(RULE 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant |X|

Filed by a party other than the Registrant |_|

Check the appropriate box:

|X|   Preliminary proxy statement.

|_|   Definitive proxy statement.

|_|   Definitive additional materials.

|_|   Soliciting material under Rule 14a-12.

|_|   Confidential, for use of the Commission only (as permitted by Rule

                           THE NEW GERMANY FUND, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (check the appropriate box):

|X|   No fee required.

|_|   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

(1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

(2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

(3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant
      to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
      calculated and state how it was determined):

(4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5)   Total fee paid:

|_|  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

|_| Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or
the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)   Amount Previously Paid:

(2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

(3)   Filing Party:

(4)   Date Filed:


                                                                    [o], 2006

Dear Stockholders:

      You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
(the "Meeting") of The New Germany Fund, Inc. to be held at [o], New York time,
on [o], 2006 at the offices of Deutsche Bank, 345 Park Avenue, New York, New
York 10154. Your Board of Directors and management look forward to greeting
personally those stockholders able to attend.

      The attached Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement describe the
formal business to be transacted at the Meeting. As you may be aware, a group of
hedge funds that are dissident stockholders of the Fund have announced their
intention to solicit proxies against the nominees of your Board of Directors and
in support of proposals that are strongly opposed by the Board and the Fund.

      Please do not sign any proxy card sent to you by or on behalf of the
dissident hedge fund group led by Phillip Goldstein and his hedge fund,
Opportunity Partners L.P. (now calling themselves "Bulldog Investors"), Karpus
Investment Management and Laxey Partners Limited. These hedge funds are now
using the misleading name, "The Coalition For Shareholder Democracy." Please be
assured that your Board of Directors, which manages the Fund for the benefit of
all stockholders, is the real advocate for shareholder democracy. Your Board of
Directors will continue to act in the best interest of all Fund stockholders.

      Your vote is important regardless of the number of shares you own. We urge
you to complete, sign, date and mail the enclosed White Proxy Card as soon as
possible, even if you currently plan to attend the Meeting. If you hold your
shares in a brokerage or bank account, your broker or bank may allow you to vote
your shares by telephone or internet. Please consult the materials you receive
from your broker or bank prior to voting by telephone or internet.

      On behalf of your Board of Directors, thank you for your continued
interest and support.


[add signature block]

John Millette

                           THE NEW GERMANY FUND, INC.
                                 345 Park Avenue
                            New York, New York 10154

                                    [o], 2006

To our Stockholders:

      Notice is hereby  given  that the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  (the
"Meeting") of The New Germany Fund,  Inc., a Maryland  corporation (the "Fund"),
will be held at [o],  New York time,  on [o],  2006 at the  offices of  Deutsche
Bank, 345 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10154 for the following purposes:

      1.    To elect  three  (3)  Directors,  each to serve  for a term of three
            years and until their successors are elected and qualify.

      2.    To ratify the  appointment  by the Audit  Committee and the Board of
            Directors of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP, an independent registered
            public accounting firm, as independent  auditors for the fiscal year
            ending December 31, 2006.

      3.    To act upon, if properly presented, three stockholder proposals.

      4.    To  transact  such other  business as may  properly  come before the
            Meeting or any postponement or adjournment thereof.

      Only  holders of record of Common  Stock at the close of  business on [o],
2006 are entitled to notice of, and to vote at, this Meeting or any postponement
or adjournment thereof.

      This  Meeting  is  extremely  important  in light of the  announcement  by
dissident stockholder Opportunity Partners, L.P. ("Opportunity Partners"), which
is a hedge fund controlled by Mr. Phillip Goldstein (and which now may go by the
name  "Bulldog  Investors"),  of its  intention to solicit  proxies  against the
nominees of your Board of Directors (the "Board").  Opportunity Partners and its
allies - other hedge funds pursuing their short-term  interests - have also made
known their intention to support three  stockholder  proposals that are strongly
opposed by the Board.

      Your  vote is  very  important.  Whether  or not you  plan to  attend  the
Meeting, and regardless of the number of shares you own, we urge you to vote FOR
your  Board's  nominees  (proposal  1) and  against  the  dissident  stockholder
proposals  (proposals 3, 4 and 5) by promptly  completing,  signing,  dating and
returning  the enclosed  White Proxy Card.  We strongly urge you not to sign any
proxy card that may be sent to you by  Opportunity  Partners and the other hedge
fund  dissidents,  even to vote against their  nominees.  If you have previously
returned any proxy card sent to you by Opportunity Partners,  you may change any
vote you may have  cast in favor of  Opportunity  Partners'  nominees,  and vote
instead  for the  election  of the Board's  nominees  and against the  dissident
stockholder  proposals by  completing,  signing and returning the enclosed White
Proxy Card in the accompanying  envelope. If you hold your shares in a brokerage
or bank account (in "street name"),  your broker or bank cannot vote your shares
this year unless you complete,  sign and return the enclosed  White proxy voting
form. In addition, you may be able to vote your shares by telephone or internet.
Please  consult  the  materials  you  receive  from your broker or bank prior to
voting by telephone or internet.

      If you have any questions or need additional  information,  please contact
The Altman Group,  Inc., the Fund's proxy solicitors,  at 1200 Wall Street West,
Lyndhurst, New Jersey 07071, or toll-free by telephone at 1-800-884-5101.

                                         By Order of the Board of Directors

                                         [add signature block]

                                                  John Millette

Dated: [o], 2006

      Whether or not you expect to attend the Meeting,  please sign the enclosed
      White  Proxy  Card  and  promptly  return  it to the  Fund.  We  ask  your
      cooperation in mailing in your White Proxy Card promptly, so that the Fund
      can avoid additional expenses of solicitation of proxies.


                           THE NEW GERMANY FUND, INC.
                                 345 Park Avenue
                            New York, New York 10154

                         Annual Meeting of Stockholders
                                    [o], 2006

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

      This Proxy  Statement  is  furnished  by the Board of Directors of The New
Germany Fund, Inc. (the "Board of Directors" or "Board"), a Maryland corporation
(the "Fund"),  in  connection  with the  solicitation  of proxies for use at the
Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the "Meeting") to be held at [o], New York time,
on [o], 2006 at the offices of Deutsche  Bank,  345 Park Avenue,  New York,  New
York 10154.  The purpose of the Meeting and the matters to be considered are set
forth in the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders.

Despite the  continued  strong  performance  of your Fund (2005 total  return of
18.94%,  based on market value, and an annualized  market value return of 27.38%
from  January 1 to March 31,  2006),  a group of  dissident  hedge  funds led by
Phillip  Goldstein  and his hedge fund,  Opportunity  Partners L.P. (now calling
themselves  "Bulldog  Investors"),   along  with  hedge  fund  operators  Karpus
Investment Management and Laxey Partners Limited, have announced their intention
to solicit  proxies against the nominees of your Board of Directors and in favor
of three  proposals  that,  if not  rejected by  stockholders,  could  seriously
jeopardize the viability of your Fund.

      Your Board strongly  believes that the Board's nominees for re-election as
Directors  are  far  better  qualified  and  meet  the  director   qualification
requirements  in  the  Fund's  Bylaws,  which  require  experience  in  relevant
business,  investment,  economic or political matters. The Board's nominees will
better  serve the  interests  of all  stockholders.  In  contrast,  the nominees
supported by the  dissident  hedge funds are not qualified to serve as directors
in accordance with the Fund's Bylaws. Accordingly,  they may not be nominated or
elected to serve as directors of the Fund.

      The Board of Directors strongly urges you to complete, sign, date and mail
promptly the White Proxy Card  accompanying  this Proxy  Statement.  If you hold
your shares in a brokerage  or bank account (in "street  name"),  your broker or
bank  cannot  vote  your  shares  this  year (as it has in past  routine  annual
meetings)  unless you  complete,  sign,  date and mail promptly the proxy voting
form it will  send you.  In  addition,  you may be able to vote  your  shares by
telephone or internet. Please consult the materials you receive from your broker
or bank prior to voting by telephone or internet.

      If the  accompanying  White Proxy Card is executed  properly and returned,
shares  represented by it will be voted at the Meeting,  and any postponement or
adjournment  thereof,  in accordance  with the  instructions  on the White Proxy
Card.  However,  if no instructions are specified,  shares will be voted FOR the
election of three (3) directors of the Fund ("Directors") nominated by the Board
(Proposal 1), FOR the ratification of the appointment by the Audit Committee and
the Board of PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP, an independent public accounting firm,
as independent auditors for the Fund (Proposal 2), AGAINST the advisory contract
termination  proposal (Proposal 3), AGAINST the bylaw proposal (Proposal 4), and
AGAINST the  open-ending  proposal  (Proposal  5). A proxy may be revoked at any
time prior to the time it is voted by  written  notice to the  Secretary  of the
Fund, by submitting a subsequently  executed and dated proxy or by attending the
Meeting and voting in person.


      If a stockholder  owns shares of the Fund in violation of applicable  law,
including  the  Investment  Company  Act of 1940,  as amended  (the  "Investment
Company Act"), the Fund may determine that any vote  attributable to such shares
shall not be  counted,  or that  such  shares  will not be  counted  for  quorum
purposes,  or both.  Under Section  12(d)(1) of the Investment  Company Act, the
acquisition  of more than 3% of the Fund's common stock by another fund (whether
registered,  private or offshore) is unlawful.  There is legal uncertainty about
the  operation of Section  12(d)(1) and about the Fund's right under federal and
state law to  invalidate  votes cast by any person whose Fund shares are held in
violation  of law.  The  Fund  is  prepared,  if  necessary,  to  seek  judicial
resolution of the uncertainty in any particular case.

      The close of business  on [o],  2006 has been fixed as the record date for
the  determination  of  stockholders  entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the
Meeting.  On that date, the Fund had [o] shares of Common Stock  outstanding and
entitled  to vote.  Each share will be  entitled to one vote on each matter that
comes before the Meeting. It is expected that the Notice of Annual Meeting, this
Proxy  Statement  and the form of White  Proxy  Card  will  first be  mailed  to
stockholders on or about [o], 2006.

      A quorum is necessary to hold a valid meeting. If stockholders entitled to
cast  one-third  of all votes  entitled to be cast at the Meeting are present in
person or by proxy,  a quorum  will be  established.  The Fund  intends to treat
properly  executed  proxies  that are  marked  "abstain"  and  broker  non-votes
(defined below) as present for the purposes of determining  whether a quorum has
been achieved at the Meeting.  Under Maryland law, abstentions do not constitute
a vote "for" or "against" a matter and will be disregarded  in  determining  the
"votes  cast" on an issue.  A "broker  non-vote"  occurs  when a broker  holding
shares for a beneficial  owner does not vote on a particular  matter because the
broker does not have discretionary  voting power with respect to that matter and
has not received instructions from the beneficial owner.

                        PROPOSAL 1: ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

      The Fund's charter (the "Charter") provides that the Board of Directors be
divided into three classes of Directors serving  staggered  three-year terms and
until their successors are elected and qualify. The term of office for Directors
in Class III expires at the 2006 Annual Meeting,  Class I at the next succeeding
annual meeting and Class II at the following  succeeding  annual meeting.  Three
Class III nominees are proposed in this Proxy Statement for election.  The three
Class III nominees,  Dr. Franz Wilhelm Hopp, Mr. Ernst-Ulrich Matz and Dr. Frank
Tromel,  are the only persons  nominated by your Board of Directors for election
at this  Meeting and, if elected,  each will serve a  three-year  term of office
until the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  in 2009 and  until his  respective
successor  is  elected  and  qualifies.  The  interests  of  the  Fund  and  the
stockholders  are best  served when its  Directors  have  experience  in matters
relevant to the Fund's investment business. Accordingly, the Bylaws provide that
a nominee must have Relevant  Experience and Country Knowledge and must not have
any Conflict of Interest.  The relevant portions of the Fund's Bylaws describing
these  requirements  are  included  as  Annex B to  this  Proxy  Statement.  The
Nominating  Committee  (excluding  Dr.  Tromel,  who  excused  himself  from its
deliberations  and vote)  concluded  that each of the three  Class III  nominees
satisfies these  requirements.  An overview of the experience and current duties
of each of the Board's nominees is therefore appropriate.

      Franz  Wilhelm  Hopp.  Dr. Hopp  served for many years as chief  financial
      officer of a large German  insurance  company,  ERGO, which is a member of
      the Allianz group of financial  companies (owning Fireman's Fund Insurance
      Company in the United States).  In that capacity,  Dr. Hopp helped oversee
      over $100 billion in German and other investments. He is fluent in English
      and  German.  Having  retired in 2004,  Dr.  Hopp sits on the  supervisory
      boards of many prominent  German  companies in financial,  real estate and
      environmental businesses.

      Ernest-Ulrich Matz. Mr. Matz was chief financial officer for over 20 years
      at a large  German  holding  company  (IWKA)  diversified  in  automation,
      production and manufacturing technologies,  such as assembly lines for the
      automotive  industry,  packaging  machines  and lines  for the  cosmetics,
      pharmaceuticals and food industries, and robotics. He is fluent in English
      and German.  Having become a consultant  after his


      retirement  in 2000,  Mr.  Matz is a member of the  supervisory  boards of
      several German companies engaged in industrial technology.

      Frank Tromel.  Dr. Tromel was chief executive officer for over 20 years of
      the large diversified  German companies Delton AG and Altana AG. Following
      his  retirement,  Dr.  Tromel  has since  2000 been a member of the German
      Accounting  Standards Board,  which establishes  accounting  standards for
      German  companies.  He is  fluent in  English  and  German.  He has been a
      director of the Fund since its inception in 1990,  and serves on the Audit
      Committee of the Fund and of the European Equity Fund, Inc.  (formerly The
      Germany  Fund,  Inc.) and Central  Europe and Russia Fund,  Inc.,  both of
      which are part of the Fund's Complex.


      As discussed  above,  Opportunity  Partners and its hedge fund allies have
announced  their intention to solicit proxies against the nominees of your Board
of Directors and for the purported nominees of Phillip Goldstein and Opportunity
Partners.  Although  Opportunity Partners has not furnished complete information
about  the  persons  it has  proposed  for  director,  based on the  information
provided to date and on Mr.  Goldstein's own admission,  your Board's Nominating
Committee  determined that none of the persons  Opportunity  Partners intends to
propose is qualified in accordance with the Fund's Bylaws to serve as a director
of  the  Fund.  Your  Board  believes  that  through  their  qualifications  and
experience,  Dr. Hopp,  Mr. Matz and Dr.  Tromel will serve the interests of all
stockholders better than the nominees of Opportunity Partners.  The contribution
of Opportunity  Partners'  nominees for director will not, in the opinion of the
Board,  in any way  compare  with  the  value  the  three  Board  nominees  have
contributed  and will  continue to  contribute  to the Fund as a result of their
extensive background in German business and political affairs:

            o     The Board  nominees of the Fund  provide  distinct and ongoing
                  resources  for your  Board  of  Directors,  especially  in the
                  markets in which the Fund invests.

            o     On the other hand,  the business  backgrounds  of  Opportunity
                  Partners' potential nominees do not indicate any experience in
                  the markets in which the Fund  invests.  We invite you to make
                  your  own   comparison  of  the   biographies  of  Opportunity
                  Partners'   nominees   to  our   nominees   when  you  receive
                  Opportunity Partners' proxy statement.

      We believe that the agenda being pursued by  Opportunity  Partners and the
hedge fund dissidents is to install a minority of directors who will continue to
pressure the Fund to conduct a partial tender offer, open-end, or liquidate. Our
reasons  for  believing   those  actions  are  not  in  the  interests  of  Fund
stockholders are discussed at Proposal 5.

      While the three  dissident-supported  candidates  cannot become  directors
under the Fund's Bylaws,  and the Fund will not treat votes for the  individuals
as "votes  cast" for  purposes  of  determining  which  individuals  received  a
plurality of votes cast, we urge  stockholders  to vote FOR our nominees to send
an important message.

      Should  any  vacancy  occur  on the  Board  of  Directors,  the  remaining
Directors  would  be able to fill  that  vacancy  by the  affirmative  vote of a
majority of the remaining  Directors in office,  even if the remaining Directors
do not constitute a quorum.  Any Director elected by the Board to fill a vacancy
would hold office until the remainder of the full term of the class of Directors
in which the vacancy occurred and until a successor is elected and qualifies. If
the size of the Board is increased,  additional  Directors  will be  apportioned
among the three classes to make all classes as nearly equal as possible.


      Unless authority is withheld,  it is the intention of the persons named in
the accompanying  form of White Proxy Card to vote each White Proxy Card for the
election of our three Class III  nominees  listed  above.  Each of our Class III
nominees is currently a member of the Board of Directors. Each Class III nominee
has indicated  that he will  continue to serve as a Director if elected,  but if
any  nominee  should be unable  to  serve,  proxies  will be voted for any other
person  determined  by the  persons  named in the form of  White  Proxy  Card in
accordance  with  their  discretion.  The  Board of  Directors  has no reason to
believe that any of the above  nominees will be unable to continue to serve as a


      Required Vote.  Provided a quorum has been  established,  the  affirmative
vote of a  plurality  of the  votes  cast at the  Meeting  is  required  for the
election  of  each  Director.   For  purposes  of  the  election  of  Directors,
abstentions and broker non-votes will have no effect on the result of the vote.


      The  following  tables show  certain  information  about the  nominees for
election as Directors and about Directors  whose terms will continue,  including
beneficial  ownership  of Common Stock of the Fund and about all officers of the
Fund. All Directors resident in the United States own Fund shares. Directors who
are German residents would be subject to adverse German tax consequences if they
owned shares of a fund organized  outside of Germany,  such as the Fund, that is
not subject to German regulation or tax reporting. Each Director has served as a
Director of the Fund for more than five years,  many since the Fund's  inception
in 1990,  except for Ambassador  Burt and Mr.  Walbrol,  who for many years have
been  directors of other funds in the Fund Complex and were elected to the Board
in 2004.


