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‘Fox News Sunday’ on September 11, 2022

"Fox News Sunday" host Shannon Bream welcomed Montana Sen. Jon Tester, baseball hall of famer Andy Pettitte, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, and more.

This is a rush transcript of ‘Fox News Sunday’ on September 11, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


A divided nation seeks to remember the lessons of 9/11. We take pause this hour.

And big changes for the royal family after the death of the Queen.


KING CHARLES III, UNITED KINGDOM: Queen Elizabeth was a life well-lived, a promise with destiny kept and she is mourned most deeply in her passing.

BREAM (voice-over): King Charles addresses a nation mourning Queen Elizabeth after her unprecedented 70 years on the throne.

As tributes pour in from around the globe, questions rise about how the new monarch will reign.

U.S. ambassador to the United Kingdom, Jane Hartley, joins us to talk about the Queen's legacy and her special relationship with the U.S.

Then, from Ground Zero to Shanksville to the Pentagon, America pauses to remember a nation under attack and how it came together.


BREAM: And the dark days and weeks that followed.

Now, two decades later, the country faces a red hot political climate leading to midterms. We'll discuss the state of democracy with Republican Sen. Tim Scott, who will share his call for unity in America. And with Democratic Sen. Jon Tester, chair of the Veterans Affairs Committee who has led efforts to help post-9/11 combat victims.

Scott and Tester, only on "FOX News Sunday."

Plus, the latest on the special master fight between the Department of Justice and President Trump's legal team. We'll ask our Sunday panel what it means for the investigation into documents held at Mar-a-Lago.

And five-time World Series champion pitcher Andy Pettitte on his work supporting our nation's heroes.

All, right now, on "FOX News Sunday."


BREAM: And hello again from FOX News in Washington.

Today, Americans mark 21 years since the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil killed nearly 3,000 people and countless others in its aftermath.

This is a live look at the Pentagon, where later this hour, President Biden will pay tribute to those lost on 9/11.

Meanwhile, the country joins Britain in mourning Queen Elizabeth II who died Thursday at 96. A live look now at Buckingham Palace where Britons are marking the biggest change to their storied monarchy in seven decades. In a statement, the White House noting the queen stood in solidarity with the United States during our darkest days after 9/11 when she poignantly reminded us that grief is the price we pay for love. 

In a moment, we'll ask U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Jane Hartley, about the relationship between the U.S. and the U.K.

But we begin in team coverage, Martha McCallum is live in London with more on the end of an era for the world's longest serving monarch.

But, first, to FOX News senior correspondent Eric Shawn live from Lower Manhattan.

Hello, Eric.


It has been 21 years, but it seems as if not one day has gone by, as again we gather here at the former Ground Zero, now the 9/11 Tribute Museum and Memorial to honor and remember. There is familiar sights and sounds that we have seen over the last decades, the government officials, the survivors, the first responders and family members of the victims honoring those who were killed here by radical Islamic terrorism.

There will be as always, the four moments of silence when the two jetliners hit both towers and when those two gleaming towers crumbled to the ground. There will be reading of the names of the victims that is ongoing right now, 2,963 people killed by radical Islamic terrorism.

Vice President Harris, Attorney General Merrick Garland are here to honor those who died and to remember. Vice President Harris has arrived, we understand, down in Washington. President Biden will be at the Pentagon, as you said. And First Lady Jill Biden will be marking the ceremonies in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, to mark where United Flight 93 crashed.

The decades have not diminished our memories or for many, the pain. We're reminded that the Taliban has taken over the Afghanistan and also that the Biden administration killed al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in July, that the threat remains, that the philosophy is still with us.

Tonight, the tribute and light will soar into the sky, the two gleaning towers of light that evoke the vanished towers, remind us all, not just of what we lost, but the threat that still exists -- Shannon.

BREAM: Eric Shawn reporting from New York -- Eric, thank you so much.

We turn now to the anchor of "The Story", Martha MacCallum live in London, around the clock.

Good to see you, Martha.

MARTHA MACCALLUM, "THE STORY" ANCHOR: Good to see you, Shannon. Congratulations on your inaugural program. It's wonderful with you. I wish you a long and happy tenure in this spot.

We are covering this story all throughout the days to come. The funeral is now scheduled. It will be a week from Monday and I'm reminded listening to Eric Shawn's report, of September 13th, 2001, when the Queen in a typically sort of wise and gracious move took that moment to allow the playing of the U.S. national anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner" outside at Buckingham Palace for all those who are gathered.

It was an extraordinarily moving moment. Brits had tears streaming down their faces, as did members of the U.S. who are expats here as well. And it was very typical of her grace and her understanding of the moment. And I think that's why people talk about her integrity, her dignity, it's actual examples like that, that built together that reputation.

And today, we started the day with her coffin's exit from the gates of Balmoral, a favorite home of relaxation for her, in the highlands in Scotland, the place where she had gone since she was a little girl, with her sister Margaret and her parents, the queen mother and King George VI. She cherished her ability to be free there, to walk the highlands, to go hiking, and all of the activities -- the barbecues on the sides of the river that she loved to have with her family, that extended all the way through this summer.

And she worked until the very end. We learned some new details this morning about her final days. She had dinner with family at Balmoral on Monday evening. Tuesday, we know she met with Liz Truss. On Wednesday, she was told that she could not -- her doctors did not want her to take part in a virtual meeting with the privy council.

