Certified natural and untreated ruby, the gem is so enormous that you would need to hold it with 2 hands to properly admire the beauty of this giant of all rubies.
Here is a list of the largest and most famous rubies around the world:
The Maharlika Ruby shows the rarest effects of chatoyancy and asterisms, 3 rays, 4 rays, 5 rays, and 6 rays when exposed to light from different angles.
See Video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EOvr083y4GA
Rubies mainly show asterism, and rarely chatoyancy. Showing both with one stone is unheard of. The effects include chatoyancy which looks like 2 rays and the 3 rays, 4 rays, 5 rays, and 6 rays star effects from different angles that makes Maharlika ruby a unique and the only known ruby with multiple effects on a single stone.
This priceless ruby is part of a collection called Stars of Maharlika Collection
a collection of the world's rarest, largest, and most expensive gemstones in the world that is in safe keeping in the Philippines.
Source: The Maharlika Official Page

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Maharlika Star Ruby
Source :Maharlika Star Ruby of the Philippines
This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.