Nominees Proposed for Election:

                                 Class III Directors; Nominees for Term Expiring in 2009
                             (Term will Expire in 2006; Nominees for Term Expiring in 2009)
                                                                Number of
                                                                in Fund
                                                                Overseen                                        Shares
                                                                  by                                           of Common
                                                                Director                                        Stock
                           Length                                 or                                         Beneficially
    Name,                    of            Principal            Nominee       Other Directorships Held         Owned at
Address(1) &   Position(s)  Time         Occupation(s)            for        by Director or Nominee for        March 31,
     Age       with Fund   Served    During Past Five Years     Director              Director                  2006(3)
                                               Non-Interested Directors
Dr. Franz      Director    Since    Former Member of the           1       Chairman of the Supervisory Board      None
Wilhelm                    1993     Boards of Management of                of Ideenkapital Media Finance
Hopp, 63                            ERGO Insurance Group AG,               (investments and finance).
                                    ERGO Europa                            Member of the Supervisory Boards
                                    Beteiligungs-gesellschaft              of Jenoptik, AG (environmental
                                    AG, and ERGO                           systems and other technologies);
                                    International AG                       TMW Immobilien AG (real estate);
                                    (insurance) (over five                 Oesterreichische Volksbanken
                                    years until 2004).                     (bank); KarstadtQuelle Bank GmbH;
                                    Former Member of the                   GFKL Financial Services AG; MEAG
                                    Boards of Management of                Munich ERGO
                                    VICTORIA Holding;                      Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH
                                    VICTORIA                               (asset management);
                                    Lebensversicherung AG                  Internationales
                                    (life insurance);                      Immobilieninstitut GmbH (real
                                    VICTORIA Versicherung AG               estate); TMW Real Estate Group
                                    (insurance); VICTORIA                  L.P.; and Victoria Volksbanken,
                                    International; VICTORIA                Oesterreich (bank).  Member of
                                    Ruckversicherung AG                    the Administrative Boards of
                                    (reinsurance) and D.A.S.               Frankfurter Volksbank (bank) and
                                    Versicherungs-AG.                      HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt
                                    (insurance).                           (bank). Member of the Advisory
                                                                           Boards of Dresdner Bank AG; EnBW
                                                                           Energie Baden-Wuerttemberg AG
                                                                           (energy); Falke Bank AG;
                                                                           Landeskreditbank Baden-Wuerttemberg;
                                                                           Millenium Entertainment Partners
                                                                           L.P. (real estate) and MPE Hotel,
                                                                           LLC (real estate).
Ernst-Ulrich   Director    Since    Consultant. Vice               1       Member of the District Advisory        None
Matz, 72                   1995     Chairman of the                        Board of Gerling-Konzern (until
                                    Supervisory Boards of                  2002); Chairman of the Rumanian
                                    Bopp & Reuther AG                      Group in the German East-West
                                    (valve, control,                       Trade Committee (until 2002);
                                    measurement and safety                 Member of the Advisory Council of
                                    technology) (1990-2001).               Herder GmbH & Co. KG (publishing);
                                    Chief Financial Officer                Member of the Supervisory Board
                                    and member of the Board                of Photon AG (laser engineering).
                                    of Directors of IWKA                   Member of the District Advisory
                                    Aktiengesellschaft                     Board of Deutsche Bank AG,
                                    (management holding                    Mannheim (until 1999).
                                    company - manufacturing
                                    and engineering)
                                    (1978-2000). Member of
                                    the Supervisory Boards
                                    of Ex-Cell-O AG (machine
                                    tool and system
                                    manufacturer) (1996-2001)
                                    and ARO SA (1978-2000)
                                    (resistance welding).


                                 Class III Directors; Nominees for Term Expiring in 2009
                             (Term will Expire in 2006; Nominees for Term Expiring in 2009)
                                                                Number of
                                                                in Fund
                                                                Overseen                                        Shares
                                                                  by                                           of Common
                                                                Director                                        Stock
                           Length                                 or                                         Beneficially
    Name,                    of            Principal            Nominee       Other Directorships Held         Owned at
Address(1) &   Position(s)  Time         Occupation(s)            for        by Director or Nominee for        March 31,
     Age       with Fund   Served    During Past Five Years     Director              Director                  2006(3)
                                                Non-Interested Directors
Dr. Frank      Director    Since    Deputy Chairman of the         3       Director of The Central Europe         None
Tromel,                    1990     Supervisory Board of                   and Russia Fund, Inc. (since
70(5)                               DELTON AG (strategic                   2005) and The European Equity
                                    management holding                     Fund, Inc. (formerly The Germany
                                    company operation in the               Fund, Inc.) (since 2005).
                                    pharmaceutical, household
                                    products, logistics and
                                    power supply sectors)
                                    (since 2000). Member
                                    (since 2000) and
                                    Vice-President (since
                                    2002) of the German
                                    Accounting Standards
                                    Board; Chairman of the
                                    Board of Managing Directors
                                    of DELTON AG (1990-1999);
                                    Chairman of the Board of
                                    Managing Directors of
                                    ALTANA AG (management
                                    holding company for the
                                    pharmaceutical and chemical
                                    operations) (1987-1990)
                                    and Member of the Board


Directors whose terms will continue:

                                                    Class I Directors
                                                (Term will Expire in 2007)
                                                                Number of
                                                                in Fund
                                                                Overseen                                        Shares
                                                                  by                                           of Common
                                                                Director                                        Stock
                           Length                                 or                                         Beneficially
    Name,                    of            Principal            Nominee       Other Directorships Held         Owned at
Address(1) &   Position(s)  Time         Occupation(s)            for        by Director or Nominee for        March 31,
     Age       with Fund   Served    During Past Five Years     Director              Director                  2006(3)
                                                 Non-Interested Directors
Ambassador     Director    Since    Chairman, Diligence LLC        3       Director of The Central Europe         962
Richard R.                 2004     (international                         and Russia Fund, Inc. (since
Burt, 59                            information collection                 2000) and The European Equity
                                    and risk-management firm)              Fund, Inc. (formerly The Germany
                                    (since 2002).  Chairman,               Fund, Inc.) (since 2000). Board
                                    IEP Advisors LLP                       Member, IGT, Inc. (gaming
                                    (information services                  technology) (since 1995).  Board
                                    firm) (1998- 2001).                    Member, HCL Technologies, Inc.
                                    Chairman of the Board,                 (information technology and
                                    Weirton Steel Corp.                    product engineering) (since
                                    (1996-2004).  Formerly,                1999).  Member, Textron Inc.
                                    Partner, McKinsey &                    International Advisory Council
                                    Company (consulting firm)              (aviation, automotive, industrial
                                    (1991-1994).  U.S.                     operations and finance) (since
                                    Ambassador to the Federal              1996).  Director, UBS family of
                                    Republic of Germany                    mutual funds (since 1995).
Richard Karl   Director    Since    Consultant. Retired Vice       1       Independent Non-Executive             10,985
Goeltz, 63                 1990     Chairman and Chief                     Director of Aviva plc (financial
                                    Financial Officer of                   services); Director of Federal
                                    American Express Co.                   Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
                                    (financial services)                   (Freddie Mac) and The Warnaco
                                    (1996-2000).  Former                   Group, Inc. (apparel); Member of
                                    Chief Financial Officer                the Court of Governors and the
                                    of National Westminster                Council of the London School of
                                    Bank Plc (1992-1996).                  Economics and Political Science.
                                    Former Executive Vice
                                    (1986-1991) and Vice
                                    (1976-1986) of The
                                    Seagram Company Ltd.
Robert H.      Director    Since    President, Robert H.           91      Director of The European Equity       9,672
Wadsworth, 66              1992     Wadsworth Associates,                  Fund, Inc. (formerly The Germany
                                    Inc. (consulting firm)                 Fund, Inc.) (since 1986) and The
                                    (May 1983 to present).                 Central Europe and Russia Fund,
                                    Formerly, President and                Inc. (since 1990), as well as
                                    Trustee, Trust for                     other funds in the Fund Complex
                                    Investment Managers                    as indicated.(7)
                                    (registered investment
                                    companies) (April
                                    1999-June 2002).
                                    President, Investment
                                    Company Administration,
                                    L.L.C. (January
                                    1992(6)-July 2001).
                                    President, Treasurer and
                                    Director, First Fund
                                    Distributors, Inc.
                                    (mutual fund
                                    distribution) (June
                                    1990-January 2002).  Vice
                                    President, Professionally
                                    Managed Portfolios (May
                                    1991-January 2002) and
                                    Advisors Series Trust
                                    (registered investment
                                    companies) (October
                                    1996-January 2002).


                                                    Class I Directors
                                                (Term will Expire in 2007)
                                                                Number of
                                                                in Fund
                                                                Overseen                                        Shares
                                                                  by                                           of Common
                                                                Director                                        Stock
                           Length                                 or                                         Beneficially
    Name,                    of            Principal            Nominee       Other Directorships Held         Owned at
Address(1) &   Position(s)  Time         Occupation(s)            for        by Director or Nominee for        March 31,
     Age       with Fund   Served    During Past Five Years     Director              Director                  2006(3)
                                                  Interested Director(4)
Christian H.   Director    Since    Member of Supervisory          3      Director of The European Equity         None
Strenger, 62    and        1990     Board (since 1999) and                Fund, Inc. (formerly The Germany
                Chairman            formerly Managing                     Fund, Inc.) (since 1986) and The
                                    Director (1991-1999) of               Central Europe and Russia Fund,
                                    DWS Investment GmbH                   Inc. (since 1990).(2)   Member,
                                    (investment                           Supervisory Board, Fraport AG
                                    management), a                        (international airport business)
                                    subsidiary of Deutsche                and Hermes Focus Asset Management
                                    Bank AG.                              Europe Ltd. (asset management)


                                                    Class II Directors
                                                (Term will Expire in 2007)
                                                                Number of
                                                                in Fund
                                                                Overseen                                        Shares
                                                                  by                                           of Common
                                                                Director                                        Stock
                           Length                                 or                                         Beneficially
    Name,                    of            Principal            Nominee       Other Directorships Held         Owned at
Address(1) &   Position(s)  Time         Occupation(s)            for        by Director or Nominee for        March 31,
     Age       with Fund   Served    During Past Five Years     Director              Director                  2006(3)
                                                 Non-Interested Directors
John H.        Director    Since    Consultant (since              3       Director of The European Equity       4,537
Cannon, 64                 1990     2002). Vice President                  Fund, Inc. (formerly The Germany
                                    and Treasurer, Venator                 Fund, Inc.) (since 2004) and The
                                    Group/ Footlocker Inc.                 Central Europe and Russia Fund,
                                    (footwear retailer)                    Inc. (since 2004).(2)
Werner         Director    Since    President and Chief            3       Director of The Central Europe         928
Walbrol, 68                2004     Executive Officer, The                 and Russia Fund, Inc. (since
                                    European American                      1990) and The European Equity
                                    Chamber of Commerce,                   Fund, Inc. (formerly The Germany
                                    Inc. (since 2004).                     Fund, Inc.) (since 1986).(2)
                                    Formerly, President and                Director, TUV Rheinland of North
                                    Chief Executive                        America, Inc. (independent
                                    Officer, The German                    testing and assessment
                                    American Chamber of                    services).   Director, The
                                    Commerce, Inc. (until                  German American Chamber of
                                    2003).                                 Commerce, Inc.  President and
                                                                           Director, German-American
                                                                           Partnership Program (student
                                                                           exchange programs). Director,
                                                                           AXA Art Insurance Corporation
                                                                           (fine art and collectible
Peter          Director    Since    Managing Director of           1       Chairman of the Supervisory            None
Zuhlsdorff,                1997     DIH Deutsche Industrie                 Board, Merck KGaA
65                                  Holding (holding                       (pharmaceuticals and chemicals)
                                    company) (since 1997);                 and Escada AG (fashion); Member
                                    Managing Director of                   of the Supervisory Board, GfK AG
                                    DSD Duales System                      (market research), Deutz AG
                                    Deutschland AG                         (heavy machinery and engines),
                                    (recycling) (since                     Kaisers Tengelmann AG (food and
                                    2004).  Managing                       specialty retailing) and TV
                                    Director of Tengelmann                 Loonland AG (entertainment
                                    Unternehmensgruppe                     distribution); Member of  the
                                    (food and specialty                    Advisory Board, Tengelmann
                                    retailing) (1998-2003).                Verwaltungs-und
                                    Managing Director of                   Beteiligungsgesellschaft GmbH
                                    Bewerbungskommitee                     (food and specialty retailing).
                                    Leipzig 2012 GmbH
                                    (olympic bid committee)
                                    (2004) and Managing
                                    Director of PZ
                                    Sportpark GmbH
                                                Interested Director(4)
John Bult, 70  Director    Since    Chairman, PaineWebber          3       Director of The European Equity       2,830
                           1990     International (asset                   Fund, Inc. (formerly The Germany
                                    management) (since 1985).              Fund, Inc.) (since 1986) and
                                                                           The Central Europe and Russia
                                                                           Fund, Inc. (since 1990).(2)
                                                                           Director of The Greater China
                                                                           Fund, Inc. (closed-end fund).


                                              Executive Officers (8)
                                       Term of                                                                        Shares
                                        Office                                                                      of Common
                                         and                                                                          Stock
                                        Length                                                                     Beneficially
                        Position(s)       of                                 Principal                                Owned at
 Name, Address(1) &        with          Time                              Occupation(s)                             March 31,
        Age                Fund         Served                         During Past Five Years                         2006(3)
Paul H. Schubert, 43    Treasurer      Since      Managing Director, Deutsche Asset Management (since 2004).            None
                        and Chief      2004       Formerly, Executive Director, Head of Mutual Fund Services and
                        Financial                 Treasurer for UBS Family of Funds at UBS Global Asset
                        Officer                   Management (1994-2004); Vice President and Director of Mutual
                                                  Fund Finance at UBS Global Asset Management (1994-1998).
John Millette, 43(9)    Secretary      Since      Director, Deutsche Asset Management (since 2002).                     None
Kathleen Sullivan       Assistant      Since      Director, Deutsche Asset Management (since 2002).  Formerly           None
D'Eramo, 49(9)          Treasurer      2003       Senior Vice President, Zurich Scudder Investments (2000-2002).
Elisa D. Metzger, 43    Chief          Since      Director, Deutsche Asset Management (since Sept. 2005);               None
                        Legal          2005       Counsel, Morrison and Foerster LLP (1999-2005).
Philip Gallo, 43        Chief          Since      Managing Director, Deutsche Asset Management (2003-present).          None
                        Compliance     2004       Formerly, Co-Head of Goldman Sachs Asset Management Legal
                        Officer                   (1994-2003).

(1)   The mailing  address of all  directors  and officers  with respect to Fund
      operations is c/o Deutsche  Investment  Management Americas Inc., 345 Park
      Avenue, NYC20-2799, New York, New York 10154.

(2)   The Fund Complex  includes the European  Equity Fund,  Inc.  (formerly The
      Germany Fund,  Inc.) and The Central Europe and Russia Fund,  Inc.,  which
      are  the  other  closed-end  registered  investment  companies  for  which
      Deutsche  Investment  Management  Americas Inc.  acts as manager.  It also
      includes  159 other open- and  closed-end  funds  advised by  wholly-owned
      entities of the Deutsche Bank Group in the United States.

(3)   All Directors and Executive  Officers as a group (16 persons) owned 29,616
      shares,  which constitutes less than 1% of the outstanding Common Stock of
      the Fund.  Share numbers in this Proxy  Statement have been rounded to the
      nearest whole share.

(4)   Indicates  "Interested  Person", as defined in the Investment Company Act.
      Mr.  Bult is an  "interested"  Director  because of his  affiliation  with
      PaineWebber  International,  an  affiliate  of UBS  Securities  L.L.C.,  a
      registered  broker-dealer;  and Mr. Strenger is an  "interested"  Director
      because   of  his   affiliation   with   DWS-Deutsche   Gesellschaft   fur
      Wertpapiersparen  mbH  ("DWS"),  a  subsidiary  of  Deutsche  Bank AG, and
      because of his ownership of Deutsche Bank AG shares.

(5)   Dr.  Tromel's  son has been  employed  since  March 1, 2002 by an indirect
      subsidiary of Deutsche Bank AG.

(6)   Inception date of the corporation which was the predecessor to the limited
      liability company.

(7)   Mr. Wadsworth  serves as a  Director/Trustee  of the following  investment
      companies:  DWS Blue Chip Fund, DWS Equity Trust,  DWS High Income Series,
      DWS State Tax-Free  Income Series,  DWS Strategic  Income Fund, DWS Target
      Fund, Cash Account Trust,  Investors Cash Trust,  Investors Municipal Cash
      Fund,  Tax-Exempt  California  Money Market Fund, DWS Technology Fund, DWS
      Balanced Fund, DWS U.S. Government Securities Fund, DWS Value Series Inc.,
      DWS Variable Series II, and DWS Money Funds.  Mr. Wadsworth also serves as
      a Trustee  of the  following  closed-end  investment  companies:  DWS High
      Income Trust, DWS  Multi-Market  Income Trust, DWS Municipal Income Trust,
      DWS Strategic  Income Trust,  and DWS  Strategic  Municipal  Income Trust.
      These funds are advised by Deutsche Investment Management Americas Inc., a
      wholly-owned subsidiary of Deutsche Bank AG.