And we also know that in the past, she said that she wanted to work until the very end and she felt, she said, you know, when I stop, I drop. And she did work until that very last moment. We have that wonderful picture of her with Liz Truss, smiling with her kilt on at Balmoral.

And right now beautiful aerial shots of her casket as it travels through the countryside, making its way toward Edinburgh where it should be a couple of hours from now, Shannon.

One just last thing, Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace, those are the crowds that you see gathered on the right hand side of your screen. He is meeting with representatives of the commonwealth about the future of his leadership with that commonwealth and trying to cement those relationships, which have been under quite a bit of strain in recent years, Shannon.

BREAM: Yeah, such a big part of the conversation moving forward.

Martha, thank you very much. We're going to stick with you for continued coverage for days to come. Thank you, Martha.

Joining me now, U.S. ambassador to the United Kingdom, Jane Hartley.

Ambassador, welcome to "FOX News Sunday".

JANE HARTLEY, U.S. AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED KINGDOM: Thank you very much for having me.

BREAM: So, I want to reflect back on that moment that Martha brought up as we here in the U.S. are remembering 9/11 today, but also that moment that was so important when the Queen broke with 600 years of tradition and protocol to do this at Buckingham Palace.


BREAM: I remember being so touched by that at the time it happened and still brings a tear to my eye.

What do you say about the legacy of the Queen, not only the relationship she had with her people, but how much she meant to us here in the States?

HARTLEY: Uh-huh. Well, I remember that day also, because I'm a New Yorker and I was in New York that tragic, tragic day. And I also want to give my condolences to the families of 9/11 today. 

But I do remember that moment. I was there. And I think it spoke a lot. It showed the Queen's kindness. And she was very kind, sensitive woman who I think loved America and I think America -- America loved her right back.

And it's amazing being here during this. I got here a couple of months ago and she welcomed me to Buckingham Palace with a huge amount of kindness and cared deeply about the special relationship. And I have been an ambassador before, and I will tell you, this relationship is strong and really it is the number one relationship, quite different than we have with other countries.

BREAM: Absolutely. So, she serves a dual role, it wasn't just as monarch, but also the head of the Church of England. And much have been recently said about her statements that were very personal about her faith.

"Christianity Today" talking about that, put it this way, they say: Part princess and part pope, both guardian and great-grandmother, diplomat and disciple, her majesty the Queen was the calm that carried on, stabilizing her nation and Commonwealth during tumultuous periods of historic change and technological advancement.

It's crazy to think over 70 years time how much the world changed, technology just being part of that, culture and so many other things. What kind of legacy do you think she leaves behind?

HARTLEY: Well, just in terms of the 70 years, if I could comment on that for one minute, her first prime minister was Winston Churchill, and he was born in 1874. Her last prime minister was Liz Truss, who was born in 1974. I mean, it is really quite incredible.

And I am the second female ambassador in London, the first after 50 years. And when I think of what a role she played as a woman 70 years ago, it's why I think there is so much respect and admiration for her.

BREAM: And I know that you were there, as you mentioned, during the jubilee, and it seemed such a gift that while she was alive and well enough to see the great love, the great respect, the tributes that were flowing out to her at that time, you know, we also think how more recently we saw her smiling and more open.

We think back on the 2012 Olympics and the fact that she was part of the ceremonies, and that video that was so funny that portrayed her as if she were actually jumping out of a -- parachuting out of a helicopter with James Bond. It was kind of cheeky. It was a lot of fun.

I know you probably had a chance to see that side of her as well.

HARTLEY: I did. I only -- I only met her once, saw her once, when I was presenting credentials at Buckingham Palace, but it really was, it was a fascinating experience, obviously. It was the day -- it was hottest day in London history, so they couldn't send the horse and carriage as they normally do. In her kindness, she sent her own car.

And then the audience was, you know, very policy-oriented, very, you know, substantive, because she cared a lot about the issues of the day and was very well-informed. But then she was very happy I had my dog with me, and we had a little chat about that. And she just -- she had a wonderful sense of humor.

But the thing that you started this program and I commend you for doing it, her sense of duty, her sense of duty to a country and an institution for 70 years. We just don't see that much anymore.

And I think -- even her last meeting, she met with Liz Truss to ask her to form a government three days before she died, you know, fulfilling her commitment to this country that as long as she lived, she would serve, I find that so admirable and I have -- I have just so much respect for her.

BREAM: Uh-huh. It's very inspiring, and one of the things that she did was thread this very careful needle to be apolitical as a monarch there in the U.K.

"Wall Street Journal" editorial board put it this say. They say: She eschewed politics in a way her son and heir Charles has found difficult to do. Her personal views on the important political questions of her reign, from Suez crisis to Brexit, remained unknown for many years after events and sometimes to this day.

Ambassador, we still don't know how she felt about some of the hot button issues. King Charles has now said that he will change the way he has openly supported progressive issues moving forward now as a monarch.

How important was it to the Queen's legacy that she was able to be so atypical on tough things and what kind of challenge does that present now for the king?

HARTLEY: Well, I do think it was very important because really what she was here was a -- a stability, a dignity, and frankly a beacon of hope, beacon of hope during some very difficult times over her 70 years. She was not one party or the other. She was not politics.

But I do think listening to the king's remarks the other night, they were - - his mother would have been proud. They were filled with service and duty and dignity.