(8)   Each  also  serving  as an  officer  of The  European  Equity  Fund,  Inc.
      (formerly The Germany Fund,  Inc.) and The Central Europe and Russia Fund,
      Inc.  The  officers  of the  Fund are  elected  annually  by the  Board of
      Directors at its meeting  following  the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders.
      Each of  Messrs.  Schubert,  Millette  and Gallo and Ms.  D'Eramo  and Ms.
      Metzger also serves as an officer of other Funds in the Fund Complex.

(9)   Indicates  ownership of securities of Deutsche Bank AG either  directly or
      through Deutsche Bank's deferred compensation plan.

      The following table contains  additional  information  with respect to the
beneficial  ownership of equity  securities  by each  Director or Nominee in the
Fund  and,  on an  aggregated  basis,  in any  registered  investment  companies
overseen  by the  Director  or  Nominee  within  the same  Family of  Investment
Companies as the Fund:


                                                                               Aggregate Dollar Range of
                                                                            Equity Securities in All Funds
                                    Dollar Range of Equity                  Overseen by Director or Nominee
 Name of Director or Nominee      Securities in the Fund (1)           in Family of Investment Companies (1),(2)
John Bult                              $10,001 - $50,000                             Over $100,000
Ambassador Richard R. Burt             $10,001 - $50,000                             Over $100,000
John H. Cannon                         $50,001 - $100,000                            Over $100,000
Richard Karl Goeltz                      Over $100,000                               Over $100,000
Dr. Franz Wilhelm Hopp                       None                                        None
Ernst-Ulrich Matz                            None                                        None
Christian H. Strenger                        None                                  $50,001 - $100,000
Dr. Frank Tromel                             None                                        None
Robert H. Wadsworth                      Over $100,000                               Over $100,000
Werner Walbrol                         $10,001 - $50,000                             Over $100,000
Peter Zuhlsdorff                             None                                        None

(1)   Valuation date is March 31, 2006. Directors who are German residents would
      be subject to adverse  German tax  consequences  if they owned shares of a
      fund organized  outside of Germany,  such as the Fund, that is not subject
      to German regulation or tax reporting.

(2)   The Family of  Investment  Companies  consists of the Fund,  The  European
      Equity Fund, Inc. (formerly The Germany Fund, Inc.) and The Central Europe
      and  Russia  Fund,  Inc.,  which are  closed-end  funds and share the same
      investment  adviser  and  manager  and  hold  themselves  out  as  related

      The Board of Directors presently has five standing committees including an
audit committee (the "Audit  Committee"),  an advisory  committee (the "Advisory
Committee"),  an executive committee (the "Executive  Committee"),  a nominating
committee (the  "Nominating  Committee") and a special  committee on shareholder
initiatives (the "Special Shareholder Initiatives Committee").

      The Audit Committee,  comprising  Messrs.  Cannon,  Tromel,  Wadsworth and
Walbrol,   operates  pursuant  to  a  written  charter.  The  Audit  Committee's
organization and  responsibilities  are contained in the Audit Committee Report,
which is  included in this Proxy  Statement,  and in its  written  charter.  The
members of the Audit Committee are "independent" as required by the independence
standards of Rule 10A-3 under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934. The Board of
Directors has determined  that each member of the Audit Committee is financially
literate and has determined that each of Messrs.  Cannon and Wadsworth meets the
requirements  for an audit  committee  financial  expert  under the rules of the
Securities and Exchange  Commission  ("SEC").  Although the Board has determined
that these  individuals meet the  requirements for an audit committee  financial
expert,  their  responsibilities  are  the  same as  those  of the  other  audit
committee members.  They are not auditors or accountants,  do not perform "field
work" and are not  full-time  employees.  The SEC has  determined  that an audit
committee  member who is designated as an audit committee  financial expert will
not be deemed to be an "expert" for any purpose as a result of being  identified
as an audit committee financial expert. The Audit Committee met six times during
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005.

      The Advisory Committee,  comprising Messrs.  Cannon,  Goeltz, Matz, Tromel
and  Wadsworth,  makes  recommendations  to the full Board  with  respect to the
Management  Agreement  between  the  Fund  and  Deutsche  Investment  Management
Americas  Inc.,  and the  Investment  Advisory  Agreement  between  the Fund and
Deutsche Asset  Management  International  GmbH. The Advisory  Committee met two
times during the past fiscal year, in connection with the annual  continuance of
those agreements.

      The Executive Committee,  comprising Messrs. Cannon, Goeltz,  Strenger and
Wadsworth,  has the  authority  to act  for the  Board  on all  matters  between
meetings of the Board,  subject to any limitations  under  applicable state law.
During the past fiscal year the Executive Committee did not meet.

      The Special Shareholder  Initiatives  Committee,  comprising Messrs. Bult,
Burt, Cannon,  Goeltz,  Wadsworth and Walbrol,  has the authority to act for the
Board  on  all  matters  relating  to  stockholder   initiatives.   The  Special
Shareholder Initiatives Committee met seven times during the past fiscal year.

      The Nominating  Committee  comprises Messrs.  Cannon,  Goeltz,  Tromel and
Wadsworth. Generally, the Nominating Committee identifies, evaluates and selects
and nominates, or recommends to the Board of Directors, candidates for the Board
or any  committee of the Board.  To be eligible for  nomination  as a Director a
person must, at the time of such person's  nomination,  have Relevant Experience
and Country Knowledge and must not have any


Conflict  of  Interest,  as those terms are  defined in the Fund's  Bylaws.  The
relevant  portions  of the  Fund's  Bylaws  describing  these  requirements  are
included  as Annex A. The  Nominating  Committee  may  also  take  into  account
additional factors listed in the Nominating  Committee Charter,  which generally
relate to the nominee's  industry  knowledge,  business  experience,  education,
ethical reputation,  special skills,  ability to work well in group settings and
the ability to qualify as an "independent director."

      The  Nominating   Committee  will  consider  nominee  candidates  properly
submitted by  stockholders in accordance with applicable law, the Fund's Charter
or Bylaws,  resolutions of the Board and the  qualifications  and procedures set
forth in the Nominating  Committee Charter (set forth in Annex A) and this proxy
statement.  A stockholder or group of  stockholders  seeking to submit a nominee
candidate  (i) must have  beneficially  owned at least 5% of the  Fund's  common
stock for at least two years, (ii) may submit only one nominee candidate for any
particular meeting of stockholders, and (iii) may submit a nominee candidate for
only an annual meeting or other meeting of  stockholders at which directors will
be elected.  The stockholder or group of stockholders must provide notice of the
proposed  nominee  pursuant  to the  requirements  found in the  Fund's  Bylaws.
Generally,  this notice must be received not less than 90 days nor more than 120
days prior to the first anniversary of the date of mailing of the notice for the
preceding  year's  annual  meeting.  Such  notice  shall  include  the  specific
information  required by the Fund's  Bylaws.  The relevant  portions  describing
these  requirements  are  included  as Annex B. The  Nominating  Committee  will
evaluate nominee candidates properly submitted by stockholders on the same basis
as it considers and  evaluates  candidates  recommended  by other  sources.  The
Nominating Committee met two times during the past fiscal year.

      All  members  on  each  of the  five  committees  of  the  Board  are  not
"interested  persons"  as the term is  defined  in the  Investment  Company  Act
(except that Mr. Strenger,  an interested  person,  is a member of the Executive
Committee,  and Mr.  Bult,  an  interested  person,  is a member of the  Special
Shareholder Initiatives Committee).

      During the past  fiscal  year,  the Board of  Directors  had five  regular
meetings.  Each  incumbent  Director  who served as a  Director  during the past
fiscal year,  attended at least 75% of the  aggregate  number of meetings of the
Board and meetings of Board Committees on which that Director served.  The Board
has a  policy  that  encourages  Directors  to  attend  the  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders, to the extent that travel to the Annual Meeting of Stockholders is
reasonable for that Director. Four Directors attended the 2005 Annual Meeting of

      To  communicate  with the Board of Directors or an individual  Director of
the  Fund,  a  stockholder  must  send a  written  communication  to the  Fund's
principal  office at 345 Park Avenue  NYC20-2799,  New York, New York 10154 (c/o
The New Germany Fund, Inc.), addressed to (i) the Board of Directors of the Fund
or an individual Director,  and (ii) the Secretary of the Fund. The Secretary of
the Fund will direct the correspondence to the appropriate parties.

      The Fund pays each of its Directors who is not an interested person of the
Fund, of the  investment  adviser or of the manager an annual fee of $7,500 plus
$750 for each Board and Committee  meeting  attended.  Each such Director who is
also a Director of The European  Equity Fund,  Inc.  (formerly The Germany Fund,
Inc.) or The Central Europe and Russia Fund,  Inc. also receives the same annual
and  per-meeting  fees for services as a Director of each such fund. No Director
of all  three  funds is paid  for  attending  more  than two  funds'  board  and
committee meetings when meetings of the three funds are held  concurrently,  and
no such  Director  receives  more than the annual fee of two funds.  Each of the
Fund, The European Equity Fund, Inc.  (formerly The Germany Fund,  Inc.) and The
Central Europe and Russia Fund, Inc.  reimburses the Directors (except for those
employed by the  Deutsche  Bank Group) for travel  expenses in  connection  with
Board meetings.  These three funds, together with 159 other open- and closed-end
funds advised by wholly-owned  entities of the Deutsche Bank Group in the United
States,  represent the entire Fund Complex  within the meaning of the applicable
rules  and  regulations  of the SEC.  The  following  table  sets  forth (a) the
aggregate  compensation  from the Fund for the fiscal  year ended  December  31,
2005,  and (b) the total  compensation  from each fund in the Fund  Complex that
includes  the Fund,  for the 2005  fiscal  year of each such fund,  (i) for each
Director  who is not an  interested  person of the  Fund,  and (ii) for all such
Directors as a group:

                                     Aggregate Compensation   Total Compensation
     Name of Director                      From Fund          From Fund Complex
     ----------------                ----------------------   ------------------
Ambassador Richard R. Burt                  $15,750               $195,280
John H. Cannon                              $19,750                $51,750


Richard Karl Goeltz                         $18,750                $18,750
Dr. Franz Wilhelm Hopp                      $12,000                $12,000
Ernst-Ulrich Matz                           $13,500                $13,500
Dr. Frank Tromel                            $11,750                $21,250
Robert H. Wadsworth                         $18,500               $227,510
Werner Walbrol                              $16,750                $56,250
Peter Zuhlsdorff                            $11,250                $11,250

Total                                      $138,000               $607,540

      No  compensation  is paid  by the  Fund to  Directors  who are  interested
persons of the Fund or of any entity of the Deutsche Bank Group or to officers.

Bylaw Litigation

      On June 6, 2005, an alleged  stockholder of the Fund commenced  litigation
in Maryland state court against the Fund and its directors  regarding  purported
nominees  put forth by  dissident  stockholder  Opportunity  Partners,  L.P. for
election  at the 2005  annual  meeting  of  stockholders  on June  21,  2005 and
regarding the Fund's Bylaws. The complaint, purportedly a class action on behalf
of all stockholders,  alleges,  among other things:  that the directors breached
their  fiduciary  duty and the  Bylaws in taking the  position  in 2005 that the
Fund's director  qualification Bylaw applied to Opportunity  Partners' purported
nominees in 2005 and that they were not  permitted to be nominated or elected to
serve as Fund  directors;  that the  director  qualification  and certain  other
provisions of the Fund's Bylaws are not valid; that even if those provisions are
valid,  the votes for  Opportunity  Partners'  purported  nominees must count as
"votes cast" for purposes of determining whether the Board's nominees received a
plurality of votes cast;  that the Fund and the directors  should be required to
disclose how votes in favor of Opportunity Partners' purported nominees would be
treated; and that the Fund and the directors did not have authority to disregard
votes  purportedly cast by persons whose  shareholdings  violated the Investment
Company Act. The complaint  seeks as relief,  among other things,  a declaration
that the qualification Bylaw did not apply to Opportunity  Partners' nominees in
2005  and/or  is  invalid.  Although  it  solicited  proxies  for its  purported
nominees,  Opportunity Partners did not attend the Fund's 2005 annual meeting of
stockholders  and did not cast votes  represented by those proxies.  On July 12,
2005, the Fund and its Directors  removed the case to the United States District
Court for the District of Maryland. On March 29, 2006, the court denied a motion
filed by the  Fund  and its  directors  to  dismiss  the  complaint  before  the
discovery  stage.  In doing so, the court did not reach the  merits.  The matter
will now proceed  into  discovery  on the merits.  The Board  believes  that the
Bylaws are valid and the complaint is without merit.


      The Audit Committee has approved PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (the "Firm" or
"PwC"),  an  independent  registered  public  accounting  firm,  as  independent
auditors for the Fund for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2006 A majority of
members of the Board of  Directors,  including  a majority of the members of the
Board  of  Directors  who are not  "interested"  Directors  (as  defined  in the
Investment Company Act) of the Fund, have ratified the appointment of PwC as the
Fund's  independent   auditors  for  that  fiscal  year.  Based  principally  on
representations from the Firm, the Fund knows of no direct financial or material
indirect  financial  interest  of  such  Firm  in  the  Fund.  That  Firm,  or a
predecessor  firm,  has served as the  independent  auditors  for the Fund since

      Neither our Charter nor Bylaws requires that the  stockholders  ratify the
appointment  of PwC as our  independent  auditors.  We are doing so  because  we
believe it is a matter of good corporate  practice.  If the  stockholders do not
ratify the  appointment,  the Audit  Committee  and the Board of Directors  will
reconsider  whether  or not to  retain  PwC,  but may  retain  such  independent
auditors. Even if the appointment is ratified, the Audit Committee and the Board
of Directors in their  discretion may change the  appointment at any time during
the year if they  determine  that such change would be in the best  interests of
the Fund and its  stockholders.  It is intended  that the


persons  named  in  the  accompanying  form  of  proxy  will  vote  for  PwC.  A
representative  of PwC  will  be  present  at the  Meeting  and  will  have  the
opportunity  to make a  statement  and is  expected  to be  available  to answer
appropriate questions concerning the Fund's financial statements.


      Required Vote.  Provided a quorum has been  established,  the  affirmative
vote  of a  majority  of the  votes  cast at the  Meeting  is  required  for the
ratification  of the  appointment  by the  Audit  Committee  and  the  Board  of
Directors of PwC as independent auditors for the Fund for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2006. For purposes of Proposal 2 abstentions will have no effect on
the result of the vote.


      The  following  table shows fees paid to PwC by the Fund during the Fund's
two most recent fiscal years: (i) for audit and non-audit  services  provided to
the Fund, and (ii) for  engagements for non-audit  services  pre-approved by the
Audit  Committee  for the Fund's  manager  and  investment  adviser  and certain
entities  controlling,  controlled  by, or under common control with the manager
and investment adviser that provide ongoing services to the Fund  (collectively,
the "Adviser Entities"), which engagements relate directly to the operations and
financial  reporting of the Fund. The Audit Committee of each board will review,
at least  annually,  whether PwC's receipt of non-audit  fees from the Fund, the
Fund's  manager,  the Fund's  investment  adviser  and all  Adviser  Entities is
compatible with maintaining PwC's independence.

                        Fees(1)   Audit Related Fees(2)       Tax Fees(3)        All Other Fees(4)
                        -------   ---------------------   -----------------      -----------------
                                             Adviser                Adviser               Adviser
     Fiscal Year         Fund       Fund    Entities       Fund    Entities      Fund    Entities
---------------------   -------     ----    --------      ------   --------      ----    --------
2005.................   $63,000      --     $268,900        --     $197,605       --        --

2004.................   $54,900      --     $431,907      $6,700      --          --        --

      (1)   "Audit Fees" are the aggregate fees billed for professional services
            for the audit of the Fund's annual financial statements and services
            provided in  connection  with  statutory and  regulatory  filings or

      (2)   "Audit Related Fees" are the aggregate fees billed for assurance and
            related services  reasonably related to the performance of the audit
            or review of financial  statements and are not reported under "Audit

      (3)   "Tax Fees" are the aggregate fees billed for  professional  services
            for tax advice, tax compliance and tax planning.

      (4)   "All Other  Fees" are the  aggregate  fees billed for  products  and
            services  other than "Audit  Fees,"  "Audit  Related  Fees" and "Tax

      Audit Committee Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures. Generally, the Audit
Committee must  pre-approve (i) all services to be performed for the Fund by the
Fund's  independent  auditors and (ii) all non-audit services to be performed by
the Fund's independent auditors for the Fund's investment adviser or any Adviser
Entities with respect to operations  and  financial  reporting of the Fund.  The
Chair of the Audit  Committee  may  approve  or deny the  request  to engage the
auditors to provide  any fund  services or  fund-related  services  that are not
listed on the  pre-approved  list if the cost  associated  with the  request  is
$50,000  or less,  or at the  Chair's  discretion,  determine  to call a special
meeting of the Audit  Committee  for the purpose of  considering  the  proposal.
Should the Chair of the Audit Committee be unavailable,  any other member of the
Audit  Committee  may serve as an  alternate  for the  purpose of  approving  or
denying the request. The auditors shall report to the Audit Committee at each of
its  regular  meetings  all  audit  or  non-audit  services  to the Fund and all
non-audit  services to the Adviser  Entities that relate  directly to the Fund's
operations  and  financial  reporting  initiated  since the last such report was
rendered, including a general description of the services and projected fees and
the means by which such  services  were  approved  by the Audit  Committee.  The
engagement of the auditors to provide certain services  customarily  required by
the Fund in the ordinary course of its operations or by an Adviser Entity in the
ordinary course of its operations is approved by the Audit Committee  subject to
pre-determined  dollar limits.  In all cases where an Adviser Entity engages the
auditors to provide audit or non-audit  services not relating to Fund operations
or  financial  reporting,  and the  projected  fees for such  engagement  exceed
$25,000,  the auditors will notify the Audit Committee not later than their next


      All Non-Audit  Fees.  The table below shows the aggregate  non-audit  fees
billed by PwC for services rendered to the Fund and to the Adviser Entities that
provide ongoing  services to the Fund,  whether or not such  engagements  relate
directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Fund, for the two most
recent fiscal years for the Fund.

                 Fiscal Year              Non-Audit Fees
                 -----------              --------------
                    2005                     $302,240

                    2004                     $259,972


      The  purposes  of the  Audit  Committee  are 1) to  assist  the  Board  of
Directors  in its  oversight  of (i)  the  integrity  of  the  Fund's  financial
statements;  (ii) the Fund's compliance with legal and regulatory  requirements;
(iii) the independent  auditors'  qualifications and independence;  and (iv) the
performance of the  independent  auditors;  and 2) to prepare this report.  Each
Member of the Audit Committee is  "independent," as required by the independence
standards of Rule 10A-3 under the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934.  The Audit
Committee  operates  pursuant  to a written  charter.  As set forth in the Audit
Committee  Charter,  management of the Fund and applicable service providers are
responsible  for the  preparation,  presentation  and  integrity  of the  Fund's
financial  statements  and  for  the  effectiveness  of  internal  control  over
financial reporting. Management and applicable service providers are responsible
for maintaining  appropriate  accounting and financial reporting  principles and
policies and internal control over financial reporting and other procedures that
provide  for  compliance  with  accounting  standards  and  applicable  laws and
regulations.  The independent auditors are responsible for planning and carrying
out a proper audit of the Fund's annual  financial  statements and expressing an
opinion as to their conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

      In the  performance  of its oversight  function,  the Audit  Committee has
considered and discussed the audited  financial  statements  with Management and
the  independent  auditors of the Fund.  The Audit  Committee has also discussed
with the independent  auditors the matters required to be discussed by Statement
on Auditing Standards No. 61, Communication with Audit Committees,  as currently
in effect.  The Audit Committee has also considered whether the provision of any
non-audit  services  not  pre-approved  by the Audit  Committee  provided by the
Fund's independent auditors to the Fund's investment adviser,  manager or to any
entity  controlling,  controlled  by or under  common  control  with the  Fund's
investment  adviser or manager  that  provides  ongoing  services to the Fund is
compatible  with  maintaining  the auditors'  independence.  Finally,  the Audit
Committee  has  received  the  written  disclosures  and  the  letter  from  the
independent  auditors  required by Independence  Standards Board Standard No. 1,
Independence Discussions with Audit Committees,  as currently in effect, and has
discussed with the auditors their independence.

      The members of the Audit Committee are not full-time employees of the Fund
and are not performing the functions of auditors or accountants.  As such, it is
not the duty or  responsibility of the Audit Committee or its members to conduct
"field work" or other types of auditing or  accounting  reviews or procedures or
to  set  auditor  independence   standards.   Members  of  the  Audit  Committee
necessarily  rely on the  information  provided  to them by  management  and the
independent  auditors.  Accordingly,  the Audit Committee's  considerations  and
discussions  referred  to  above do not  assure  that  the  audit of the  Fund's
financial  statements has been carried out in accordance with generally accepted
auditing  standards,  that the financial  statements are presented in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles or that the Fund's auditors are in
fact "independent."

      Based upon the reports  and  discussions  described  in this  report,  and
subject  to the  limitations  on the  role  and  responsibilities  of the  Audit
Committee referred to above and in the Charter, the Audit Committee  recommended
to the Board of Directors of the Fund that the audited  financial  statements of
the Fund be included in the Fund's annual report to stockholders  for the fiscal
year ended December 31, 2005.


Submitted by the Audit Committee
of the Fund's Board of Directors

John H. Cannon
Frank Tromel
Robert H. Wadsworth
Werner Walbrol


Investment Manager and Investment Adviser

      The Fund's Investment Manager is Deutsche  Investment  Management Americas
Inc.  ("DIMA"  or the  "Manager").  Its  Investment  Adviser is  Deutsche  Asset
Management  International GmbH ("DeAMI" or the "Investment  Adviser").  The Fund
entered into a management  agreement with DIMA's  predecessor  and an investment
advisory  agreement  with DeAMI (at the time of execution of the  agreement,  DB
Capital  Management  International  GmbH) on March 6, 1990.  The Fund's Board of
Directors  approved a transfer of the  management  agreement to DIMA on July 12,
2004, which became effective September 1, 2004 and did not involve any change in
control or actual management of the investment manager. Both agreements continue
in effect for successive  twelve-month periods from their initial term, but only
if the  agreements  are  approved  for  continuance  annually  by the  Board  in
accordance  with the  requirements  of the Investment  Company Act. The Board of
directors  last  voted  to  continue  both  the  management  agreement  and  the
investment  advisory  agreement  on July 17,  2005.  Both  agreements  were last
submitted to and approved by  stockholders on June 21, 1991. Both agreements are
terminable without penalty by vote of the Board or by a vote of the holders of a
majority of the Fund's  outstanding  common stock,  or by DIMA or DeAMI,  as the
case may be, at any time upon not less than sixty  days'  written  notice to the
other  party.  Since  neither  DIMA nor DeAMI is  willing  to  provide  services
separately,  each agreement provides that it shall automatically  terminate upon
assignment or upon termination of the other agreement.

      Pursuant to the  management  agreement  (attached as Annex D), DIMA is the
Fund's corporate  manager and  administrator  and, subject to the supervision of
the  Board and  pursuant  to  recommendations  made by the  investment  adviser,
determines which securities are suitable  securities for the Fund's  investment.
DIMA (i)  handles  the Fund's  relationships  with its  stockholders,  including
stockholder inquiries, (ii) is responsible for, arranges and monitors compliance
with regulatory  requirements and New York Stock Exchange  listing  requirements
and  (iii)  negotiates   contractual   arrangements  with  third-party   service
providers,  including, but not limited to, custodians, transfer agents, auditors
and printers.  DIMA also provides  office  facilities and personnel to carry out
these services,  together with clerical and  bookkeeping  services which are not
being  furnished  by our  custodian or transfer and  dividend-paying  agent.  In
addition,  DIMA (i)  determines  and  publishes  the Fund's  net asset  value in
accordance  with its  policy as  adopted  from time to time by the  Board,  (ii)
establishes the Fund's  operating  expense budgets and authorizes the payment of
actual operating  expenses  incurred,  (iii) calculates the amounts of dividends
and distributions to be declared and paid by the Fund to its stockholders,  (iv)
provides the Board with financial  analyses and reports  necessary for the Board
to fulfill its  fiduciary  responsibilities,  (v) maintains the Fund's books and
records  required  under the  Investment  Company  Act (other  than those  being
maintained by the Fund's  custodian and transfer and  dividend-paying  agent and
registrar, as to which DIMA oversees such maintenance), (vi) prepares the Fund's
United  States  federal,  state and local  income tax  returns,  (vii)  prepares
financial  information for the Fund's proxy  statements and quarterly and annual
reports to  stockholders  and (viii) prepares the Fund's reports to the SEC. The
Fund pays DIMA a management  fee,  computed  weekly and payable  monthly,  at an
annual rate of 0.65% of the Fund's average weekly net assets up to $100,000,000,
0.55% of such  assets  in excess of  $100,000,000,  and 0.50% of such  assets in
excess of $500,000,000. During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005, the Fund
paid DIMA a management fee of $1,609,719.  In addition,  during that fiscal year
the Fund paid an  aggregate  amount of  $139,156  in  brokerage  commissions  to
Deutsche Bank AG or its affiliates,  which constituted  approximately 25% of the
Fund's aggregate brokerage commissions of $559,796.

      Pursuant  to the  investment  advisory  agreement  (attached  as Annex C),
DeAMI,  in  accordance  with  the  Fund's  investment  objective,  policies  and
restrictions,  makes  recommendations  to the Fund's Manager with respect to our
investments and, upon  instructions  given by the Manager as to which securities
are  suitable  for  investment,  transmits  purchase and sale orders and selects
brokers and dealers to execute portfolio  transactions on the Fund's


behalf.  The Fund pays DeAMI an  investment  advisory fee,  computed  weekly and
payable  monthly,  at an annual rate of 0.35% of the Fund's  average  weekly net
assets up to $100  million and 0.25% of such  assets in excess of $100  million.
During  the  fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  2005,  the Fund  paid  DeAMI an
investment advisory fee of $786,099.

      Neither DIMA nor DeAMI is liable for any error of judgment or for any loss
suffered  by the Fund in  connection  with the  matters to which the  management
agreement or the investment advisory agreement,  respectively,  relates,  except
for any loss resulting from willful  misfeasance,  bad faith or gross negligence
in the performance of, or from reckless disregard of, its obligations and duties
under  the   management   agreement  or  the  investment   advisory   agreement,
respectively,  or a loss  resulting from a breach of fiduciary duty with respect
to  receipt of  compensation  for  services  (in which case any award of damages
shall be limited to the period and the amount set forth in Section  36(b)(3)  of
the Investment Company Act).

      Both  the  management  agreement  and the  investment  advisory  agreement
provide that DIMA and DeAMI,  respectively,  are responsible for all expenses of
all  employees  and overhead  incurred by them in  connection  with their duties
under their respective agreements. DIMA pays all salaries and fees of the Fund's
directors and officers who are "interested persons" under the Investment Company
Act.  An  "interested  person" is a director  who is not  independent  under the
specific  requirements of the Investment  Company Act. The Fund bears all of its
own expenses.

      Both DIMA and DeAMI are wholly  owned direct or indirect  subsidiaries  of
Deutsche Bank AG, a major German banking  institution.  The corporate  office of
DIMA is  located  at 345  Park  Avenue,  New  York,  New York  10154.  DIMA is a
wholly-owned  subsidiary of Deutsche Bank Americas Holding Corp., which in turn,
is a  wholly-owned  subsidiary of Taunus  Corporation.  Taunus  Corporation is a
wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  Deutsche  Bank AG.  The  principal  office of both
Deutsche Bank Americas  Holding Corp.  and Taunus  Corporation  is located at 60
Wall Street,  New York, New York 10005. The corporate office of Deutsche Bank AG
is located at Taunuslage 12, D-60262, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

      The  following  table shows the  directors and officers for DIMA and their
principal  occupations.  The principal address for all directors and officers of
DIMA is 345 Park Avenue, New York, New York.

           Board Member / Officer              Officer Title(s)
           ----------------------              ----------------

           Axel Schwarzer(1)              President and Chief
                                          Executive Officer
           Michael Colon(1)               Chief Operating Officer
           Jennifer Birmingham            Chief Financial Officer and
           A. Thomas Smith                Secretary and Chief Legal
           Mark Cullen                    Executive Vice President
           Patrick Campion                Executive Vice President
           John Robbins                   Chief Compliance Officer
           Niral Kalaria                  Assistant Secretary
           John H. Kim                    Assistant Secretary

      (1) Messrs. Schwarzer and Colon also serve as Directors of DIMA.

      The principal office of DeAMI is located at Mainzer  Landstrasse  178-190,
D-60327  Frankfurt am Main,  Germany.  DeAMI is a wholly-owned  subsidiary of DB
Financial  Services  Holding  GmbH,  which is a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of DB
Capital  Markets  (Deutschland)  GmbH,  which is a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of
Deutsche Bank AG. The  directors of DeAMI are Marcus  Goering  (whose  principal
occupation  is Managing  Director,  Business  Management),  Peter Kerger  (whose
principal   occupation   is  Managing   Director   and  Head  of   Institutional
Distribution)  and George Schuh (whose principal  occupation is Chief Investment
Officer).  The three directors share the management  responsibilities  of DeAMI.
The other  officers of DeAMI are:  Stefan Axler  (Controlling  / Legal  Entity),
Karola Plumridge (Legal), Michael Bergman (Legal) and Ralf Ring (Compliance).

      Neither  DIMA nor DeAMI acts as  investment  adviser  with  respect to any
other fund having a similar investment objective.


Factors Considered in Continuance

      The  Fund's  directors   unanimously   approved  the  continuance  of  the
management  agreement  between  the Fund and  DIMA and the  investment  advisory
agreement  between the Fund and DeAMI (together  called the  "Agreements")  at a
meeting held on July 17, 2005.

      In preparation for the meeting,  the directors had requested and evaluated
extensive  materials  from  the  Manager  and  Investment   Adviser,   including
performance and expense information for other investment  companies with similar
investment  objectives  derived  from data  compiled by Lipper Inc.  ("Lipper").
Prior  to  voting,  the  directors  reviewed  the  proposed  continuance  of the
Agreements with management and with  experienced  counsel who are independent of
the Manager and Investment  Adviser and received a memorandum  from such counsel
discussing  the  legal  standards  for  their   consideration  of  the  proposed
continuance.  The directors also discussed the proposed continuance in a private
session  with  outside  counsel at which no  representatives  of the  Manager or
Investment  Adviser were present.  In reaching their  determination  relating to
continuance  of the  Agreements,  the  directors  considered  all  factors  they
believed relevant, including the following:

      1.    information   comparing  the   performance  of  the  Fund  to  other
            investment  companies with similar  investment  objectives and to an

      2.    the nature,  extent and  quality of  investment  and  administrative
            services rendered by the Manager and Investment Adviser;

      3.    payments  received by the Manager and  Investment  Adviser  from all
            sources in respect of the Fund and all  investment  companies in the
            Deutsche/Scudder family of funds;

      4.    the costs borne by, and profitability of, the Manager and Investment
            Adviser and their  affiliates in providing  services to the Fund and
            to all investment companies in the Deutsche/Scudder family of funds;

      5.    comparative  fee and expense data for the Fund and other  investment
            companies with similar investment objectives;

      6.    the extent to which economies of scale would be realized as the Fund
            grows and whether fee levels  reflect  these  economies of scale for
            the benefit of investors;

      7.    the  Manager's  and  Investment  Adviser's  policies  and  practices
            regarding   allocation  of  portfolio   transactions  of  the  Fund,
            including  the extent,  if any, to which the Manager and  Investment
            Adviser benefit from soft dollar arrangements;

      8.    portfolio  turnover  rates of the Fund compared to other  investment
            companies with similar investment objectives;

      9.    fall-out  benefits  which the Manager,  the  Investment  Adviser and
            their affiliates receive from their relationships with the Fund;

      10.   the  professional   experience  and  qualifications  of  the  Fund's
            portfolio  management team and other senior personnel of the Manager
            and Investment Adviser; and

      11.   the terms of the Agreements.

      The directors also considered their knowledge of the nature and quality of
the services  provided by the Manager and Investment  Adviser to the Fund gained
from their experience, where relevant, as directors of The European Equity Fund,
Inc.  (formerly known as The Germany Fund,  Inc.), The Central Europe and Russia
Fund, Inc. and other  Deutsche/Scudder  funds, their confidence in the Manager's
and Investment  Adviser's  integrity and competence  gained from that experience
and the Manager's and Investment Adviser's  responsiveness to concerns raised by
them in the past, including the Manager's and Investment  Adviser's  willingness
to consider and implement  organizational  and operational  changes  designed to
improve investment results and the services provided to the Fund.

      In their  deliberations,  the  directors  did not identify any  particular
information that was all-important or controlling,  and each director attributed
different weights to the various factors.


      The directors  determined that the overall  arrangements  between the Fund
and the Manager, as provided in the Management  Agreement,  and between the Fund
and the Investment  Adviser,  as provided in the Investment  Advisory Agreement,
were fair and reasonable in light of the services  performed,  expenses incurred
and such other matters as the directors  considered  relevant in the exercise of
their reasonable judgment.

      The  material  factors  and  conclusions  that  formed  the  basis for the
directors'  reaching  their  determination  to approve  the  continuance  of the
Agreements  (including  their  determinations  that the Manager  and  Investment
Adviser  should  continue in those roles for the Fund, and that the fees payable
to the Manager  pursuant to the  Agreements  are  appropriate)  were  separately
discussed by the directors.

      Nature,  extent and  quality  of  services  provided  by the  Manager  and
Investment Adviser

      The directors noted that, under the Management Agreement, the Manager acts
as the  corporate  manager  and  administrator  of the Fund and,  subject to the
supervision  of the Fund's  Board of Directors  and pursuant to  recommendations
made by the Investment Adviser, determines suitable securities for investment by
the Fund. Under the Investment  Advisory  Agreement,  the Investment Adviser, in
accordance  with the Fund's  investment  objectives,  policies and  limitations,
makes   recommendations  with  respect  to  the  Fund's  investments  and,  upon
instructions  given by the Manager as to suitable  securities  for investment by
the Fund,  transmits purchase and sale orders and selects brokers and dealers to
execute  portfolio  transactions  on behalf of the  Fund.  Under the  Management
Agreement,  the Manager also handles the Fund's relationships with stockholders,
is  responsible  for  compliance  with  regulatory  and New York Stock  Exchange
listing   requirements,   negotiates   arrangements  with  third  party  service
providers,  provides the Fund's  directors with relevant  reports,  prepares the
Fund's tax returns and SEC and stockholder reports, calculates dividends and net
asset value,  oversees payment of Fund expenses and maintains books and records.
The Manager also provides the Fund with such office facilities and executive and
other  personnel  adequate to perform its services.  The Manager pays all of the
compensation of directors and officers of the Fund who are interested persons of
the Manager.