You know, he will have to chart his own course. He is obviously a link to the past and a bridge to the future, but I have been so impressed with him in these last few days.

BREAM: And we mentioned just months ago she had the joy of the jubilee and now her people there are celebrating but also mourning her. Can you give us a sense of the transition and how people are dealing that with that in the U.K. this morning?

HARTLEY: Yeah, it's very sad. When her death was announced, I was at Winfield House, which is the home of the U.S. ambassador here, and I had staff both U.K. and American staff there, and when it was announced, immediately everybody -- everybody really burst into tears.

And somehow there was this sense that everybody, even though you knew it was coming, somehow it still seemed too soon. So I think -- I think the country is heartbroken. She also, because 70 years, she's touched so many people and she was out in communities and she cared about people.

So, everybody you meet has a story that -- you know, I was there when I was 12, I shook her hand. I saw her four months ago up in Scotland.

So, you know, it's very personal. It's very personal for this country and I absolutely understand it. I have respected her as a woman for very long time, and I feel a bit heartbroken myself.

BREAM: Uh-huh. Ambassador Hartley, thank you for your time. Please let folks know our thoughts, our hearts, our prayers are with the United Kingdom this morning. Thank you.

HARTLEY: Thank you so much.

BREAM: Up next, we're going to speak to lawmakers from both sides of the aisle about national unity -- is it possible? -- the president's agenda and the grueling midterms, ahead as "FOX News Sunday" remembers this September 11th.


BREAM: This is a day each year when many Americans reflect on how unified we felt as we faced terror.

And this year, unity appears to be in shorter supply as a polarized Washington rushes into the final two months of midterm elections. This morning, we'll talk to members of the Senate, Jon Tester of Montana, but first to Tim Scott in South Carolina. He's the author of the new book, "America: A Redemption Story."

Senator, welcome back to "FOX News Sunday."

SEN. TIM SCOTT (R-SC): Thank you, Shannon. And congratulations on your inaugural show. It is about time you took the lead here and I'm excited to see you doing it.

BREAM: Thank you so much. We're honored to have you with us on this inaugural program.

So, let me ask you about that book, because unity is a big thing.

SCOTT: Yeah.

BREAM: It's something President Biden also committed to, as a candidate and early on his presidency. But this is more like the sound he's been giving us lately. Here's what he said this week.

OK. I'll tell you what he said. He says: Extreme MAGA Republicans just don't threaten our personal economic rights, they embrace political violence.

Professor Jonathan Turley said this on his blog. He said: We're experiencing a near total failure of leadership in our country. Politicians on both sides are fuelling rage for personal and political advantage.

Senator, we've been talking about the unity we felt in the wake of 9/11, but here we are 21 years later. Is it a pipedream to really think we can get to some type of unity?

SCOTT: Not at all, Shannon. The good news is America always comes together after the crisis. I call it the aftermath mentality, whether it's 9/11, the most unified time I've seen in American history, or you look at South Carolina after the Mother Emanuel shooting, this state came together and we have African-Americans and Whites and Hispanics all at a bridge, 20,000 strong, showing the unity of our state.

I believe that we are the most exceptional people on Earth and we do unify after the crisis. The question is, can we have the type of leadership that unifies us without a crisis?

And what we have not seen from the Biden administration is that type of unifying message that people rally around. Why in the world would we have a conversation about putting the burden of the most affluent people with student loan debt on to the back of the least fortunate, those who never went to college? Why would we have a conversation about zero percent inflation when in fact it's 8.5 percent? And why would we have the president of the United States deliver a soul-crushing speech that was unnecessary, polarizing and inflammatory?

We have done better. We will do better. And that's why elections have consequences.

BREAM: Well, I'll ask your counterpart across the aisle about that coming up in just a minute.

But let's talk about the midterms because folks are going to have to choose sides there. Pew Research has out new polling that shows for registered voters, the things they care, about very important issues to them. The economy is at the top of the list, not surprising.

But among a key constituency, "Politico" now has this headline: They're getting killed among women. Skeptical female voters stand in the way of GOP Senate. Republicans'' chances of retaking the Senate majority are diminishing thanks to abortion.

You're unabashedly pro-life. You signed on to a brief to the Supreme Court in the Dobbs case which ended up overturning the Roe v. Wade. What do you think now about the possibility that that may cost you control of the Senate where if the GOP was control, you'd have much broader sweep over much broader issues including things like federal judges? Any second thoughts?

SCOTT: None at all, I actually think that the momentum is, in fact, heading in our direction.

You look at the polling in Georgia. Herschel Walker has been gaining ground steadily for the last two or three weeks. J.D. Vance in Ohio is gaining ground. Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania is gaining ground and, frankly, in North Carolina, we are in a pretty solid position with Ted Budd.

Here's the truth about issues that matter to the American people -- the economy, inflation and gas prices are the top three issues and without any question, the social issues certainly presents an opportunity for us to have a conversation with the American people about what matters to them and how we should approach that issue.

I can tell you how not to approach the issue. It is by the banking hearing I had when Secretary Janet Yellen told me that Black women living in poverty could increase their labor force participation rate by having abortions.

That lacks a moral clarity. It was absolutely a harsh comment that was unnecessary and we're sending wrong message that abortion should be the first option for those living in poverty. I was stunned.

So, the issue is really important. How we handle it is more important.

BREAM: Well, let me ask you, because you mentioned a number of those Senate races. There's no doubt, there has been controversy there. There have been what many people view as unforced errors by a number of the GOP candidates who ended up being nominated there.

Even the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell had this to say. He said: Candidate quality has a lot to do with outcome.

What do you say to those who say Republicans have nominated some people that are going to have a hard time getting through the general?

SCOTT: Well, the players are on the field. They're eight weeks away, which is kind of like saying we're in the last two minutes of the fourth quarter. So, the truth is, who we have on the field is who we're going to play.

I'm excited about the candidates that we have overall, because I do believe it gives us opportunity to win back the majority and to return sanity in Washington, which will reverberate around the country.

BREAM: I want to ask you about the passage from your book, "America: A Redemption Story".

SCOTT: That's right.

BREAM: You talk about a difficult conversation you had with then-President Trump after the events of Charlottesville, and the tragedies there, the comments that he made. You write and say: I've always believed there are moments in life when you must speak out. I knew it was dangerous to take on President Trump, I often tell people if it isn't absolutely necessary, don't do it. But for me, this was a moment of absolute necessity.

It's fascinating story in the book. You talk about being summoned to the White House, going there to talk with the president, and ultimately, there was a positive outcome to that conversation.


BREAM: But it begs the question, do Republicans now need to be having difficult conversations with the former president about things that he has said and done in the last couple of years and how it's impacting your ability in things like the midterm elections?

SCOTT: You know, one of the things I try to do in my book "America: A Redemption Story" is to tell both sides of the ledger and certainly the Charlottesville comments by the former president was something that I believe was very difficult and so, we had a good conversation. I'm not sure that we got to the same side of the issue, but we did get to the same side of the solution, which was helping people who were hurting, helping people in marginalized communities.

And today, I think we need to have hard conversations with the American voters about not red or blue solution, but about American solutions. Let's have hard conversations about the fact that in America, a good education is the closest thing to magic. And that's why 67 percent of Democrats, 68 percent of independents, 70 percent of Hispanics, 74 percent of African- Americans all agree that quality education is necessary for the furtherance of the American dream and the hardest hit communities.

If we were to have the tough issues and tough conversations about the future of America and not the future of Republicans or Democrats, we would actually earn the respect of the American people and let the voters make their own decisions.

BREAM: Well, it is a time and a place to have important debates and conversations.

Senator, thank you for your time. I know your Gamecocks had a hard time yesterday.

Cowboys against the Bucs tonight.

SCOTT: They did.

BREAM: Any game predictions?

SCOTT: I'm going to pray for a successful venture for Dak Prescott. I'm always bullish that we're going to the Super Bowl but my team is we've gotten used to saying, wait until next year. I'm hoping that this is next year.

BREAM: I know all -- I know all about rebuilding, I'm a Seminoles fan. So, Senator, thank you.

SCOTT: Oh my goodness.

BREAM: We'll see you again soon.

SCOTT: Take care. Good win on -- last week against LSU.

BREAM: Yeah. I'll take it. Thank you, sir.

All right. Joining us here in Washington now, Senator Jon Tester of Montana.

Great to see you today, sir.

SEN. JON TESTER (D-MT): Good to see you, Shannon. Congratulations.

BREAM: Thank you very much.

I want to start where I did with your counterpart, about this MAGA conversation, what the president's had to say.

Turley also writing on this blog, he said: For many, that speech -- not just the one on the first, but now there have been a couple since then -- was the final refutation of Biden's pledge to be a unifier as president after two years of highly partisan and divisive actions. The speech added to the rage of our politics.

So, what do you say to tens of millions of Americans out there who feel like their own president has labeled them violent extremists or even semi- fascist?

TESTER: Well, look, I live in north central Montana. Many of my neighbors, many of my friends, many of my relatives are supporters of the former president. I can also tell you that they're not extremists. They just believe in the policies that the president had.

But I don't think those are people that the president is talking about. I think he is talking about people that actually do support the president that think violence is a -- is a -- is a way to solve problems and it's not.

And I think all you have to look back is look back as far as January 6th, and see what happened there where folks came to Washington, D.C., brought here by the president, that ended up in a really, really bad situation.

So, that's kind of how I look at it. I don't think he is casting all Republicans in that case. In fact, he specifically says it's the ones on the fringe that he's talking about.

BREAM: Well, what about when the Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was pressed on that, what does the president mean, who was he calling extremist? She said she's speaking for the majority.

So, if you're talking about 51 percent of Americans, that leaves 49 percent of Americans. If it's simply about disagreeing with majority position, does that make you an extremist?

TESTER: So, I don't exactly know what the press secretary was talking about. But I can tell you, there are plenty of Republicans in Montana and in other places that are very concerned with the direction the Republican Party has gone. And I think maybe that's what the press secretary was talking about, although I didn't see the interview, so I really don't know.

BREAM: OK. So, let me ask you about this because we are deep into the midterms now. Congressman Tim Ryan in a critical race in Ohio said this week that he was campaigning as an independent, and he went on to list things that he agreed with President Trump about.

So, you have said out there, there are places in this country --

TESTER: Absolutely.

BREAM: -- the Democratic brand is toxic. What do you mean by that?

TESTER: Well, what I mean is is that I think people like Tim Ryan, who, by the way, is one heck of a good candidate, who I tried to recruit for the 2016 cycle, but is a heck of a good candidate, is going to talk about things that mean the best for Ohioans and what he can do when he gets in the United States Senate to move the ball forward for Ohio's economy and working families and the list goes on and on.