      The directors considered the scope and quality of services provided by the
Manager and Investment  Adviser under the Agreements and noted that the scope of
services  provided had expanded  over time as a result of  regulatory  and other
developments.  The directors noted that, for example, the Manager is responsible
for maintaining and monitoring its own and the Fund's compliance  programs,  and
these  compliance  programs  have recently been refined and enhanced in light of
new  regulatory  requirements.  The  directors  considered  the  quality  of the
investment  research  capabilities of the Manager and Investment Adviser and the
other  resources  they have  dedicated to performing  services for the Fund. The
quality of  administrative  and other services,  including the Manager's role in
coordinating  the  activities of the Fund's other service  providers,  also were
considered.  The directors concluded that, overall, they were satisfied with the
nature, extent and quality of services provided (and expected to be provided) to
the Fund under the Agreements.

      Costs of Services Provided and Profitability to the Manager and Investment

      At  the  request  of  the  directors,  the  Manager  provided  information
concerning  profitability of the Manager's and Investment  Adviser's  respective
investment  advisory  and  investment  company  activities  and their  financial
condition  based on  historical  information  for 2003 and 2004.  The  directors
reviewed  with the Manager  assumptions  and methods of  allocation  used by the
Manager and Investment  Adviser in preparing fund specific  profitability  data.
The  Manager  stated  its  belief  that the  methods  of  allocation  used  were
reasonable, but it noted that there are limitations inherent in allocating costs
to multiple  individual  advisory clients served by an organization  such as the
Manager and Investment  Adviser where each of the advisory clients draws on, and
benefits from, the research and other resources of the Deutsche Bank Group.

      The  directors  recognized  that it is  difficult to make  comparisons  of
profitability from fund management contracts because comparative  information is
not generally publicly available and is affected by numerous factors,  including
the  structure of the  particular  adviser,  the types of funds it manages,  its
business  mix,  numerous  assumptions  regarding  allocations  and the adviser's
capital structure and cost of capital. In considering profitability information,
the  directors  considered  the effect of  possible  fall-out  benefits,  on the
Manager's and Investment Adviser's expenses,  including any affiliated brokerage


      The directors  noted that during 2003 the Manager and  Investment  Adviser
revised their soft dollar practices to discontinue using soft dollars to receive
third party research from brokers that execute purchases and sales of securities
for the Fund, and formalized  this change in their policies in 2004. The Manager
and Investment  Adviser may continue to allocate  brokerage to receive  research
generated by executing brokers and to receive other information  servicies.  The
directors  also noted that in 2004 the Manager and  Investment  Adviser  revised
their   policies   to   prohibit   consideration   of  the  sale  of  shares  of
Deutsche/Scudder  funds when  selecting  broker  dealers  to  execute  portfolio
transactions  for the  Fund  or  other  Deutsche/Scudder  funds.  The  directors
recognized that the Manager and Investment Adviser should, in the abstract, each
be entitled to earn a  reasonable  level of profits for the services it provides
to the Fund  and,  based on  their  review,  concluded  that the  Manager's  and
Investment Adviser's levels of profitability from its relationship with the Fund
were not excessive.

      Investment Results

      In addition to the information  received by the directors for the meeting,
the directors  receive  detailed  performance  information  for the Fund at each
regular  Board  meeting  during the year.  The  directors  reviewed  information
showing  performance  of the Fund  compared to other  European  Closed End Funds
compiled by Lipper,  plus three other equity  oriented  closed end country funds
managed by  affiliates  of the  Manager  and  Investment  Adviser (a total of 12
funds,  including the Fund).  The directors  also reviewed  information  showing
performance of the Fund's benchmark  index,  currently the Germany Midcap Market
index of 80 stocks.

      The comparative  information  showed that the Fund ranked in the top third
for the one  year  period  ended  March  31,  2005,  the  middle  third  for the
three-year  period  and the  bottom  third for the five- and  ten-year  periods.
Because of its mid cap focus,  the Fund's  absolute  performance  in  2000-2002,
following  collapse of the mid-cap  market,  was negative,  but in line with its
benchmark. The Fund's results were significantly positive in absolute terms, and
exceeded its benchmark in 2003 and 2004. The Fund exceeded its benchmark,  often
substantially,  in all but two of the other years in the 10 years ended 2004. It
also exceeded its benchmark in the first  quarters of 2005.  Taking into account
these  comparisons  and the  other  factors  considered,  including  the  recent
excellent  performance,  the  directors  concluded  that the  Fund's  investment
results over time were satisfactory.

      Management and Investment Advisory Fees and Other Expenses

      The directors  considered the management and investment advisory fee rates
paid by the Fund to the Manager and Investment Adviser. The directors recognized
that it is difficult to make comparisons of management and advisory fees because
there are variations in the services that are included in the fees paid by other
funds.  The Fund's  peer group  consisted  of the 12  closed-end  country  funds
described above in "Investment  Results." The information showed that the Fund's
current  effective  management  fee rate of 0.885% was the second  lowest in the
peer  group and  significantly  below the  average  and the  median for the peer
group.  The  directors  noted that the Fund's  effective  fee rate  reflects the
effect of breakpoints.  The directors also considered the total expense ratio of
the Fund in  comparison to the fees and expenses of funds within its peer group.
The  directors  recognized  that  the  expense  ratio  information  for the Fund
potentially  reflected on the Manager's provision of services, as the Manager is
responsible for coordinating services provided to the Fund by others.

      The  directors  also noted that the  Fund's  expense  ratio was the second
lowest  of the peer  group.  The  Manager  explained  that this  difference  was
principally  the result of the Fund's  relatively  low management and investment
advisory fee and its relatively  large asset base. The directors  concluded that
the Fund's expense ratio was highly satisfactory.

      Economies of Scale

      The  directors  noted  that the  management  fee and  investment  advisery
schedules for the Fund do contain breakpoints that reduce the fee rate on assets
above specified  levels.  The directors  recognized  that  breakpoints may be an
appropriate way for the Manager and Investment Adviser to share its economies of
scale with some funds that have  substantial  assets or that may grow materially
over the next  year.  However,  they  also  recognized  that  there is no direct
relationship between the economies of scale realized by funds and those realized
by the  Manager  and  Investment  Adviser as assets  increase,  largely  because
economies  of scale  are  realized  (if at all) by the  Manager  and  Investment
Adviser across a variety of products and services,  and not only in respect of a
single fund.  Having taken


these factors into account,  the directors  concluded that the Fund's breakpoint
arrangements were acceptable under the Fund's circumstances.

                        PROPOSAL 3: STOCKHOLDER PROPOSAL

      A  beneficial  owner  (the  "proponent")  of Common  Stock of the Fund has
informed  the Fund that he intends to present a  proposal  to  stockholders  for
action at the Meeting. The proponent's name and address and the number of shares
owned by him will be furnished by the Secretary of the Fund upon request.

      RESOLVED:   The  investment  advisory  agreement  between  Deutsche  Asset
Management  International  GmbH  ("Deutsche")  and The New  Germany  Fund,  Inc.
("Fund") shall be terminated.


            You may  become  more  wealthy  if you  vote  FOR  this  shareholder
      proposal. For many years the Fund has sold at a persistent, large discount
      to its net asset value  ("NAV").  If the  existing  advisory  agreement is
      terminated  by this  shareholder  proposal,  the  Board  may be  forced to
      open-end,  liquidate or hire a new, more shareholder-friendly  advisor. If
      the Fund is open-ended or liquidated all shareholders will benefit because
      the discount will go away.  For example,  if you owned 1,000 shares of the
      Fund on  November  1,  2005,  your  Fund  shares  would  have  been  worth
      approximately $11,280 (the "NAV") if the Fund opened or liquidated on that
      date,  but only $9,790  (the  "discounted  value") if the Fund  remained a
      closed-end  fund.  Deutsche,  its  affiliates,  and the Board benefit from
      keeping shareholder assets under management,  in the closed-end format, so
      they can continue to extract  various  large fees and  expenses  described
      below,  which is one of the  reasons the Fund sells for a discount to NAV.
      If the  Fund is  open-ended  or  liquidated  shareholders  get  richer  by
      receiving the larger number (the NAV), while Deutsche,  its affiliates and
      the 11  hand-picked  Directors may lose their large fees and expenses.  If
      the Fund is open-ended  may  shareholders  will exit which proves that the
      Board is keeping  shareholders  in the closed-end  format against the best
      interests of shareholders.

            Deutsche  and  its  direct  affiliates   received  management  fees,
      investment  advisory  fees,  and  brokerage  fees  from the Fund  totaling
      $1,224,677 for the first six months of 2005. Directors received $91,828 in
      fees  and  expenses  during  the  same  six  months.   Unfortunately   for
      stockholders,  the Board consists of 11  hand-picked  Directors who may be
      beholden  to  Deutsche  for  their  jobs as  Directors  and they have done
      nothing to address the discounted  value of Fund shares.  Directors may be
      ignoring their  fiduciary  responsibilities  to  shareholders  in favor of
      their  own  interests.  Under the  Investment  Company  Act of 1940,  this
      shareholder proposal,  to terminate the investment advisory agreement,  is
      the only  type of  shareholder  proposal  that the  Board  cannot  legally
      ignore.  They have ignored and vigorously  thwarted all previous  pressure
      from  shareholders  over the past few  years  (read  the SEC  filings  for

            Deutsche and its affiliates  are the main  impediment to open-ending
      or  liquidation  because  their  various  large  fees  will  disappear  if
      shareholders  can  receive  NAV  by  exiting.   Over  twenty-five  similar
      closed-end  funds have opened or liquidate over the past few years, but it
      takes smart shareholders who want greater wealth, who vote FOR shareholder
      proposals. No shareholder needs this German closed-end fund with high fees
      paid to  Deutsche.  Shareholders  are better off  getting  NAV and putting
      their money in low-cost, better performing alternatives.  Morningstar give
      the Fund only two stars out of five, demonstrably below average.

            Your vote FOR  terminating  the Investment  Advisory  Agreement is a
      vote for getting NAV and thereby increasing the value of your shares.


      For the  reasons  discussed  below,  your Board of  Directors  unanimously
opposes  Proposal 3 and  strongly  urges all  stockholders  to vote  AGAINST the
proposal on the White Proxy Card. Please read carefully the discussion below.


      Your Board of Directors  believes  that this proposal is  misleading.  The
"main  impediment" to open-ending the Fund is not its investment  adviser.  That
decision rests entirely with your independent Directors,  subject to approval by
stockholders  owning  a  majority  of  the  outstanding  shares.  By  law,  your
independent  Directors must apply their  business  judgment to look solely after
your  interests  as  stockholders.  Your  Directors  believe  the  Fund  is most
effectively  continued in its  original,  closed-end  format.  It is improper to
suggest the investment  adviser controls the decision.  We urge you to keep this
important  fact in mind in  considering  our  reasons  for  voting  against  the
proposal below.

      Wrong  Means  to  the  Wrong  End.  This  proposal   wrongly  states  that
terminating  the investment  adviser will lead to open-ending  the Fund. It will
not do that, but it could harm your investment. Here are the facts.

      If approved by  stockholders,  this proposal would directly  terminate the
investment  advisory  agreement  with your  Fund's  investment  adviser.  If the
investment  advisory agreement were terminated,  there would be no one to manage
the Fund. Even if only for a short period of time, this would disrupt the Fund's
ability to actively manage its investments. A new adviser would have to be hired
and may have a different  investment  approach.  The Fund would  incur  expenses
because under the Investment  Company Act, a new agreement would require another
stockholder approval.

      Furthermore,  open-ending  the Fund could  frustrate its basic  investment
objective.  Open-end funds often must make  involuntary  portfolio sales to meet
redemption requests. Not having to worry about raising cash on a moment's notice
allows the Fund's  manager  to keep the Fund fully  invested  and search out the
medium- and  smaller-sized  German  companies that are the Fund's mandate.  Your
Fund is  currently  over 80%  invested  in small- and  mid-cap  companies.  This
portion  of  the   portfolio  is  less  liquid  than   securities   with  larger
capitalizations;  consequently, divesting quickly the holdings of your Fund will
likely depress prices.  The Fund's current  closed-end format gives stockholders
their liquidity through the ability to sell their shares on the NYSE rather than
through  redemptions,  and is better suited to investing in less liquid markets.
The Fund can invest  for the long term and not worry  about  raising  short-term
cash to meet  redemptions.  The Fund's  total return in 2005 was 13.68% based on
net asset value (NAV) and 18.94% based on market  price.  In 2004,  total return
was 24.44% based on NAV and 30.50% based on market  price.  Performance  in 2006
has been even more impressive:  For the first quarter of 2006 (at March 31), the
Fund's market price return was 26.26%  (105.04%  annualized)  and NAV return was
27.38% (109.52% annualized).

      The person  behind this  proposal is seeking to make use of a  stockholder
right under the  Investment  Company Act - the right to terminate an  investment
advisory  agreement - to achieve the  completely  unrelated  goal of open-ending
your Fund for short-term gain at the expense of remaining stockholders.

      The  proposal  is the  wrong  means to the  wrong  end.  It will not cause
open-ending, but it could disrupt your Fund's investment program.


      Required Vote.  Adoption of this proposal requires the affirmative vote of
the  holders of a  majority  of the  outstanding  shares of the Fund  which,  as
defined by the Investment  Company Act, means the vote of (1) 67% or more of the
shares  present  at  the  Meeting,  if  the  holders  of  more  than  50% of the
outstanding shares are present and represented by proxy, or (2) more than 50% of
the outstanding  shares of the Fund,  whichever is less.  Abstentions and broker
non-votes will have the same effect as votes against the proposal.


                        PROPOSAL 4: STOCKHOLDER PROPOSAL

      The Fund has  received  a notice  from  Opportunity  Partners,  L.P.  (the
"proponent")  that it intends to submit a proposal to stockholders for action at
the Meeting proposing that  "Notwithstanding  any provision of the Fund's bylaws
to the contrary, at any meeting of shareholders (1) any beneficial or registered
shareholder of the Fund shall be entitled to make  nominations  for the board of
directors  and (2) the  shareholders  may vote for and  elect as  directors  any
persons so  nominated."  The  proponent's  address and the number of Fund shares
beneficially  owned by it are set forth  under  "Security  Ownership  of Certain
Beneficial Owners." The proponent owns one share of record.

      For the reasons set forth below, your Board unanimously opposes Proposal 4
and  strongly  urges all  stockholders  to vote  "AGAINST"  the  proposal on the
enclosed White Proxy Card. Please carefully read the discussion below.


The Proponent's Agenda

      Although  the  proposal is phrased in general  terms,  the  proponent  has
stated  that the  intent of the  proposal  is to  nullify  the  Fund's  director
qualification  bylaw,  which  requires a nominee  for  election  to the Board of
Directors to have, at the time of his or her nomination, senior level experience
in  business,  economic,  or  political  affairs  relevant to the Fund's  German
investment focus. Many country-specific funds have bylaws that require directors
to meet qualification requirements.

      Opportunity  Partners and its principal,  Phillip Goldstein,  believe that
eliminating  the director  qualification  bylaw will make it easier for them and
other  stockholders who have little regard for the long-term success of the Fund
to elect  candidates  who  support  their  narrow  agenda of forcing the Fund to
open-end  or  liquidate.  In  connection  with last  year's  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders,  Opportunity Partners tried to nominate a slate of such candidates
for  election.   Opportunity   Partners'  candidates  did  not  meet  the  bylaw
qualifications,  and  so  legally  they  could  not  be  elected  as  directors.
Nevertheless,   Opportunity   Partners  solicited  proxies  in  support  of  its
candidates, although it ultimately boycotted the 2005 Annual Meeting and did not
vote the proxies it obtained.

      This year,  Opportunity  Partners has again  purported  to nominate  three
candidates for election as directors of the Fund, and again these candidates are
not qualified to become  directors under the Fund's bylaw.  Because  Opportunity
Partners believes that it may continue to have difficulty identifying candidates
who both qualify and support its agenda,  Opportunity  Partners is pursuing this
proposal.  For further  discussion  about the election of  directors,  including
discussion of the Board's nominees,  Opportunity  Partners' purported candidates
and pending litigation about the director qualification bylaw, see "Proposal 1 -
Election of Directors."

The Benefit of the Director Qualification Bylaw

      Since 1990,  when the Fund was first  organized,  its practice has been to
have directors with  senior-level  experience in matters relevant to investments
in Germany - an important  characteristic,  given that those investments are the
business  of the Fund.  Six years ago,  in  January  2000,  the Fund's  Board of
Directors, in connection with formalizing various matters in its bylaws, adopted
a bylaw that set forth  certain  specific  requirements  for  directors  to have
experience in matters relevant to the German market. The director  qualification
bylaw is quite broad,  permitting  directors to have  experience in a variety of
positions  --  such  as  American  executives  whose  responsibilities   include
supervision of European business operations;  directors of investment businesses
that focus on investment in Germany;  consultants,  accountants or lawyers whose
principal responsibility involves providing services involving European matters;
or senior  officials in various  government  positions  of which  Germany or the
United States is a member. Hence, a large number of people are eligible to serve
as  directors.  The director  qualification  bylaw serves  important  purpose of
ensuring that the directors have experience related to the Fund's business.  The
bylaw and the policy  that  preceded  it have  served the Fund well.  All of the
Fund's 11 current  directors  have broad  senior-level  experience  in German or
European business, economic or government affairs.



      Required  vote.   Provided  that  a  quorum  has  been  established,   the
affirmative  vote of a majority  of the votes cast at the Meeting is required to
approve  Proposal 4. For purposes of Proposal 4, abstentions will have no effect
on the result of the vote. The timing and effect of this  proposal,  if adopted,
is uncertain.