Look, there's -- there are things that I disagree with national Democrats on, I am sure there are things that Tim Ryan disagrees with. I think that's healthy. I think that's healthy for the democracy. I think it's healthy we have the conversation.

I think -- you just had Tim Scott on who I consider a friend, I think it's -- some of the things that Tim said just now I agree with, some of the things I disagree with. We ought to have those conversations.

BREAM: Uh-huh.

TESTER: It's why the Senate is supposed to be the greatest deliberative body.

BREAM: Uh-huh.

TESTER: And so, you know, Tim Ryan I think is one heck of a candidate. He's got a heck of a race ahead of him.


TESTER: Make no mistake about it. But may the best man win.

BREAM: So, one of the issues where you have broken with the administration on is energy.


BREAM: And that's critical in Montana obviously.


BREAM: Here's how a research fellow over at the conservative Heritage Foundation put it when talking about the president's policy. She says, Biden's radical energy policy is reality defined and based on an anti- fossil fuel fiction that is causing unnecessary hardship and costing Americans dearly.

Does that track with how you see the energy policy? How would you describe it?

TESTER: I think I look back as far as the Inflation Reduction Act, where we're putting more gas and oil and renewable energy in the pipeline. Truly an all of the above energy policy. And I'm saying, this is heading in the right direction. This is positive.

I've said many times, we can't just shut the spigot off on oil and gas and carbon-based fuels. It's going to take some time to get it done. And, in the meantime, we need to start that transition because it makes sense. We're putting out hundreds of billions of dollars every year in disaster. Just had one of the driest years ever. Been on - this is my 45th harvest on the farm. One of the driest years ever. It's costing the taxpayer dollars. Does that mean we should just shut off carbon-based fuels? We can't. We can't afford to do it. So, we've got to figure out ways, like the Inflation Reduction Act did, to do both. And I think that's the kind of policy that I'm looking for.

BREAM: OK, and that got passed, by the way, with a vote from Joe Manchin. There was discussion of a side deal that he had with the Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.


BREAM: So now that's coming into play because we have federal government running out September 30th.

TESTER: Yes, we do.

BREAM: I don't think any of us think a big deal's going to get done before then. So, probably a short term continuing resolution measure. But does this side deal now, which Joe Manchin had which would expedite leases and permitting and that kind of thing, get tied into that funding bill? It's taking heat from both sides. Senator Lindsey Graham says this, I will not vote for a continuing resolution that's part of a political payback scheme. Those were his words. From the other direction, Senator Bernie Sanders calls it disastrous side deal. This is what you said, my guess is, if it's on our CR, they're going to have to eat it if they don't like it.

TESTER: I was referring to the House, not the political party.

BREAM: So, I - so - OK, yes, because there's opposition in the House too.

TESTER: Yes, that's right.

BREAM: So, how does the funding get done?

TESTER: So, here's what I think. I think there's things we can do on permitting process that will make the permitting process more streamlined and allow for more production that makes sense for this country. I think that there are just going to be a few pieces of legislation that go in between now and the election. And if this is what we have to attach it on, so be it. If we can set it aside and do it as a standalone, let's do it that way so we can have the debate.

I'm open either way. I haven't seen the language on the permitting stuff, so I can't tell you whether even I'm for it or not. But I can tell you, there are improvements we can do in permitting to make it more streamlined, to make it more energy friendly and business friendly. We ought to take a look at things like that while we protect our environment.

BREAM: OK, so, also something that may be tied potentially to this funding measure is the so-called Respect for Marriage Act, about marriage equality. And so there's a question about whether forcing - this is forcing Republicans to vote against something when there's government funding all tied together.

Hugh Hewitt wrote about this in "The Washington Post," an opinion piece. He says, for Democrats the Respect for Marriage Act is about elections. He says, calculation is by Schumer that even if he can't find the 60 votes he needs, it's always better for his party's chances in November if it's caught trying to pass the measure. So, he says there are no state legislators even making a peep about this issue It is settled. Is this a cynical, political ploy?

TESTER: Well, I think, first of all, this is a bipartisan effort. It's not just Democrats doing this. It's Democrats and Republicans doing it. And I think it's to add certainty. You know very well, business needs certainty. The policies coming out of government, if there's certainty involved, that's why we need, by the way, to get the appropriations done by the end of September, and not have a short term funding. It doesn't provide the kind of certainty we need in this country.

So, what this does is provides certainly for folks who are married and protects religious liberties, which I think is really, really important. And so I don't really have a problem with it at all. And, by the way, and it's done in a bipartisan way.

BREAM: But you know there are critics - yes, there are critics who are worried it doesn't have enough religious protections. They point to all of the companies and all the cases I've followed to the Supreme Court, and they've got another one this fall, where people don't feel protected.

TESTER: So, look, if we can beef those up, and I can tell you this, Shannon, I think there are bipartisan conversations going on right now to make that crystal clear, I'll support it.

BREAM: OK. OK, by the way, I found out this week about you, like my mother, you majored in music.

TESTER: I did.

BREAM: You were an elementary music school teacher.

TESTER: I did.

BREAM: You play the trumpet.

TESTER: Yes, I do.

BREAM: We've got one here. If you would play something for us.

TESTER: Well -

BREAM: No, I'm kidding. We won't do that to you, but I feel like you would be good.