                        PROPOSAL 5: STOCKHOLDER PROPOSAL

      The Fund has received a notice from Opportunity Partners (the "proponent")
that it intends to submit an additional  proposal to stockholders  for action at
the Meeting.  The proponent's address and the number of Fund shares beneficially
owned by it are set  forth  under  "Security  Ownership  of  Certain  Beneficial
Owners." The proponent owns one share of record.

      RESOLVED:  The shareholders  request that the board of directors  promptly
      take  the  steps  necessary  to  open-end  the  Fund or  otherwise  enable
      shareholders to realize net asset value ("NAV") for their shares.


            The Fund has traded at a  discount  to its NAV for a very long time.
      Open-ending  will cause the shares to trade at NAV and thus  eliminate the

            In 2004,  shareholders  voted by a margin of  61-to-39 in favor of a
      proposal  requesting  that the board of directors  promptly take the steps
      necessary to open-end the Fund or otherwise enable stockholders to realize
      NAV for their shares.  The board said that vote was not enough to convince
      them to open-end the Fund. In 2005 shareholders  again supported a similar
      proposal by an even larger margin, this time by 71-to-29 but the directors
      again refused to bend. If we keep sending similar messages that we want to
      open-end the Fund, perhaps the board will eventually pay attention to us.

            Like the brutal regime that erected the infamous Berlin Wall to keep
      East Germans from  escaping to a free and  prosperous  West  Germany,  our
      Fund's  board of  directors  has thus far kept us trapped in a  closed-end
      fund against our wishes. Of course, as you know, after more than 28 years,
      Communist  East  Germany  finally  opened its borders to the West in 1989,
      including the Berlin Wall. The first woman who stepped to freedom said, "I
      am no longer a prisoner."  We are hopeful that it won't take  twenty-eight
      years before the board of directors  listens to us and open-ends our Fund.
      Then we too can say, "We are no longer prisoners of the discount."

            If you do not want to remain a  prisoner  of the  discount  forever,
      please vote for this proposal.

      For the reasons set forth below, your Board unanimously opposes Proposal 5
and  strongly  urges all  stockholders  to vote  "AGAINST"  the  proposal on the
enclosed White Proxy Card. Please carefully read the discussion below.



      The language of the stockholder  proposal is vague and without  sufficient
detail,  but at its core, it appears to threaten the Fund's existing  closed-end
structure, which your Board of Directors believes is essential to its investment
program.  The Fund's  total  return in 2005 was 13.68%  based on net asset value
(NAV) and 18.94% based on market price.  In 2004,  total return was 24.44% based
on NAV and 30.50% based on market price.  Performance in 2006 has been even more
impressive: For the first quarter of 2006 (at March 31), the Fund's market price
return  was 26.26%  (105.04%  annualized)  and NAV  return  was 27.38%  (109.52%


      Shares of closed-end  funds, such as the Fund, trade on the New York Stock
Exchange like those of any other listed  company.  Market forces and perceptions
of the Fund's  prospects drive price  movements.  The market price of the Fund's
shares is often  lower than the value of the Fund's  portfolio,  which is called
its net asset value,  just as the market value of an industrial  company's stock
could be below the book value of its assets.

      In  contrast,  traditional  open-end  mutual funds do not trade on a stock
exchange.  Instead,  stockholder  liquidity  is achieved by the fund's  standing
ready to buy back shares each day at NAV, called redemptions.  Because daily NAV
redemptions are required by law for open-end funds, they must maintain liquidity
reserves.  This is usually accomplished by limiting their primary investments to
securities  with  an  active  trading  market,   which   constrains   investment
flexibility.  Also,  open-end funds generally hold higher cash reserves in order
meet their  requirement to buy back shares.  This  uninvested  cash is a drag on
investment returns.

      In 2004 an open-ending  proposal received favorable votes from the holders
of only 27% of the  outstanding  shares,  while the holders of nearly 56% of the
Fund's  outstanding  shares  did not even  vote on the  proposal,  and 17% voted
against it. In 2005, the open-ending  proposal received favorable votes from the
holders of 14% of shares outstanding, 18% voted against it, and 68% did not even
vote. Other shares represented by proxies that the proponent withheld may or may
not have voted for the proposal, but were not present at the meeting because the
proponent intentionally did not attend and did not submit them.

      Advantages of Closed-End Structure

      The Board of Directors reaffirms to the Fund's stockholders its commitment
to the Fund's current structure of being a non-diversified closed-end management
investment company that seeks capital  appreciation  primarily though investment
in small-and mid-cap German companies, which have limited liquidity.

      Not having to worry about  raising  cash on a moment's  notice to buy back
shares allows the Fund's  manager to keep the Fund fully  invested and to search
out the medium- and smaller-sized  German companies that are the Fund's mandate.
In contrast,  open-end funds must be prepared to liquidate securities regardless
of market conditions in order to satisfy stockholder  redemption requests.  Your
Fund  is  especially  well-suited  to  the  closed-end  format  because  of  its
investment  focus on small or mid-cap  German  companies (the Fund has been over
80% invested in these small- and mid-cap German companies).  Because your Fund's
holdings are often thinly traded,  divesting quickly these holdings would likely
depress prices.

      The closed-end structure also allows managers to preserve their investment
decisions during fluctuating markets. Due to the lack of mandatory  redemptions,
the manager can stay  focused on  long-term  goals  rather than being  forced to
respond to large  sentiment  swings.  Money  tends to come into  open-end  funds
during  periods of good  market  performance  and out of the same  funds  during
market lows.  This forces  managers in open-end funds to buy at high prices when
new money  comes in and sell at low prices to cover  redemptions  during  market
bottoms.  The closed-end  format  protects  managers from this pressure to focus
trading in a poorly timed fashion.  As noted above,  your Fund has had excellent

      Discounts Are Widely Prevalent in the Closed-End Structure

      Your Board of Directors recognizes that the Fund's shares have traded at a
discount to their net asset  value,  although  that  discount  has  decreased in
recent periods.  Your Board believes there may be some  misunderstandings  about
the market discount of your Fund and other closed-end funds.

      The discount is a function of the NAV and market price,  each of which may
be influenced by different factors.  There is debate whether the discount is the
cause of market  price  movements  or is merely  the  effect.  The  discount  is
considered  by many to be the result of market  supply and  demand  factors  for
shares, although it is uncertain whether the dominant factors are fund-specific,
such as performance,  or external, such as U.S. market sentiment towards foreign
investing.  If, as we believe to be the case, the discount is the effect and not
the cause,  there is no action that will have a long-term effect on the discount
other than  liquidation or  open-ending  (which in the absence of a distribution
system and robust buying interest is equivalent to a slow-motion liquidation).


      In any event,  stockholders  experience  gain or loss based only on market
price changes in the Fund's  shares and  dividends on Fund shares.  There are no
widely  accepted  economic  theories for  explaining  the  discount  phenomenon.
However, the discount does not represent some kind of value that the board has a
duty to distribute to stockholders.  That value can be obtained only if the Fund
is liquidated and the opportunity for future investment gain is foregone.

      Recognizing  that some  stockholders  nevertheless  are troubled  when the
discount  appears to be "too high," your Board of Directors  has for a number of
years conducted a share  repurchase  program to purchase shares at a discount to
NAV, which increases NAV per share.  This repurchase  program  continues,  along
with efforts to increase market awareness of your Fund.

      Tender  Offers,   Aggressive  Stock  Buybacks  and  Open-Ending  Are  Like

      A tender offer  reduces the discount  only during the period of the tender
offer.  Repeated  tender offers will  ultimately  cause  liquidation.  With each
tender offer the fund becomes  smaller and harder to manage and continued  fixed
costs  cause  its  expense  ratio  to  become  larger.  At some  point  complete
liquidation  becomes  inevitable.  The larger the periodic  tender  offers,  the
stronger  the effect of reducing the discount but the sooner the Fund shrinks to
the liquidation point.

      Open market purchases also have no long-term effect on the discount. After
prolonged aggressive buybacks, the fund will be at the same liquidation point as
after tender offers.

      Although  open-ending the Fund will by definition  eliminate its discount,
doing  so  brings  the  investment  flexibility   limitations  described  above.
Furthermore,  without a demonstrable demand by new U.S. investors to buy shares,
the  redemption  process  will over time - possibly in a very short time - cause
the same  shrinkage  of the Fund to the  liquidation  point  caused by  periodic
tender offers and aggressive buybacks.

      Long-Term Interest vs. Short-Term Interests

      Long-term  investors  in your Fund have in recent  years done  better than
short-term investors. A short-term stockholder in a hypothetical  liquidation of
the Fund on January 1, 2003 would have made a modest  one-time gain equal to the
discount  ($0.98,  assuming no expenses).  If the stockholder  reinvested  those
proceeds in the S&P500 index, the stockholder  would have seen a total return of
42% at March 31, 2006.  However, a long-term  stockholder who instead held those
shares would have benefited from a total  appreciation  of his or her investment
of over 270% through stock price  appreciation and dividends  totaling $9.26 per
share at March 31,  2006.  Your  Board  believes  that  potential  for  superior
long-term gain is what the majority of stockholders want.


      Required  Vote.   Provided  that  a  quorum  has  been  established,   the
affirmative  vote of a majority  of the votes cast at the Meeting is required to
approve  Proposal 5. For purposes of Proposal 5, abstentions will have no effect
on the result of the vote.  Proposal 5 is only a  recommendation  and,  if it is
approved by the required  vote,  will have no binding  effect on the Fund or the
Board of Directors.  In considering whether or not to take action in response to
the  proposal,  the Board of  Directors  will give the  request set forth in the
proposal  such  weight  as it  believes  appropriate  based  on  the  voting  of
stockholders for the proposal and other relevant factors.


      As of [o], 2006 no person, to the knowledge of management, owned of record
or beneficially more than 5% of the outstanding  Common Stock of the Fund, other
than as set forth below:


      Name and Address            Amount and Nature            Percent of
    of Beneficial Owner        of Beneficial Ownership  Outstanding Common Stock
    -------------------        -----------------------  ------------------------
The Coalition for Shareholder         4,207,802                16.89%
c/o Opportunity Partners L.P.
60 Heritage Drive
Pleasantville, NY 10570

Wachovia Corp.(2)                     2,311,995                 9.39%
One Wachovia Center
Charlotte, NC  28288-0137

(1)   This  information is based  exclusively  on  information  provided by such
      person on Schedule  13D filed with  respect to the Fund on March 13, 2006.
      The  reporting  person is a group  consisting  of (a)  Bulldog  Investors,
      Phillip  Goldstein,  Andrew Dakos (2,092,472  shares,  8.42%),  (b) Karpus
      Investment  Management,  Karpus Investment Management Profit Sharing Plan,
      Jo Ann Van Degriff,  George W. Karpus,  Dana R. Consler (1,438,030 shares,
      5.97%) and (c) Laxey Partners  Limited,  Andrew Pegge and Colin Kingsnorth
      (672,300  shares,   2.70%).   The  Schedule  13D  includes  the  following
      statement:  "The 11 members of the [group] have not agreed to jointly take
      any specific  measures to achieve the group's  objective  and they have no
      agreement to buy, sell, hold or vote their shares together.  Any member of
      the [group] may take  actions it deems to be  consistent  with the group's
      objective  without  the  consent of any other  members  of the  group.  In
      addition,  any member of the [group] may act in the best  interests of its
      own clients  regardless  of whether such action is in the best interest of
      the [group]."

(2)   This  information is based  exclusively  on  information  provided by such
      entity on  Schedule  13G filed with  respect to the Fund on  February  13,

                       SECTION 16(a) BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP
                              REPORTING COMPLIANCE

      Based on a review of reports  filed by the Fund's  directors and executive
officers,  the  investment  manager,  officers and  directors of the  investment
manager,  affiliated persons of the investment manager and beneficial holders of
10% or more of the Fund's outstanding stock, and written  representations by the
Reporting  Persons that no year-end reports were required for such persons,  all
filings required by Section 16(a) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 for
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005 were timely.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

      No business  other than as set forth herein is expected to come before the
Meeting,  but should any other matter requiring a vote of stockholders  properly
come before the  Meeting,  including  any question as to an  adjournment  of the
Meeting,  the persons  named in the enclosed  White Proxy Card will vote thereon
according to their  discretion.  Abstentions and broker  non-votes shall have no
effect on the outcome of a vote to adjourn the Meeting.

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

      In order for stockholder  proposals  otherwise  satisfying the eligibility
requirements  of SEC Rule 14a-8 to be  considered  for  inclusion  in the Fund's
proxy statement for the 2007 Annual  Meeting,  the proposals must be received at
The New Germany Fund,  Inc.,  c/o Deutsche  Asset  Management,  345 Park Avenue,
NYC20-2799,  New York, New York 10154,  Attention:  Secretary, on or before [o],

      In addition,  the Fund's  Bylaws  currently  provide that if a stockholder
desires  to bring  business  (including  director  nominations)  before the 2007
Annual Meeting that is or is not the subject of a proposal timely  submitted for
inclusion  in the Fund's proxy  statement,  written  notice of such  business as
prescribed  in the Bylaws  must be  delivered  to the Fund's  Secretary,  at the
principal  executive  offices of the Fund,  between [o], 2007 and [o], 2007. For
additional requirements, the stockholder may refer to the Bylaws, a current copy
of which may be obtained without charge upon request from the Fund's  Secretary.
If the Fund does not receive timely notice pursuant to the Bylaws,  the proposal
may be excluded  from  consideration  at the meeting,  regardless of any earlier
notice provided in accordance with SEC Rule 14a-8.


                         EXPENSES OF PROXY SOLICITATION

      The cost of preparing,  assembling and mailing material in connection with
this  solicitation  will be borne by the Fund.  In addition to the use of mails,
proxies may be  solicited  personally  by regular  employees  of the Fund or the
manager  or by  telephone  or  telegraph.  Brokerage  houses,  banks  and  other
fiduciaries  may be requested to forward proxy  solicitation  materials to their
principals to obtain  authorization for the execution of proxies,  and they will
be  reimbursed  by  the  Fund  for  out-of-pocket   expenses  incurred  in  this
connection.  The Fund has also made  arrangements with The Altman Group, Inc. to
assist  in the  solicitation  of  proxies,  if called  upon by the  Fund,  at an
estimated fee not to exceed $120,000 plus reimbursement of normal expenses.

                             ANNUAL REPORT DELIVERY

      The Fund will furnish, without charge, a copy of its annual report for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2005 and the most recent  semi-annual  report, if
any, to any stockholder  upon request.  Such requests should be directed by mail
to The New Germany Fund, Inc., c/o Deutsche Asset  Management,  345 Park Avenue,
NYC20-2799,  New York, New York 10154 or by telephone to 1-800-437-6269.  Annual
reports are also available on the Fund's web site:

                                                John Millette

      Dated: [o], 2006

      Stockholders  who do not expect to be present at the  Meeting and who wish
      to have their  shares  voted are  requested  to date and sign the enclosed
      White  Proxy Card and return it to the Fund in the  enclosed  envelope  as
      soon as practicable.

      If you have questions or need additional  information,  please contact the
      Altman Group, the Fund's proxy solicitors, toll-free at 1-800-884-5101.



                           THE NEW GERMANY FUND, INC.
                                  (the "Fund")

                          NOMINATING COMMITTEE CHARTER

                         (Adopted as of April 23, 2004)

      The Board of Directors  (the "Board") of the Fund has adopted this Charter
      to govern the activities of the Nominating  Committee (the "Committee") of
      the Board.

Statement of Purposes and Responsibilities

      The primary purposes and responsibilities of the Committee are:

      (i)   to identify individuals  qualified to become members of the Board in
            the event that a position is vacated or created;

      (ii)  to consider all candidates  proposed to become members of the Board,
            subject to applicable law, the Fund's Articles of  Incorporation  or
            By-laws,  resolutions  of the Board and the  procedures and policies
            set forth in this Charter and the Fund's annual proxy statement;

      (iii) to select and nominate,  or recommend  for  nomination by the Board,
            candidates for election as Directors;

      (iv)  in the case of a director nominee to fill a Board vacancy created by
            an increase in the size of the Board,  to make a  recommendation  to
            the  Board as to the  class of  directors  in which  the  individual
            should serve;

      (v)   to make  recommendations  to the  Board  from time to time as to any
            changes  that  the  Committee   believes  to  be  desirable  to  the
            provisions of the Fund's  By-laws  regarding  minimum  standards and
            qualifications  for  service  as a  Director  on the Board or to any
            charter of committees of the Board regarding  minimum  standards and
            qualifications  for service as a committee member,  and to recommend
            to the Board, or to set, any additional  standards or qualifications
            considered  necessary or desirable  for service as a Director on the
            Board or as a member of a committee of the Board;

      (vi)  to  identify  Board  members  qualified  to  fill  vacancies  on any
            committee of the Board,  taking into account any  qualifications  or
            other  criteria set forth in the charter of that  committee,  and to
            recommend that the Board appoint the identified member or members to
            that committee;

      (vii) to make recommendations to the Board from time to time as to changes
            that the Committee believes to be desirable to the size of the Board
            or any committee thereof;

      (viii) to  review  with  counsel,  at  least  annually,   each  Director's
            affiliations and relationships  for purposes of determining  whether
            such Director is a person who is not an  "interested  person" of the
            Fund, as defined in Section  2(a)(19) of the Investment  Company Act
            of 1940, as amended;

      (ix)  to assist  management in the  preparation  of the  disclosure in the
            Fund's  annual  proxy  statement  regarding  the  operations  of the
            Committee; and

      (x)   to perform any other duties or responsibilities  expressly delegated
            to the  Committee  by the Board  from time to time  relating  to the
            nomination of Board or committee members.