TESTER: I could - I could empty the studio.

BREAM: I feel -

TESTER: I just want to say one thing before we close it down, if we're getting close.

BREAM: We are.

TESTER: I mean this is 9/11. Twenty-one years ago the most -- one of the most horrible things that's ever happened to this democracy happened. And it was a time when people came together. Tim Scott referred to it. I'll refer to it. We need more of that.

BREAM: Yes. We do.

TESTER: And we also need to remember the first responders that ran into those flames, ran into those buildings. Those folks are pretty amazing, and we need to thank them.

BREAM: We do. Every day the very definition of hero, there isn't a better one.

TESTER: Absolutely. Good luck.

BRAM: Senator, thank you. Good to see you.

All right, up next, former President Trump and Justice Department both awaiting a critical ruling in their high-stakes dispute over classified documents. We're going to bring out our Sunday group on the legal and political risks facing both sides.


BREAM: President Biden laying a wreath this morning at the Pentagon as we remember the events of 9/11.

It is time now for our Sunday group. "Axios" national political reporter Jonathan Swan, Fox News political analyst Juan Williams, editor-in-chief of "The Federalist," Mollie Hemingway, and Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy.

All right, panel, great to have you with us on this busy Sunday morning.

I want to start here with the midterm.

"The Nation's" headline on Friday was, how the Democrats got their groove back, abortion, MAGA and healthy partisanship are changing the midterm dynamics.

What are you watching for, Jonathan?

JONATHAN SWAN, NATIONAL POLITICAL REPORTER "AXIOS": You've got this very unusual circumstance where you're sort of weighing history against this - well, unprecedented set of circumstances. You've got history which tells you that the party out of power, the opposite party of the president, is going to gain substantially. I think it's an average of 25 seats in the House going back to like, you know, the '50s or whenever they started looking at this. Oh, I think it even goes back in further than that.

But you've also got Dobbs. You've got this huge Supreme Court decision. And one thing that I find really difficult with kind of trying to gauge the abortion issue is, it's not visible. You don't have a convening power. Like, it's very easy to see energy on the right because you've got Donald Trump - I was at his rally in Pennsylvania. Ten thousand people. Packed to the rafters. Fired up. There aren't stadiums full of suburban women, you know. So, it's actually - it's diffuse. It's out there. It's being picked up in polls and things. And we just don't know. We've got that. We've got inflation, which is still very high, and you've got a very unpopular president, but yet his party is doing quite well on the generic ballot. So, it's pretty weird, actually, and I -

BREAM: Well -

SWAN: It's beyond my analytical powers to sort of --

BREAM: But we're counting on you.

SWAN: Yes. Yes. So, I'm sorry you had me as a guest, but I -- I'm fairly useless on this.

BREAM: Well, it is unusual in that we have these polling numbers all over the place.

SWAN: Yes.

BREAM: We do have Democrats, as I talked about a little bit earlier --

SWAN: But Doocy's a genius.

BREAM: Well, that's why he's getting the next question, because he's a genius.

SWAN: Yes, yes, yes. OK. Yes, yes.

BREAM: Congressman Tim Ryan saying he's - he's campaigning as an independent. And then we have a couple of Democrats we caught up with yesterday in New Hampshire. Here's what they said.


SEN. MAGGIE HASSAN (D-NH): Well, I think the president was -- it took too long to really begin to tackle inflation.

REP. CHRIS PAPPAS (D-NH): Well, I think the administration was asleep at the switch when it came to managing inflation and understanding the emergency that existed with inflation early on last year.


BREAM: Well, Mr. Doocy, how is this playing at the White House?

PETER DOOCY, FOX NEWS WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: It's interesting because Tim Ryan, part of his complaint was, well, I think we need generational change, and Joe Biden said he's going to be a bridge to the next generation. He never said how long of a bridge he was going to be.

BREAM: There are long bridges.

DOOCY: And -- there are very long bridges. And when you look at clips like that, I think that that says a lot about the president's schedule. He's not going to places that are strategic for 2022. He's going to Ohio, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, places that might be beneficial to him if he runs again in 2024, which he says he intends to do.

BREAM: Yes, he does.

OK, I want to talk about the vice president now because she has been talking about this abortion decision at Dobbs and questioning the integrity of the Supreme Court. Here's what she says.


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: And this court took that constitutional right away. And we are suffering as a nation because of it. That causes me great concern about the integrity of the court overall.


BREAM: So, the chief justice spoke out Friday night, not specifically addressing the vice president, but he said, people can say what they want but simply because people disagree with an opinion is not a basis for questioning the legitimacy of the court, Juan.

JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, I think that clearly you see in the polls there's a fading trust in the - in the - in the court right now, Shannon. And I think this is a shock, I think, for lots of people because the history is that the court has always been seen as, you know, literally balancing scales of justice for the American people and it undermines basic trust in American institution. That's also going down at this moment. So, it's very troubling. And I think that's why Chief Justice Roberts felt the need to say, without the law and without the court upholding the law, where are we going as a country?

But I think the vice president is on target, that if you take away rights, if you take away abortion rights, if you transfer abortion from a constitutional right to murder, well, then, you know, you have women who will be put in jail for committing murder.

BREAM: Well, OK, there's a lot in between there, and - and what the court said is there was never a constitutional right to an abortion and there are no state laws that prosecute the woman in this. The doctors, yes, but just so we're clear on that.

WILLIAMS: Well, I mean they - they -- when you come to the doctors, the court -

BREAM: But not the woman.

WILLIAMS: The court left the doctors with ethical and legal issues with a viable pregnancy that a woman says, you know, is no longer viable, what is the doctor to do?

BREAM: Well, the states are trying to figure that out now, Mollie.

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, "THE FEDERALIST": Yes, I think this is a very important issue. Obviously, Democrats are focusing on abortion because they don't have anything else to run on. The general mood of the country is that people are very frustrated with the direction of the country. The economy is obviously bad. The border is bad. Foreign policy is not going well. So, they don't have anything else.

But I do think it's important for Republicans to push back on some of this misinformation and disinformation that's getting spread in the media. The Dobbs decision does enable Americans to have a say in abortion in a way that they couldn't under Roe v. Wade.

And it's actually a majority of Americans think that abortion should either be illegal or illegal in some circumstances. Three out of four Americans think there should be restrictions on abortion. Sixty-three percent believe abortion should be illegal after 15 weeks of pregnancy, which is around the time that an unborn child feels pain. So I think Republicans are shying away from the issues, when, in fact, they should be hitting hard and understanding that the moderate viewpoint is something enabled through this Dobbs decision.

BREAM: Well, and so much of what happens is how those poll questions are asked. And when you break it down by trimester and all of those things make a big difference.

Thank you, panel.

And Juan is here with -- playing hurt with his arm. Thank you for being in.

All right, up next, one of the most iconic moments in America's long recovery after the 9/11 attacks, game three of the 2001 World Series at Yankee Stadium. We're going to ask one of the players who was there for this moment what it meant for a nation in pain as FOX NEWS SUNDAY marks 21 years since 9/11.


BREAM: A live look at the Pentagon where President Biden is about to make remarks as we remember the horror of September 11, 2001. We also remember the moments of national unity that came in its wake, including a return to the national pastime.

That October, resilient baseball fans packed Yankee Stadium for game three of the World Series between the New York Yankees and Arizona Diamondbacks. Then President George W. Bush, carrying the weight of the nation, took the mound, and you'll remember, threw out that ceremonial first pitch.

Joining us now with his remembrances of that day, former Yankees pitcher and world star - series champ all-star, Andy Pettitte.

Andy, let's start there. Great to have you with us.

What was that moment like?

ANDY PETTITTE, FORMER MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PITCHER: Well, it was incredible, you know, just to be part of that. Obviously, the anticipation of waiting to see the president up close and personal and come, you know, to Yankee Stadium. He came into the dugout there with us. And I remember Derek Jeter telling him, hey, you'd better throw a strike or they're going to boo you. And - and the president went and got his arm lose and, of course, walked out there and gave the thumbs up and threw a perfect strike. And it was just - it was a -- a surreal moment and just a real proud moment, you know, to be - to be part of that and, obviously, to be an American.

BREAM: Yes, the Yankees, you had been on the field and you've talked about what it meant to go back at that time when we were grieving so much as a nation just to give people some time to be unified over something, to have a couple hours break from the grief that we were all experiencing.


BREAM: Sports is a real unifier. Are you worried that some aspects of sports and the coverage of sports have gotten too political? Are we missing that opportunity to bond in that same way now?

PETTITTE: Well, I think so. I mean sports have always been just, you know, something that unified us. I remember as a - as a small child just always talking sports with adults around me, being able to watch a football games with my dad, baseball games, and then, of course, me now as a father, just being able to get together with my kids, anybody, any kind of sports, you know, that goes on, big games, you know, everyone gets together and enjoys the time in their workplace talking baseball, talking football, talking sports.

And in the sense of 9/11, just what an opportunity that was and that we saw, you know, as the players, the way that everyone rallied around us, you know, and rallied around as a team. And, you know, a friend of mine, you know, said it great, you know, growing up we all want to be part of a team. And then whether you were a part of the Yankees or the Mets at that time, or you were just a fan, what 9/11 really did was make you feel like you - we were all a part of the same team. And so, as we move forward, of course we need to remember for sure, but continue to try to unify our country and unify each other. And I think baseball and the sports is a great way to do that.

BREAM: It's a gift. We so appreciated those of you who suited up and went back out there to give us that break and that bit of hope and inspiration.

You're doing that now for first responders. So much of what we do on 9/11 is remembering those heroes.


BREAM: Tell us about your work with Tunnels to Towers?

PETTITTE: Yes, just, you know, during my career, I always loved doing the military stuff with out veterans and, you know, when we traveled to Baltimore, going to Walter Reed and stuff like that and really, during Covid, watched more news than I probably should have and watching a lot of Fox News and there wasn't a whole lot to do other than watch TV and just kept seeing those Tunnel to Tower commercials. And, you know, really just reached out to Frank and I wanted to be part of it and wanted to help them financially and then, of course, now able to do, you know, some ad commercials for them.

And they're just doing wonderful things. Frank has done a great job and his team of just not forgetting what has happened, not forgetting the people that have lost lives. The gold-star families. The wives that have lost their husbands, that have kids. He's continuing doing stuff for our vets. They're just doing wonderful things.

Tampa, they're building a neighborhood down in Tampa for the catastrophically injured military people and just it's been awesome to be part of it.

BREAM: Yes, we're glad to see you in that role, as well.

Thank you for all you've done in giving back, Andy Pettitte. Thanks for your time this morning.