Organization and Governance

      The Committee  shall consist solely of three or more members of the Board.
      The  Committee  must  consist  entirely  of  Board  members  who  are  not
      "interested  persons" of the Fund,  as defined in Section  2(a)(19) of the
      Investment  Company  Act of 1940,  as amended  ("Independent  Directors").
      Members  shall  serve at the  pleasure  of the  Board and for such term or
      terms as the Board may determine.


      One or more members of the Committee may be designated by the Board as the
      Committee's chairperson or co-chairperson, as the case may be.

      The  Committee  shall  meet  at  least  once a year  at a time  and  place
      determined by the Committee  chairperson,  with further meetings to occur,
      or actions to be taken by unanimous written consent, when deemed necessary
      or desirable by the Committee or its chairperson. Members of the Committee
      may  participate in a meeting of the Committee by means of conference call
      or  similar  communications  equipment  by  means  of  which  all  persons
      participating in the meeting can hear each other. Committee meetings shall
      be held in accordance with the Fund's By-laws.

Criteria for Director Nominees

      To be eligible for  nomination as a Director a person must, at the time of
      such person's nomination,  have Relevant Experience and Country Knowledge,
      as  defined  in the  Fund's  By-laws,  and must not have any  Conflict  of
      Interest,  as defined in the Fund's  By-laws.  Whether a proposed  nominee
      satisfies  the  foregoing   qualifications  shall  be  determined  by  the
      Committee in its sole discretion. The Committee may also take into account
      a wide variety of factors in considering  Director  candidates,  including
      (but not limited to): (i) the candidate's knowledge in matters relating to
      the investment  company  industry;  (ii) any  experience  possessed by the
      candidate  as a  director  or senior  officer  of other  public or private
      companies;   (iii)  the  candidate's  educational  background;   (iv)  the
      candidate's  reputation  for  high  ethical  standards  and  personal  and
      professional  integrity;  (v) any specific  financial,  technical or other
      expertise  possessed  by the  candidate,  and the  extent  to  which  such
      expertise  would  complement  the  Board's  existing  mix  of  skills  and
      qualifications;  (vi) the candidate's  perceived  ability to contribute to
      the ongoing functions of the Board,  including the candidate's ability and
      commitment to attend meetings regularly,  work  collaboratively with other
      members of the Board and carry out his or her duties in the best interests
      of the Fund;  (vii) the  candidate's  ability to qualify as an Independent
      Director;  and (viii)  such other  criteria  as the  Nominating  Committee
      determines  to be relevant  in light of the  existing  composition  of the
      Board and any anticipated vacancies or other factors.

Identification of Nominees

      In  identifying  potential  nominees  for the  Board,  the  Committee  may
      consider  candidates  recommended by one or more of the following sources:
      (i) the  Fund's  Directors,  (ii) the  Fund's  officers,  (iii) the Fund's
      investment  manager,  investment  adviser  or their  affiliates,  (iv) the
      Fund's  stockholders  (see below) and (v) any other  source the  Committee
      deems to be  appropriate.  The Committee will not consider  self-nominated
      candidates  or candidates  nominated by members of a  candidate's  family,
      including such candidate's spouse, children,  parents,  siblings,  uncles,
      aunts,  grandparents,  nieces and nephews.  The Committee  may, but is not
      required  to,  retain a third party  search firm at the Fund's  expense to
      identify potential candidates.

Consideration of Candidates Recommended by Stockholders

      The  Committee  will consider  nominee  candidates  properly  submitted by
      stockholders  in accordance  with  applicable  law, the Fund's Articles of
      Incorporation or By-laws,  resolutions of the Board and the qualifications
      and  procedures  set forth in this  Charter  and the Fund's  annual  proxy
      statement,  including  the  requirements  that a  stockholder  or group of
      stockholders   seeking  to  submit  a  nominee  candidate  (i)  must  have
      beneficially owned at least 5% of the Fund's common stock for at least two
      years,  (ii) may submit  only one  nominee  candidate  for any  particular
      meeting of stockholders, and (iii) may submit a nominee candidate for only
      an annual meeting or other meeting of stockholders at which directors will
      be elected.  The  Committee  will  evaluate  nominee  candidates  properly
      submitted by  stockholders on the same basis as it considers and evaluates
      candidates recommended by other sources.

Delegation to Subcommittee

      The  Committee  may, in its  discretion,  delegate all or a portion of its
      duties and responsibilities to a subcommittee of the Committee.


Resources and Authority of the Committee

      The  Committee  shall have the  resources  and  authority  appropriate  to
      discharge  its duties and  responsibilities,  including  the  authority to
      select,  retain,  terminate and approve the fees and other retention terms
      of  special  counsel  or  other  experts  or  consultants,   as  it  deems
      appropriate,  without  seeking  approval of the Board or management.  With
      respect  to  consultants  or  search  firms  used  to  identify   director
      candidates, this authority shall be vested solely in the Committee.



                           THE NEW GERMANY FUND, INC.
                               EXCERPTS OF BYLAWS

Article II

      Section 13. Advance Notice of Stockholder  Nominees for Director and Other
Stockholder Proposals.  (a) Annual Meetings of Stockholders.  (1) Nominations of
persons for election to the Board of  Directors  and the proposal of business to
be  considered  by  the  stockholders  may  be  made  at an  annual  meeting  of
stockholders (i) pursuant to the Corporation's notice of meeting,  (ii) by or at
the  direction  of the Board of  Directors  or (iii) by any  stockholder  of the
Corporation who was a stockholder of record both at the time of giving of notice
provided for in this Section 13(a) and at the time of the annual meeting, who is
entitled to vote at the meeting and who complied with the notice  procedures set
forth in this Section 13(a).

                  (2) For  nominations or other business to be properly  brought
before an annual meeting by a stockholder  pursuant to clause (iii) of paragraph
(a)(1) of this Section 13, the stockholder must have given timely notice thereof
in writing to the  Secretary of the  Corporation  and such other  business  must
otherwise be a proper  matter for action by the  stockholders.  To be timely,  a
stockholder's  notice  shall be  delivered  to the  Secretary  at the  principal
executive  offices  of the  Corporation  not less than 90 days nor more than 120
days prior to the first anniversary of the date of mailing of the notice for the
preceding year's annual meeting;  provided,  however, that in the event that the
date of mailing of the notice for the annual  meeting is  advanced or delayed by
more than 30 days  from the  first  anniversary  of the date of  mailing  of the
notice for the preceding year's annual meeting,  notice by the stockholder to be
timely must be so delivered  not earlier than the 120th day prior to the date of
mailing of the notice for such  annual  meeting  and not later than the close of
business on the later of the 90th day prior to the date of mailing of the notice
for such annual  meeting or the tenth day following the day on which  disclosure
of the date of mailing of the notice for such meeting is first made. In no event
shall the public  announcement  of a  postponement  or  adjournment of an annual
meeting  commence a new time period for the giving of a stockholder's  notice as
described above. Such stockholder's notice shall set forth (i) as to each person
whom the  stockholder  proposes to nominate  for  election  or  reelection  as a
director,  (A) the name,  age,  business  address and residence  address of such
person,  (B) the class and number of shares of stock of the Corporation that are
beneficially  owned by such person,  (C) all other information  relating to such
person that is required to be disclosed in solicitations of proxies for election
of  directors  in an  election  contest  (even  if an  election  contest  is not
involved), or is otherwise required, in each case pursuant to Regulation 14A (or
any successor  provision)  under the Exchange Act or pursuant to the  Investment
Company Act and the rules thereunder (including such person's written consent to
being named in the proxy  statement as a nominee and to serving as a director if
elected),  and (D) a  statement  specifying  which  of  clauses  (1)-(7)  of the
definition  of  "Relevant  Experience  and Country  Knowledge"  in Article  III,
Section 3 of the  Bylaws  the  person  being  nominated  satisfies,  information
relating to such person  sufficient to support a  determination  that the person
satisfies the specified clause or clauses of the definition and a representation
that the person does not have a  "Conflict  of  Interest"  as defined in Article
III, Section 3 of the Bylaws; (ii) as to any other business that the stockholder
proposes to bring before the meeting,  a description of the business  desired to
be brought before the meeting,  the reasons for conducting  such business at the
meeting  and  any  material  interest  in  such  business  of  such  stockholder
(including any  anticipated  benefit to the  stockholder  therefrom) and of each
beneficial  owner, if any, on whose behalf the proposal is made; and (iii) as to
the stockholder  giving the notice and each  beneficial  owner, if any, on whose
behalf the  nomination  or  proposal  is made,  (x) the name and address of such
stockholder,  as they appear on the  Corporation's  stock  ledgers and a current
name and address, if different,  and of such beneficial owner, and (y) the class
and number of shares of each class of stock of the  Corporation  which are owned
beneficially  and of record by such  stockholder and owned  beneficially by such
beneficial owner.

                  (3)  Notwithstanding  anything in this  subsection (a) of this
Section 13 to the  contrary,  in the event the Board of  Directors  increases or
decreases the maximum or minimum number of directors in accordance  with Article
III,  Section 2 of these  Bylaws,  and there is no public  announcement  of such
action at least 100 days prior to the first  anniversary  of the date of mailing
of the preceding year's annual meeting, a stockholder's  notice required by this
Section 13(a) shall also be considered timely, but only with respect to nominees
for any new positions created by such increase,  if it shall be delivered to the
Secretary at the principal executive offices of the


Corporation  not later than the close of business on the tenth day following the
day on which such public announcement is first made by the Corporation.

            (b) Special  Meetings of  Stockholders.  Only such business shall be
conducted at a special meeting of stockholders as shall have been brought before
the meeting  pursuant to the  Corporation's  notice of meeting.  Nominations  of
persons for election to the Board of Directors may be made at a special  meeting
of  stockholders  at which  directors  are to be  elected  (i)  pursuant  to the
Corporation's  notice of meeting,  (ii) by or at the  direction  of the Board of
Directors or (iii)  provided  that the Board of Directors  has  determined  that
directors  shall be elected at such special  meeting,  by any stockholder of the
Corporation  who is a stockholder of record both at the time of giving of notice
provided for in this Section 13 and at the time of the special  meeting,  who is
entitled to vote at the meeting and who complied with the notice  procedures set
forth in this Section 13. In the event the  Corporation  calls a special meeting
of  stockholders  for the purpose of electing one or more directors to the Board
of Directors, any such stockholder may nominate a person or persons (as the case
may be) for election as a director as specified in the  Corporation's  notice of
meeting,  if the  stockholder's  notice  required  by  paragraph  (a)(2) of this
Section  13 shall be  delivered  to the  Secretary  at the  principal  executive
offices of the  Corporation not earlier than the 120th day prior to such special
meeting  and not later than the close of  business  on the later of the 90th day
prior to such special meeting or the tenth day following the day on which public
announcement  is  first  made of the  date  of the  special  meeting  and of the
nominees proposed by the Board of Directors to be elected at such meeting. In no
event  shall the public  announcement  of a  postponement  or  adjournment  of a
special  meeting  commence a new time  period for the giving of a  stockholder's
notice as described above.

            (c) General.  (1) Only such persons who are  nominated in accordance
with the procedures  set forth in this Section 13 and Article III,  Section 3 of
these  Bylaws  shall be eligible to serve as  directors  and only such  business
shall be  conducted  at a meeting of  stockholders  as shall  have been  brought
before the meeting in accordance  with the  procedures set forth in this Section
13. The  chairman  of the  meeting  shall  have the power and duty to  determine
whether a nomination or any business  proposed to be brought  before the meeting
was made or proposed,  as the case may be, in accordance with the procedures set
forth in this Section 13 and, if any proposed  nomination  or business is not in
compliance  with this Section 13, to declare that such  defective  nomination or
proposal be disregarded.

                  (2) For  purposes of this Section 13, (a) the "date of mailing
of the notice" shall mean the date of the proxy  statement for the  solicitation
of proxies for election of directors  and (b) "public  announcement"  shall mean
disclosure  (i) in a press  release  reported  by the Dow  Jones  News  Service,
Associated Press or comparable news service or (ii) in a document publicly filed
by the Corporation with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  pursuant to the
Exchange Act or the Investment Company Act.

                  (3) Notwithstanding  the foregoing  provisions of this Section
13, a stockholder  shall also comply with all applicable  requirements  of state
law and of the  Exchange  Act and the  Investment  Company Act and the rules and
regulations thereunder with respect to the matters set forth in this Section 13.
Nothing in this  Section 13 shall be deemed to affect any right of  stockholders
to request inclusion of proposals in, nor the right of the Corporation to omit a
proposal from, the Corporation's  proxy statement pursuant to Rule 14a-8 (or any
successor provision) under the Exchange Act.

Article III

      Section  3.  Qualifications.  Directors  need  not be  stockholders.  Each
Director  shall hold office until the earlier of: (a) the expiration of his term
and his or her successor  shall have been elected and qualifies,  (b) his or her
death, (c) his or her resignation, or (d) his or her removal. To be eligible for
nomination as a director a person must, at the time of such person's  nomination
by the Board of Directors,  (a) have Relevant  Experience and Country  Knowledge
(as defined below), (b) not have any Conflict of Interest (as defined below) and
(c) not be over 72 years of age; provided that clause (c) shall not apply to any
person  who was a  Director  on  October  15,  1999 or to any  person  whom  the
Nominating  Committee  (or in the  absence  of such a  Committee,  the  Board of
Directors)  determines to except from that clause on the basis that the person's
prior  public or  government  service  or other  broad-based  activities  in the
business  community make it essential that the  Corporation  continue to receive
the benefit of the person's services as a Director. The determination  described
in the  previous  sentence  shall be made on or before  the time of  nomination.
Whether a proposed  nominee  satisfies  the  foregoing  qualifications  shall be


determined by the  Nominating  Committee or, in the absence of such a Committee,
by the Board of Directors, each in its sole discretion.

      "Relevant  Experience and Country Knowledge" means experience in business,
investment,  economic  or  political  matters of  Germany  or the United  States
through  service for 10 of the past 20 years (except  where a shorter  period is
noted) in one or more of the following principal occupations:

      (1)   senior  executive  officer or partner of a financial  or  industrial
            business  headquartered  in Germany  that has annual  revenues of at
            least the equivalent of US $500 million,

      (2)   senior  executive  officer or partner of a financial  or  industrial
            business headquartered in the United States that has annual revenues
            of at least the  equivalent of US $500 million and whose  management
            responsibilities    include   supervision   of   European   business

      (3)   director  (or the  equivalent)  for 5 of the past 10 years of one or
            more investment  businesses or vehicles (including this Corporation)
            a principal focus of which is investment in Germany and that have at
            least the  equivalent of US $250 million in combined total assets of
            their own,

      (4)   senior  executive  officer or partner  of an  investment  management
            business  having  at least  the  equivalent  of US $500  million  in
            securities of German companies or securities  principally  traded in
            Germany under discretionary management for others,

      (5)   senior  executive  officer or partner (a) of a business  consulting,
            accounting  or law firm  having at least 100  professionals  and (b)
            whose  principal   responsibility  involves  or  involved  providing
            services  involving  European  matters for  financial or  industrial
            businesses,   investment   businesses   or  vehicles  or  investment
            management businesses as described in (1)-(4) above,

      (6)   senior official  (including  ambassador or minister) in the national
            government,  a  government  agency or the central bank of Germany or
            the United States, in a major  supranational  agency or organization
            of which Germany or the United  States is a member,  or in a leading
            international  trade organization  relating to Germany or the United
            States,  in each case in the area of  finance,  economics,  trade or
            foreign relations, or

      (7)   current  director  or  senior  officer  (without  regard to years of
            service) of an investment manager or adviser of the Corporation,  or
            of any entity controlling or under common control with an investment
            manager or adviser of the Corporation.

      For  purposes of clauses  (1)-(5) of the  preceding  sentence  and clauses
      (1)-(2) of the next paragraph, the term "financial or industrial business"
      includes  a  financial  or  industrial   business  unit  within  a  larger
      enterprise;  the term  "investment  businesses  or  vehicles"  includes an
      investment business unit or investment vehicle within a larger enterprise;
      the  term  "investment   management   business"   includes  an  investment
      management  business  unit  within  a  larger  enterprise;  and  the  term
      "investment  vehicle"  includes  an  investment  vehicle  within  a larger
      enterprise;  but in each case only to the  extent the unit  satisfies  the
      revenue,  asset and  other  requirements  specified  for the  business  or
      vehicle in clauses (1)-(5) of the preceding sentence or clauses (1)-(2) of
      the next paragraph.

      "Conflict of Interest" means the presence of a conflict with the interests
of the Corporation or its operations through any of the following:

      (1)   current  position  as a  director,  officer,  partner or employee of
            another investment vehicle a significant (i.e., 25% or more of total
            assets)  focus  of  which  is  securities  of  German  companies  or
            securities  principally  traded in German  markets and that does not
            have the same investment adviser as the Corporation or an investment
            adviser affiliated with an investment adviser of the Corporation,

      (2)   current position as a director,  officer, partner or employee of the
            sponsor or  equivalent  of an  investment  vehicle  described in the
            previous point, or

      (3)   current  position  as  an  official  of  a  governmental  agency  or
            self-regulatory  body  having   responsibility  for  regulating  the
            Corporation or the markets in which it proposes to invest.



                          INVESTMENT ADVISORY AGREEMENT

      AGREEMENT  dated as of January 31,  1990,  between  The New Germany  Fund,
      Inc.,  a  Maryland  corporation   ("Fund"),   and  DB  Capital  Management
      International GmbH, a West German corporation ("CMI").