PETTITTE: All right, Shannon, thank you very much.

BREAM: Up next, FOX NEWS SUNDAY viewers know that over the last few months a lot of talented folks have sat in this chair. We're going to take a look back and talk about what's ahead now for FOX NEWS SUNDAY.


BREAM: As you may know, this is my first official week as the new anchor of FOX NEWS SUNDAY. But over the last nine months, many of my talented colleagues took the reigns here each Sunday brining you the biggest newsmakers and some of the year's best interviews. The show even hit the campaign trail going on the road to the midterms in one of the most watched primary seasons ever.


BREAM (voice over): We wanted to take a look back at some of the year's biggest moments, starting that very first week when Fox News chief political anchor Bret Baier broke huge news on the president's biggest agenda item.

SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): I cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. I just can't.

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS CHIEF POLITICAL ANCHOR: You're done. This is - this is a no.

MANCHIN: This is a no.

BREAM: From the president's plans to Republicans' response.

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: What would be different for Americans if Republicans win back the majorities in the House and Senate this year?

SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R-KY): We'll make sure Joe Biden is a moderate.

BREAM: To high stakes of the high courts.

JOHN ROBERTS, FOX NEWS HOST: So, how will the vote look?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's probably going to be, you know, close to 50/50.

BREAM: Do you support the fact that they will carry out the will of the people in Georgia and put that law at a six-week ban into effect?

STACEY ABRAMS: I would reject the notion that this is the will of the people.

BREAM: We tried to get Washington off its talking points so we could get more to the point.

ROBERTS: Why would you propose something like that in an election year?

SEN. RICK SCOTT (R-FL): Sure. Well, John, that's, of course, the Democrat talking point. It's a (INAUDIBLE) plan.

ROBERTS: No, no, it's in the plan. It's in the plan.

SCOTT: Well, but - here's the - here - but here's this thing about reality for a second. First off, let's talk about Medicare.

ROBERTS: It's not a - but, Senator - but, Senator, hang on, hang on.

SCOTT: Look, John -

ROBERTS: It's not a Democratic talking point. It's in the plan.

BREAM: We came back during the pandemic.

TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS HOST: Look at this. Everybody together. This is wonderful. Everybody wanted to follow the science and now we're being told, well, it wasn't exact, but yet if there were dissenting views on the science, you were called out.

VIVEK MURTHY, U.S. SURGEON GENERAL: What we have to do in this is understand that, number one, science evolves, right?

BREAM: We covered war.

SANDRA SMITH, FOX NEWS HOST: Is that a sign, after that phone call yesterday, that time is running out for diplomacy?

JOHN KIRBY, PENTAGON PRESS SECRETARY: It's certainly not a sign that things are moving in the - in the right direction.

BILL HEMMER, FOX NEWS HOST: Have we done all we can?

SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): Not remotely. And, tragically, Europe is on the verge of war.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: As Russian forces advance on the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv, thousands of civilians are fleeing their homes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A lot of these people you see in the crowds now are the people who have been stuck in their bomb shelters for days and they finally had a chance to make a break for it.

BAIER: You've been to a lot of war zones. For us and for others, you know, put this in context.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is a movie I've seen before. It's a bad movie.

CONDOLEEZZA RICE, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: Well, I met with him many times. And this is a different Putin.

JENNIFER GRIFFIN, FOX NEWS HOST: In your opinion, was the withdrawal a mistake?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I advised against withdrawing.

JACK KEANE, RETIRED FOUR-STAR GENERAL: We gave it all up and we're back to where we were in 2001.

BREAM: We brought in our strongest reporting from across the country.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Cross the Brooklyn Bridge and you'll enter the district's other half, Brooklyn, a city in its own right.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What can Congress do for a Nevada dad that is thinking about walking to work because he can't afford gas?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You did call yourself a never Trumper, though.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Six years is not quite ever.

VANCE: We became converted.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Does that hurt the party as a whole, him using words like that?

JOHN FETTERMAN (D), U.S. SENATE CANDIDATE IN PENNSYLVANIA: It's Connor's story. He can tell it the way he needs to.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you think relitigating 2020 will get you into the governor's mansion?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's not why we're doing this.

BREAM: We didn't always agree.

JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, I think you have a right to protest.

KARL ROVE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, but not in front of their house.

WILLIAMS: Wait. You have a right to protest anywhere in America.

ROVE: You think they have -- people have a right to show up in front of a house and try and intimidate a judge to change their opinion?


BREAM: And we looked ahead to 2024.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have you met with donors to talk about 2024?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I've met with no donors about my personal ambitions in that respect.

NIKKI HALEY, FORMER U.S. AMBASSADOR TO THE U.N.: I'm just saying, sometimes it takes a woman.

BREAM: And we looked for moments to step back and reflect.

BAIER: Do what is right. Let the consequence follow.

SEN. MITT ROMNEY (R-UT): There have been times in my life when I have strayed from being 100 percent accurate or 100 percent honest, when I've done things for advantage or politics. And I look back on those things now with great regret. And - and so I say, at this stage in my life, I'm not doing that anymore.


BREAM: Well, we look forward to continuing to press the nation's newsmakers every Sunday about the decisions that impact you every day.

That's it for today. I'm Shannon Bream. Thank you for joining me on my first Sunday as your anchor. Have a great week. We'll see you next FOX NEWS SUNDAY.


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