      WHEREAS,  the Fund is a non  diversified  closed  end  management  company
      registered  under the  Investment  Company  Act of 1940,  as amended  (the
      "Investment Company Act");

      WHEREAS,  the Fund  desires  to  retain  CMI to render  certain  specified
      investment advisory services to the Fund; and

      WHEREAS,  CMI is  willing  to  render  such  services  if and so long as a
      certain  Management  Agreement,  dated as of January 31, 1990, between the
      Fund and Deutsche  Bank Capital  Corporation  ("DBCC") is entered into and
      not terminated;

      NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:

      1.  Investment  Adviser.   CMI,  in  accordance  with  the  Fund's  stated
investment objectives,  policies and limitations, will make recommendations with
respect to the Fund's  investments  and, upon  instructions  given by DBCC as to
suitable  securities for investment by the Fund, will transmit purchase and sale
orders and select  brokers  and  dealers to execute  portfolio  transactions  on
behalf of the Fund.

      2. Fees and Expenses.

      2.1 The Fund will pay CMI an annual advisory fee hereunder of 0.35% of the
Fund's  average  weekly net assets to U.S. $100 million and 0.25% of such assets
in excess of U.S. $100 million, computed by DBCC on the basis of net asset value
at the end of each week and payable at the end of each calendar month.

      2.2 CMI shall bear all expenses of its employees and overhead  incurred by
it in connection with its duties under this  Agreement.  The Fund will indemnify
CMI for all taxes (other than income taxes), duties,  charges, fees and expenses
(including, without limitation, broker fees, dealer fees, clearing bank fees and
legal  fees) CMI incurs in  connection  with the  services  provided  under this
Agreement.   The  obligations   contained  in  this  clause  shall  survive  the
termination of this Agreement.

      2.3  Payments  to CMI shall be made in U.S.  Dollars to its  account  with
Deutsche Bank AG, New York branch.

      3. Liability.

      3.1 Neither CMI nor any of its officers,  directors or employees  shall be
liable  for any  error  of  judgment  or for any  loss  suffered  by the Fund in
connection with the matters to which this Agreement relates, except (i) that CMI
shall be under a  fiduciary  duty with  respect to receipt of  compensation  for
services  pursuant to Section 36 of the 1940 Act, and shall  therefore be liable
for a loss  resulting  from a breach of such  fiduciary  duty (in which case any
award of  damages  shall be  limited  to the  period and the amount set forth in
Section  36(b)(3) of the Investment  Company Act), or (ii) a loss resulting from
willful  misfeasance,  bad faith or gross negligence on its or their part in the
performance  of,  or from  reckless  disregard  by it or  them  of its or  their
obligations and duties under, this Agreement.

      3.2 CMI does not assume  responsibility  for the acts or  omissions of any
other person.

      3.3 CMI shall not be liable for any losses caused by  disturbances  of its
operations by virtue of force  majeure,  riot, or damage caused by nature or due
to other events for which it is not responsible (e.g.,  strike, lock out or acts
of domestic or foreign authorities).

      4. Services Not Exclusive.  It is understood  that the services of CMI are
not deemed to be exclusive,  and nothing in this Agreement  shall prevent CMI or
any of its  affiliates  from  providing  similar  services  to other  investment
companies  and other clients  (whether or not their  investment  objectives  and
policies are similar to those of the Fund) or from engaging in other activities.
When other clients of CMI desire to purchase or sell a security at the same time
such security is purchased or sold for the Fund,  such purchases and sales will,
to the extent feasible, be allocated among the Fund and such clients in a manner
believed by CMI to be equitable to such clients.

      5. Notice. Any notice or other communication required to be given pursuant
to this  Agreement  shall be in writing or by telex and shall be effective  upon
receipt.  Notices and  communications  shall be given (1) to the Fund at 31


West 52nd Street, New York, New York 10019, Attention: Secretary; and (2) to CMI
at Taunusanlage  12, D 6000 Frankfurt am Main 1, Attention:  Managing  Director,
Investment Policy Committee.

      6. Miscellaneous.

      6.1 This  Agreement is effective  January 31, 1990,  and shall continue in
effect until the earlier of January 30, 1992 or the first annual  meeting of the
Fund's  stockholders  after  the  effective  date  of  the  Fund's  Registration
Statement  on Form N 2 filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission.  If
approved at such meeting,  and unless sooner  terminated,  this Agreement  shall
continue  in effect for  successive  periods of twelve  months  after such date,
provided  that  each such  continuance  shall be  approved  as  required  by the
Investment Company Act. The annual approva1 of the continuance of this Agreement
shall be confirmed to CMI by the Fund in writing. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
this  Agreement may be  terminated  by the Fund in the manner  prescribed by the
Investment Company Act, without the payment of any penalty, at any time upon not
1ess than sixty days' prior written  notice to CMI, or by CMI upon not less than
sixty days' written notice to the Fund.

      This  Agreement  shall  automatically  terminate  (i) in the  event of its
assignment (as defined in the Investment  Company Act) by either party,  or (ii)
upon  termination  of the  Management  Agreement  dated as of January 31,  1990,
between the Fund and DBCC.

      6.2 This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance  with the laws of the
Federal Republic of Germany.

      6.3 The captions in this Agreement are included for  convenience  only and
in no way define or limit any of the provisions hereof or otherwise affect their
construction or effect.

      6.4 If any provisions of this Agreement shall be held or made invalid,  in
whole or in part, the other  provisions of this Agreement shall remain in force.
Invalid  provisions  shall,  in  accordance  with the intent and purpose of this
Agreement,  be replaced by such valid  provisions which in their economic effect
come as close as legally possible to such invalid provisions.

      6.5 Nothing herein shall be construed as constituting  CMI an agent of the

      6.6 CMI shall be  entitled  to rely on any  notice or other  communication
believed  by it to be genuine  and  correct and to have been sent to it by or on
behalf of the Fund.

      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this Agreement to be
      executed as of the day and year first above written.


Name: Robert Gambee
Title: VP, Secy, Treasurer


Name: Hannes-Joerg Baumann
Title: Deputy Managing Director

Name:  William Ronald Richards
Title: Managing Director



                              MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT

      AGREEMENT  dated as of January 31,  1990,  between  The New Germany  Fund,
      Inc., a Maryland  corporation  (the  "Fund"),  and  Deutsche  Bank Capital
      Corporation, a New York corporation ("Deutsche Bank Capital").

      WHEREAS,  the Fund is a non  diversified  closed  end  management  company
      registered  under the  Investment  Company Act of Investment  Company,  as
      amended (the "Investment Company Act");

      WHEREAS,  the Fund  desires  to retain  Deutsche  Bank  Capital  to render
      certain specified management services to the Fund; and

      WHEREAS,  Deutsche  Bank Capital is willing to render such services if and
      so long as the  Investment  Advisory  Agreement,  dated as of January  31,
      1990,  between  the  Fund and DB  Capital  Management  International  GmbH
      ("CMI") is entered into and not terminated;

      NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:

      1.  Manager.  Deutsche  Bank Capital  shall be the  corporate  manager and
administrator  of the Fund  and,  subject  to the  supervision  of the  Board of
Directors  of the  Fund  and  pursuant  to  recommendations  made by  CMI,  will
determine  suitable  securities  for  investment by the Fund. It will handle the
Fund's  relationships with its shareholders  including responding to shareholder
inquiries  relating  to the  Fund,  be  responsible  for,  arrange  and  monitor
compliance  with  regulatory  requirements  and  compliance  with New York Stock
Exchange listing requirements and negotiate contractual  arrangements with third
party  service  providers,  including but not limited to,  custodians,  transfer
agents,  auditors and printers.  Deutsche Bank Capital will also provide  office
facilities and personnel adequate to perform these services, together with those
ordinary clerical and bookkeeping  services which are not being furnished by the
Fund's  custodian or transfer and dividend  paying agent.  Deutsche Bank Capital
will also  determine and publish the Fund's net asset value in  accordance  with
the  Fund's  policy as  adopted  from  time to time by the  Board of  Directors;
establish  the Fund's  operating  expense  budgets and  authorize the payment of
actual  operating  expenses  incurred;  calculate  the amount of  dividends  and
distributions to be declared and paid to the Fund's shareholders; provide to the
Board of Directors those financial  analyses and reports necessary for the Board
to fulfill their fiduciary  responsibilities;  maintain the books and records of
the Fund required under Rule 31a 1 under the Investment  Company Act (other than
those being maintained by the Fund's custodians and transfer and dividend paying
agent, as to which Deutsche Bank Capital will oversee such maintenance); prepare
the Fund's U.S. Federal,  state and local income tax returns;  prepare financial
information  for the Fund's  proxy  statement  quarterly  and annual  reports to
shareholders;  and prepare the Fund's  reports to the  Securities  and  Exchange

      2. Fees. The Fund will pay Deutsche Bank Capital an annual  management fee
hereunder  of .65% of the  Fund's  average  weekly  net  assets up to U.S.  $100
million,  .55% of such assets in excess of U.S.  $100 million up to $500 million
and .50% of such assets in excess of $500 million,  computed in each case on the
basis of net asset  value at the end of each week and payable at the end of each
calendar month.

      3.  Expenses.  Deutsche  Bank  Capital  shall  bear  all  expenses  of its
employees  and  overhead  incurred  in  connection  with its  duties  under this
Agreement  and shall  pay all  salaries  and fees of the  Fund's  directors  and
officers who are interested  persons (as defined in the Investment  Company Act)
of Deutsche Bank Capital. The Fund will bear all of its own expenses,  including
expenses  of  organizing  the Fund;  fees of the  Fund's  directors  who are not
interested  persons  (as  defined in the  Investment  Company  Act) of any other
party;  out of pocket travel  expenses for all directors who are not  interested
persons (as defined in the Investment  Company Act) of any other party and other
expenses incurred by the Fund in connection with meetings of directors; interest
expense;  taxes and governmental fees; brokerage  commissions and other expenses
incurred in acquiring or disposing of the Fund's portfolio securities;  expenses
of preparing  stock  certificates;  expenses of  registering  and qualifying the
Fund's  shares  for sale with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  and in
various  states and foreign  jurisdictions;  charges and  expenses of the Fund's
lega1 counsel and independent auditors;  custodian, dividend paying and transfer
agent expenses; expenses of obtaining and maintaining stock exchange listings of
the  Fund's  shares;  and the  expenses  of  shareholders'  meetings  and of the
preparation and distribution of proxies and reports to shareholders.

      4. Liability.

      4.1 Neither  Deutsche Bank Capital nor any of its  officers,  directors or
employees  shall be liable for any error of judgment or for any loss suffered by
the Fund in connection with the matters to which this Agreement relates,  except
(i) that Deutsche  Bank Capital shall be under a fiduciary  duty with respect to
receipt of  compensation  for services


pursuant  to Section 36 of the  Investment  Company Act and shall  therefore  be
liable for a loss  resulting from a breach of such fiduciary duty (in which case
any award of damages  shall be limited to the period and the amount set forth in
Section  36(b)(3) of the  Investment  Company Act) or (ii) a loss resulting from
willful  misfeasance,  bad faith or gross negligence on its or their part in the
performance  of,  or from  reckless  disregard  by it or  them  of its or  their
obligations and duties under, this Agreement.

      4.2 Deutsche Bank Capital does not assume  responsibility  for the acts or
omissions of any other person.

      5. Services Not Exclusive.  It is understood that the services of Deutsche
Bank Capital are not deemed to be exclusive, and nothing in this Agreement shall
prevent Deutsche Bank Capital,  or any of its affiliates from providing  similar
services to other  investment  companies and other clients (whether or not their
investment  objectives  and  policies  are similar to those of the Fund) or from
engaging in other activities. When other clients of Deutsche Bank Capital desire
to purchase or sell a security at the same time such  security is  purchased  or
sold for the Fund,  such  purchases and sales will, to the extent  feasible,  be
allocated  among the Fund and such clients in a manner believed by Deutsche Bank
Capital to be equitable to such clients.

      6. Notice. Any notice or other communication required to be given pursuant
to this  Agreement  shall  be  deemed  duly  given if  delivered  or  mailed  by
registered mail,  postage prepaid,  (1) to Deutsche Bank Capital at 31 West 52nd
Street, New York, New York 10019, Attention: Office of Funds Administration; and
(2) to the Fund at 31 West 52nd  Street,  New York,  New York 10019,  Attention:

      7. Miscellaneous.

      7.1 This  Agreement is effective  January 31, 1990,  and shall continue in
effect  until the  earlier of January 30,  1992 or the first  annual  meeting of
Fund's  stockholders  after  the  effective  date  of  the  Fund's  Registration
Statement  on Form N 2 filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission.  If
approved at such meeting,  and unless sooner  terminated,  this Agreement  shall
continue  in effect for  successive  periods of twelve  months  after such date,
provided  that  each such  continuance  shall be  approved  as  required  by the
Investment Company Act. The annual approval of the continuance of this Agreement
shall  be  confirmed   to  Deutsche   Bank  Capital  by  the  Fund  in  writing.
Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  this Agreement may be terminated by the Fund in
the manner prescribed by the Investment  Company Act, without the payment of any
penalty,  at any time upon not less than sixty  days'  prior  written  notice to
Deutsche  Bank  Capital,  or by Deutsche  Bank  Capital upon not less than sixty
days' written notice to the Fund. This Agreement shall  automatically  terminate
(i) in the event of its assignment (as defined in the Investment Company Act) by
either party,  or (ii) upon  termination of the Investment  Advisory  Agreement,
dated as of January 31, 1990, between the Fund and CMI.

      7.2 This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance  with the laws of the
State of New York.

      7.3 The captions in this Agreement are included for  convenience  only and
in no way define or limit any of the provisions hereof or otherwise affect their
construction or effect.

      7.4 If any provisions of this  Agreement  shall be held or made invalid in
whole or in part, the other  provisions of this Agreement shall remain in force.
Invalid  provisions  shall,  in  accordance  with the intent and purpose of this
Agreement,  be replaced by such valid  provisions which in their economic effect
come as close as legally possible to such invalid provisions.

      7.5 Nothing  herein  shall be  construed  as  constituting  Deutsche  Bank
Capital an agent of the Fund.

      7.6  Deutsche  Bank  Capital  shall be  entitled  to rely on any notice or
communication  believed by it to be genuine and correct and to have been sent to
it by or on behalf of the Fund.


      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this Agreement to be
      executed as of the day and year first above written.


Name: Robert Gambee
Title: VP, Secy, Treasurer


Title: Managing Director


                           THE NEW GERMANY FUND, INC.
          This proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors.

      The  undersigned  stockholder  of The New Germany  Fund,  Inc., a Maryland
corporation  (the  "Fund"),  hereby  appoints  John  Millette,   Patricia  Rosch
Carrington  and Elisa Metzger,  or any of them, as proxies for the  undersigned,
with full power of substitution in each of them, to attend the Annual Meeting of
the  Stockholders  of the Fund to be held at [o], New York time, on [o], 2006 at
the offices of Deutsche Bank, 345 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10154, and any
adjournment or  postponement  thereof,  to cast on behalf of the undersigned all
votes that the undersigned is entitled to cast at such meeting, and otherwise to
represent  the  undersigned  at the  meeting  with all powers  possessed  by the
undersigned  if  personally  present  at the  meeting.  The  undersigned  hereby
acknowledges  receipt of the Notice of the Annual Meeting of Stockholders and of
the accompanying Proxy Statement, the terms of each of which are incorporated by
reference  herein,  and revokes any proxy  heretofore given with respect to such

      The  votes  entitled  to be  cast  by the  undersigned  will  be  cast  as
instructed  below.  If this Proxy is executed but no instruction  is given,  the
votes  entitled  to be cast by the  undersigned  will be cast  "For" each of the
nominees for director, "For" Proposal 2 "Against" Proposal 3, "Against" Proposal
4, and "Against" Proposal 5, as described in the Proxy Statement.  Additionally,
the votes entitled to be cast by the undersigned  will be cast in the discretion
of the Proxy  holder on any other  matter  that may  properly  come  before  the
meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.

  The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote "For" the nominees below

1.    For each of the nominees     Withhold Authority    For all nominees except
      for director listed          as to all listed      as marked to the
      below. |_|                   nominees. |_|         contrary below. |_|

        (Instructions: To withhold authority for any individual nominee,
          strike a line through the nominee's name in the list below.)

                             Dr. Franz Wilhelm Hopp
                                Ernst-Ulrich Matz
                                Dr. Frank Tromel

   The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote "For" Proposal 2 below

2.    To  ratify  the  appointment  by the  Audit  Committee  and the  Board  of
      Directors of PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP, an independent public accounting
      firm,  as  independent  auditors  for the fiscal year ending  December 31,

                 For |_|           Against |_|            Abstain |_|

 The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote "Against" Proposal 3 below

3.    To   approve  a   proposal   that   shareholders   may  make   nominations
      notwithstanding the Fund's director qualification Bylaw.

                 For |_|           Against |_|            Abstain |_|

 The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote "Against" Proposal 4 below

4.    To approve a  stockholder  proposal to terminate the  investment  advisory
      agreement  between the Fund and Deutsche  Asset  Management  International

                 For |_|           Against |_|            Abstain |_|

 The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote "Against" Proposal 5 below

5.    To approve a stockholder proposal to request that stockholders of the Fund
      be afforded an  opportunity to realize net asset value for their shares as
      soon as practicable.

                 For |_|           Against |_|            Abstain |_|

6.    To vote and otherwise  represent the  undersigned on any other matter that
      may properly come before the meeting or any  adjournment  or  postponement
      thereof in the discretion of the Proxy holder.

      Please  sign here  exactly as name  appears on the records of the Fund and
date. If the shares are held jointly,  each holder should sign.  When signing as
an  attorney,   executor,   administrator,   trustee,  guardian,  officer  of  a
corporation or other entity or in another representative  capacity,  please give
the full title under signature(s).


                                                Signature, if held jointly

                                               Dated: _______________, 2006
